Odoo SaaS Kit Pro



v 15.0 Third Party 1
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies eCommerce (website_sale)
Discuss (mail)
Website (website)
Invoicing (account)
Community Apps Dependencies
Lines of code 57629
Technical Name bk_odoo_saas_kit_pro
Versions 17.0 15.0 16.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies eCommerce (website_sale)
Discuss (mail)
Website (website)
Invoicing (account)
Community Apps Dependencies
Lines of code 57629
Technical Name bk_odoo_saas_kit_pro
Versions 17.0 15.0 16.0

Odoo SaaS Kit Pro

Fast, powerful, secure, cost-optimized, simple and full of essential features.

Odoo SaaS Kit Modules

I. What is Odoo SaaS Kit and related odoo modules?

1. Odoo SaaS Kit is a odoo module that helps you deploy odoo databases (also known as odoo online, odoo instance, odoo entity) to customers quickly, and it also helps you provide online odoo services to customers with minimal costs (will be explained below). It is also a set of tools that provide full features, so you can operate Odoo SaaS independently without needing the help of IT staff. (eg customizing run configuration (odoo.config), stop, start, restart, backup management, restore database, manage and update odoo source code for odoo instances), ...
Some advanced features such as importing odoo modules, adding custom source code, web ssh, file management interface on the server are still available, but it is not available in odoo saas kit, it is additional modules for SaaS Kit and you can be purchased to integrate with our Odoo SaaS Kit. In fact, most other Odoo SaaS Kit providers also do not have this feature.

2. Odoo SaaS Kit - Subscription (For Enterprise Edition) is a module that allows you to sell odoo services (provide odoo instances to customers) in the form of Subscription. Subscription is an Odoo Enterprise application, so this module will be specific to Odoo Enterprise version. If you are not using Odoo Enterprise, we have a saas kit module for Odoo CE version, which also allows you to sell as a subscription. Details you can refer to here.
In short, it provides interoperability with Odoo SaaS Kit and Subscription application, feature details and usage will be described below. The price of the Odoo SaaS Kit - Subscription (For Enterprise Edition) includes the price of the odoo saas kit, if you do not want to sell feature and simply want to manage odoo databases, you can just choose to buy the Odoo SaaS Kit.

3. Odoo SaaS Kit Pro - Subscription & Customer Credit (For both odoo CE and odoo EE) is a module that allows you to sell odoo services (provide odoo instances to customers) as a subscription, the difference with Odoo SaaS Kit - Subscription (For Enterprise Edition) is that it has a separate Subscription system and interacts with Customer Credit. Must deposit money into wallet first to use Odoo SaaS service)

II. Who is this module for?

  • If you are providing Odoo consulting and implementation services to customers.
  • When you need to continuously create trial odoo databases for different customers.
  • You are an Odoo partner
  • You want to sell Odoo services (be it Odoo CE, Odoo EE, or your own odoo source code) as SaaS - Subscription to minimize costs for customers compared to on-premise.
  • You target individuals and local micro businesses who want to use Odoo at the most optimal price.
  • You want an odoo saas kit to integrate with your own applications
  • ...

III. Highlight feature

1. Reduce the cost of using Odoo to a minimum for customers

Why does Odoo SaaS Kit help reduce costs to a minimum? Because when customers want to use odoo, they have 2 options: Odoo SaaS (odoo-online) or Odoo on-premise. For Odoo on-premise, customers need to have their own IT department to operate. If they are individuals, they need to have knowledge of the Odoo system and server administration. This is only suitable for medium and larger businesses. For customers who are small and micro businesses and individual customers, it is not suitable.
When customers use Odoo SaaS, you will take care of the infrastructure system administration, and customers will pay periodically, which helps you have recurring revenue.
So how does Odoo SaaS Kit help you provide online Odoo services to customers at a minimal price:
  • All infrastructure management features are available in the Odoo SaaS Kit. Operational cases such as: start, stop, revoke odoo instance, edit odoo running configuration, backup and restore, update source code, add domain name, customers want to use 3rd party odoo modules (for example: Odoo App store), ... can all be done through the Odoo SaaS Kit interface. It helps you cut costs in time and manpower.
  • Shared-Host. This is also the basis for Odoo.com to launch the plan: One App Free, meaning customers can use it for free for life. Simply put, with this feature, the customer's Odoo database will share CPU and Ram on the server with other odoo databases. If the frequency of odoo database usage is low (which most small customers are), then the server will only use hard drive resources to store that database, it will not consume additional RAM and CPU time. So in theory, a server with 8GB of RAM and 4 CPUs can deploy hundreds of odoo databases, as long as the frequency of access to that odoo database is low. When the demand and frequency of database usage increases, you will move the customer's database to a new server to balance the load, and of course with the support of a subscription application, you can collect additional periodic fees from customers.

2. Fastest speed.

Odoo SaaS Kit (Bytekol) is designed to be the fastest, you can deploy an odoo database in just over 1 second! Meanwhile, other odoo saas kit systems are definitely more time-consuming. Compared to self-deployment on-premise, it will take you a few hours, even with the support of automation script!

3. High security

With SaaS systems, security is extremely important, Odoo SaaS Kit achieves high security even when there are multiple odoo databases running on the same server. Odoo SaaS Kit achieves that by thoroughly testing security cases and leveraging containerization technology (here, Docker) to ensure an independent running environment.

4. High extensibility and integration

Odoo SaaS Kit is highly extensible, allowing you to manage thousands or more of odoo databases. Because Odoo SaaS Kit allows you to manage multiple servers on the system. When the number of customers increases, you simply buy more servers to use. If you want to customize Odoo SaaS Kit to integrate systems or add new features, this is also very easy because the module allows you to expand from the code base.

5. Full management features

As mentioned above, Odoo SaaS Kit has full features to operate, most of the basic features are available in Odoo SaaS Kit and some more advanced features are separated from the module (to reduce the price of the module, you only need to buy if demand).

6. Integration with Odoo Enterprise Subscription application

Odoo SaaS Kit - Subscription (For Enterprise Edition) is an extension module for Odoo SaaS Kit, allowing you to provide Odoo services to customers in the form of subscriptions. This is a feature specific to Odoo Enterprise version. With Odoo CE version, you can refer to the Odoo SaaS Kit Pro application for sale as a Subscription. To learn more about the Subscription app, you can visit Odoo's documentation page.

7. Automation and e-commerce

Odoo SaaS Kit - Subscription (For Enterprise Edition) allows you to sell Odoo services through your website, customers can go to the website and make purchases, pay automatically, then they automatically create their own Odoo database after purchase. Odoo Saas Kit also provides several automation features such as: - automatic trial management
- automatic subscription billing and renewal (Odoo SaaS Kit Pro version)
Explore Odoo SaaS Kit
  • Instructional videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhMqQbSAP9FL5GaN50zPbnlY97BNr0HMa
  • Live demo: https://bytekol.com/demo-odoo-saas-kit-plan
  • Documentation: https://bytekol.com/documentation/odoo-saas-kit-quick-start
Odoo SaaS Kit Overview
Some Videos
  • Views
  • Supports deploying odoo with multiple odoo versions and source code
  • Multiple Domains
  • Build new Odoo Image
  • Customer view (Odoo Saas Kit Subscription - Enterprise)
  • Customer view (Odoo SaaS Kit Pro - Subscription & Customer Credit)

IV.Detail features

Infrastructure Management

  1. Manage the servers
    • Allow management of many different servers on one system
    • Manage name, operating system, status
    • Manage server information: RAM, CPU, hard drive
    • Manage datacenters
    • Manage SSH connection information: IP, ssh user, ssh password, ssh key
    • Manage cost information, suppliers, ...
    • Features on the form view:
      • Test Connection: test the connection from Odoo SaaS Kit to Server.
      • Setup Odoo Server Group: Automatically set up Odoo Server Group to deploy odoo databases
      • Open Web SSH Session: automatically connect and open the SSH interface on the Server, save the SSH history after closing. (Features of module `bk_server_webssh`)
      • File and directory management interface for servers (Features of module `bk_server_file_manager`)
  2. Manage operating system records
  3. Manage Datacenters. Datacenter allows you to choose (and the system automatically selects) the server closest to the customer to optimize connection speed.
  4. Manage SSH Keys (used for SSH connection)
  5. Manage SSL certificates (Used mainly to provide https)
  6. Manage Backup Servers (Backup Server needs large storage for storage)
  7. Manage Database Servers
    • Manage Postgresql Instance
      • Postgresql in Odoo SaaS Kit is run in a docker container. It is possible to create multiple postgresql instances on the same server (12, 14, ...) to serve different odoo versions.
      • Managing Docker information running postgresql
      • Postgres Information Management Version (12, 14, ...)
      • Status management (draft, running, stopped)
      • Manage connection information to postgresql: user, password, ip, port
      • Manage datadir path (data storage path to database)
      • Manage postgresql configuration path
      • Actions on the interface
        • Test Connection: test the connection from Odoo SaaS Kit to the database server
        • Get Server Info: See the actual status of postgresql instance
        • Set auto start/ disable auto start
        • Stop / Start / Cancel / Restart
  8. Manage Docker Hosts (Docker host is a server that has Docker installed and running)
    • Manage related docker images
    • Manage related docker containers
    • Manage related docker container files
    • Manage related server information
    Actions on the interface
    • View docker service status
    • Start, Stop, restart, disable/enable auto start, Reload
    • Clean data automatically
    • View docker data
  9. Manage Docker Images
    • Manage names, docker tags, docker host, server, docker containers
    • Actions on the interface
      • Update image (Docker pull)
      • Synchronize information from server
  10. Manage Docker Containers
    • Manage name, docker image, server, init command, container IP, status, Inspect Json, ...
    • Actions on the interface
      • Start, stop, disable/enable auto start
      • Check and update status from server
  11. Manage Dockerfiles
    • Dockerfile contains information and directives to build a new docker image
    • Manage dockerfile content
    • Manage information about server, path, ...
    • Actions on the interface
      • Allow to build a new docker image from Dockerfile
      • Allow to view docker build context information
  12. Manage Nginx Hosts & Nginx sites
    • Nginx Host is the server that installs and runs Nginx
    • Allow management of nginx configurations (main config and sub configs - nginx site)
    • Actions on the interface
      • Check Nginx status
      • Stop/start, restart, reload, disable/enable auto start
      • Synchronize nginx config
      • Synchronize sub nginx config - nginx site
    • Manage traffic information, input and output bandwidth of nginx server
    • Manage and classify incoming and outgoing bandwidth by each domain, by country, and by device (Android, IOS, Browser)
    • Manage the number of visits/requests by price, domain, device, ...
  13. Manage DNS & domain names
    • DNS Server Management
    • Actions on the interface
      • View dns server status
      • Start, stop, restart, disable, enable, reload
    • Manage saas domain names
    • Manage domain names
    • Feature to view and edit DNS records
    • Feature to automatically set up DNS server from 1 server
    • ...

Odoo SaaS Infrastructure Management

  1. Manage Odoo Images
    • Allow to build Docker Image from Dockerfile on the interface
    • Sample Dockerfile configuration, allowing to build docker images according to odoo source code, by version odoo
    • Manage related Odoo source code, related odoo containers
    • Manage some information such as size, tag, Inspect Json details
    • Some actions on the interface such as: Get source code automatically with git, update status
    • Delete Odoo Image on server
  2. Manage Odoo Servers Group (Odoo Server group contains all the necessary information to deploy odoo database quickly quickly)
    • Manage Odoo version information
    • Manage Docker Image information
    • Manage Nginx information, Database server, odoo source code
    • Datacenter management
    • Update source code on the interface using git
    • Manage related odoo databases (Odoo entities, odoo instances)
    • Automatically search and create/update odoo modules from odoo server group source code
  3. Managing Odoo Entities (odoo database or odoo instance) Odoo entity is an important record in the odoo saas kit system. Each Odoo entity represents a separate odoo database. Main information of odoo entity:
    • Access domains: For example: https://mycompany.com, https://www.mycompany.com, ...
    • Status: draft, launched, launch failed, canceled
    • odoo version information
    • odoo server group information
    • Host information: Shared or dedicated
    • odoo source code information
    • Customer information
    • Plan & subscription information
    • Manage start and end dates
    • Database information, odoo container, nginx
    • Manage resource information of odoo entity
      • Maximum size of Odoo entity (format MB, GB,...)
      • Size of Odoo entity (MB, GB)
      • Size of odoo database
      • Filestore size
      • Number of users created/Maximum number of users
      • Number of companies created/Maximum number of companies
      • Used bandwidth
      • Bandwidth used today/Maximum bandwidth
      • Traffic volume and request count
      • Information about installed odoo modules
      • Feature to automatically and manually update information about used resources
      • Main features on the interface
      • Create and deploy odoo entities with the click of a button.
      • Start, stop, restart odoo entity
      • Disable/Enable Odoo Entity. When disabled, the database will not be accessible until it is enabled again
      • Cancel odoo entity. This means permanently delete all odoo data entity (database, filestore, domain name, ...) on the server. After canceling odoo entity, it can't access (unless you have backed up)
      • Backup and manage odoo entiy backups.
      • Restore odoo entity: Restore an odoo database from a backup on the SaaS system or a uploaded backup
      • Upgrade modules from odoo saas kit
      • Update odoo source code for running odoo entity
      • Default login: automatic login to the odoo entity from the Odoo SaaS Kit system with the account default: admin/admin
      • Supper user login: automatically log in to odoo entity with the super-user account. Only admins can take action and the history will be recorded and cannot be deleted.
      • Allows adding new domains. By default, when deployed, odoo entity will have a default domain name, for example https://customer-company.yourcompany.com. This feature allows you to add new domains for customers, for example: https://customer-company.com, https://admin-customer.yourcompany.com. This feature is not available in odoo saas kit, learn more here:
      • Self-configure https when launching odoo entity.
      • Allows viewing the log file (odoo.log) of odoo entiy.
      • Record action history, helping you track tasks of the SaaS Kit system. This feature is not available in odoo saas kit, learn more here:
      • Allows you to customize odoo running configuration (odoo.conf) such as workers, limit memory, limit cpu time, ... for each odoo entity (odoo container)
      • Manage odoo database template, allowing to launch odoo entities quickly.
      • Manage resource limits (client data). For example, you limit an odoo entity to only can use one user, customers cannot create new users.
      • Manage custom odoo source code for odoo entities. By default, when launching odoo entity, it will use odoo source code on Odoo Server Group. When customers need to use custom source code, you can add a git repository so customers can use custom source code correction. This feature will also automatically install required libraries and dependencies. This feature is not available in odoo saas kit, learn more here:
      • Import odoo module Feature. When customers want to use custom odoo modules, example: a certain module on the Odoo app store, you can download and import into the odoo entity for the customer. Then, customer can install that module to use. Odoo also has import odoo module feature, but it only imports data files. This feature also automatically does the necessary work such as installing libraries, you just need to do it on the odoo interface. This feature is not available in odoo saas kit, learn more here:
      • ...
  4. Manage Odoo Container.
    Odoo Container is a Docker Container, a server-independent environment in which odoo databases run.
      • Odoo containers contain
      • odoo version information
      • odoo entity information
      • Server
      • Odoo Image
      • Config path
      • Log path
      • Datadir path
      • Odoo Server Group
      • status
      • Container IP
      • init CMD
      • CMD
      • ...
      • Action on interface:
      • Stop, start, restart, disable/enable auto start
      • view server status
      • View odoo.log
      • Clean logs
      • Update odoo.conf
      • View Docker Inspect
      • Update odoo source code
      • Add odoo source code
      • ...
  5. Manage Odoo Backups.
    • Allow backup and storage, management of odoo entity backups
    • Allow download Backup
    • Allow restore odoo entity and odoo backup
  6. Manage Odoo Versions
    • Allows you to manage multiple odoo versions, and deploy odoo database with multiple odoo different versions (eg 15, 16, 17, ...)
    • Allows setting default odoo configuration (odoo.conf)
  7. Manage odoo modules and odoo module categories. Odoo module allows recording odoo modules installed on odoo entities and allows customers to select the app on the Pricing page for information about odoo modules such as:
    • Name
    • Technical name
    • Depends
    • ...

Manage the sale of Odoo services in the form of subscription

  1. Odoo SaaS Plans
    • Allow you to set up plans for you to sell at different prices and resources
    • Set up a trial plan, allowing you to offer a free trial to customers. Trials are managed automatically. Learn more at our youtube channel.
    • Allows selling according to user-based pricing. That means subscription will be charged based on the number of users. You can configure it to turn on or off according to each plan.
    • Set resource limits for the plan:
      • + Allow multi-company?.
      • + Allows the use of custom source code?
      • + Max odoo entity size. (when the limit is reached, customers need to buy more)
      • + Applications that customers are not allowed to install.
      • + Allow customers to download backup?
      • + ...
  2. Integrate subscription sales
    • Manage the maximum number of users based on subscription
    • Change plans for customers when needed.
    • Manage odoo entity retirement date based on subscription
    • Allow publishing sales cycles (1 month, 1 year...) to the website
  3. E-commerce integration.
    • Customers can go to the website, choose a plan, buy a subscription and create an odoo entity
    • Customers have their own odoo entity management interface, allowing customers to monitor and execute perform some actions such as disable, enable, cancel, ...
server Server Management
The module allows you to manage servers, data centers, ssh connection information, operating systems, costs, suppliers...
Client Management Odoo Client Management
Odoo Client is also known as Odoo Database, Odoo Instance. The module allows you to have full Odoo Client administration rights such as stop, start, restart, disable, cancel, launch, edit odoo config, view odoo.log on different odoo clients.
Version Support multiple Odoo versions for Odoo clients.
With Odoo SaaS Kit Pro you can provide odoo databases with different odoo versions (15.0, 16.0, 17.0, ...) to your customers.
Backup Odoo Client Manage backups and restore when needed
Administrators can backup for storage, download backups, and restore an odoo client with those backups.
Multi-domain support Multi-domain support
You can add multiple domains to an odoo client, for example:
right on the odoo without needing much technical knowledge.
Multi-domain support Supports multiple servers, multiple datacenters.
This helps you provide odoo cloud services to many customers in different countries. You don't need to worry about expansion or data transfer speed.
Subscription Manage subscriptions
Odoo SaaS Kit allows you to provide odoo client services to customers in the form of a subscription.
Features include renewal, auto-renewal, plan switching, purchasing additional resources, automatic money calculation, automatic invoices,...

This helps you have recurring revenue and optimize management time and costs.
Free Trial Manage trials
You can offer standalone odoo client trials to customers, and can then convert that trial to a paid version when needed. When the trial expires, odoo saas kit will automatically disable it, you can continue to extend the trial date or delete it.
Odoo SaaS Plans Manage Odoo SaaS Plans.
You can define plans to sell to customers, for example:
  • plan A
  • plan B
  • trial plan.
with different prices and different resources used (odoo users, server resources,...).
Simple Payment Simple payment system
Customers will deposit money into their account (Customer credit), odoo saas kit will use the money in the "Customer Credit" record to pay for odoo saas services.
User based pricing Enable User Based Pricing
Admin can charge the clients on the basis of users he/she has created in his/her SaaS instance. Of course this option can also be enabled or disabled in the plan configuration
Custom source code Custom Odoo source code.
This feature allows you to provide odoo cloud services to customers with different source code. For example, you set up 2 servers with source code such as:
Server A: Odoo CE, OCA modules
Server B: Odoo CE, Your custom modules, OCA modules
Thus, odoo clients deployed from server A will be run with Odoo CE source code and OCA modules. Odoo Client deployed from server B will be run with Odoo CE source code, Your custom modules, OCA modules.
Additional source code Additional source code
In addition to the default odoo source code you have defined on the server, you can add custom source code for Odoo Clients.
For example:
Server A: Odoo CE source code, OCA source
When creating odoo client from server A, you can add/remove other sources for it, for example some odoo modules from odoo app store. This is done on the odoo saas kit, and you don't need much technical knowledge.
The feature has been separated from Odoo SaaS Kit, learn more at: Odoo Entity - Git Custom Source Code
Import odoo module for odoo entities
This feature allows you to use the ssh interface right on the odoo saas kit, allowing you to manage access to the server in a multi-user system. At the same time, this feature allows you to record a schedule of commands typed on the terminal, and can also manage who opens the ssh session, open time, and close time.
The feature has been separated from Odoo SaaS Kit, learn more at: Server Web SSH
File manager File and folder management interface
This feature is similar to the file manager application, allowing you to manage files and folders on odoo saas kit. It includes features to read files, edit, create, delete, upload, copy and move files on different servers,...
The feature has been separated from Odoo SaaS Kit, learn more at: Server File Manager
Docker containerization technology Docker containerization technology
Odoo SaaS Kit pro helps you deploy multiple odoo clients running on docker containers. This ensures the independence of the running environment and high security.
Advanced features with nginx Advanced features with nginx
Odoo SaaS Kit allows you to monitor traffic, input and output bandwidth of odoo clients, and also helps you edit nginx configuration.
Automation Automation
Many things can be automated in Odoo SaaS, like automatic invoicing, automatic subscription renewal, automatic odoo client expiration date management.
V. Setup and Documentation
Due to the complexity of setup, we will provide you with free support and consultation when you purchase the module. It includes the Odoo SaaS Kit system architecture, cost optimization tips, how to manage and operate servers, detailed features, security, access right & rules.
Below are some general documents you can refer to.
  • 1. Is this addon compatible with Odoo Enterprise?
    - Yes, the addon is completely compatible with Odoo Community and Enterprise edition.
    You also can use Odoo SaaS Kit to provide Odoo services to customers with any Odoo source code (Odoo CE, OCA, Odoo Enterprise, ...). But note that you need to make sure you have a license to use the source code and take full responsibility for using the Odoo source code when providing Odoo online services to customers.
  • 2. What if I need any additional customization this addon?
    - Please contact us.
  • 3. What Kind of support will you get after addon purchase?
    - Free support and consultation when you purchase the module. It includes the Odoo SaaS Kit system architecture, cost optimization tips, how to manage and operate servers, detailed features, security, access right & rules, ..
  • 4. Where the odoo entity will be hosted?
    - Data is stored on the servers they belong to, admins have full rights to backup, disable, restore, or delete them, ...
  • 5. Is addition of custom domain and subdomain possible for Odoo client instance?
    - Yes, but maybe that feature will be separated from odoo saas kit to reduce module price, please contact us for more information.
  • 6. With this addon can a saas admin provide Odoo instances in different language?
    - Yes, this module is designed to bring all management features to the interface and you can operate it without much IT knowledge.
  • 7. Does every client will have a separate database for their Odoo?
    - Yes.
  • 8. How many odoo entities (odoo databases) can be created with Odoo SaaS Kit?
    - You can create an unlimited number of odoo entities, however server resources are limited so you can limit the number of odoo entities on servers depending on their resources, and create a new odoo server group to can run more odoo entities.
  • 9. Does this work with odoo.sh hosting?
    - It is possible, but note that we have not tested with odoo.sh, so please consider, deploying Odoo SaaS Kit on your server (on-premise) is still recommended.
  • 10. I encountered an error during operation and testing.
    - Please contact us, we will assist you as quickly as possible!
  • 11. Which Odoo versions does Odoo SaaS Kit support?
    - The Odoo SaaS Kit module is supported from Odoo version 15.0 and above. As for the customer's Odoo Entity version, you can freely choose the odoo version. However, some advanced feature are only supported from odoo 15.0 and above. If you need to use an older version, please contact us.
  • 12. What's different from other Odoo SaaS Kit modules on the Odoo Appstore?
    - It's difficult to compare details as we don't have their source code. But you can our core features to compare:
    • Odoo SaaS Kit is designed with the fastest speed, security, and high scalability. Theoretically it can serve and manage more than 10,000 databases.
    • Full of necessary management features, plug and play. (some more advanced features are separated from odoo saas kit)
    • Currently the module price is too cheap compared to the features and module development costs.
    • More features than other providers. Some other providers may lack necessary features, leading to some operations that require you to perform on the server and require IT knowledge, but it is not managed on odoo, leading to inconsistent data. Odoo SaaS Kit - Bytekol and its additional modules provide most of the necessary features, helps you save time and costs.
    • Odoo SaaS Kit has greatly optimized infrastructure costs, helping you provide odoo online to customers at extremely cheap prices.
Odoo Proprietary License v1.0

This software and associated files (the "Software") may only be used (executed,
modified, executed after modifications) if you have purchased a valid license
from the authors, typically via Odoo Apps, or if you have received a written
agreement from the authors of the Software (see the COPYRIGHT file).

You may develop Odoo modules that use the Software as a library (typically
by depending on it, importing it and using its resources), but without copying
any source code or material from the Software. You may distribute those
modules under the license of your choice, provided that this license is
compatible with the terms of the Odoo Proprietary License (For example:
LGPL, MIT, or proprietary licenses similar to this one).

It is forbidden to publish, distribute, sublicense, or sell copies of the Software
or modified copies of the Software.

The above copyright notice and this permission notice must be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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  • The author can leave a single reply to each comment.
  • This section is meant to ask simple questions or leave a rating. Every report of a problem experienced while using the module should be addressed to the author directly (refer to the following point).
  • If you want to start a discussion with the author or have a question related to your purchase, please use the support page.