
v 15.0 Third Party 4
Live Preview
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Inventory (stock)
Purchase (purchase)
Discuss (mail)
Invoicing (account)
Expenses (hr_expense)
Sales (sale_management)
Employee Contracts (hr_contract)
Employees (hr)
Lines of code 291
Technical Name cost_centers
Versions 13.0 11.0 12.0 10.0 15.0 17.0 16.0 14.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Inventory (stock)
Purchase (purchase)
Discuss (mail)
Invoicing (account)
Expenses (hr_expense)
Sales (sale_management)
Employee Contracts (hr_contract)
Employees (hr)
Lines of code 291
Technical Name cost_centers
Versions 13.0 11.0 12.0 10.0 15.0 17.0 16.0 14.0

With the help of this application you can manage different types of costs for Sales, Purchases, Account and Employee Expenses.

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How It Works

You have to set Analytic Accounting Group access right for visiblity of cost center menu..

Cost centers can be added from following accounting configuration menu (Invoicing >> Configuration >> Cost center)..

To manage cost of your business for different branches here you can create no. of cost centers..

For sale orders here you can select a cost center for particular sale order and that cost center will auto populate in sale order lines,
could be change from saleorder lines manually, but if user changes cost center again in main order view it will reset to all lines.

For purchase orders here you can select a cost center for particular sale order and that cost center will auto populate in purchase order lines,
could be change from purchase lines manually, but if user changes cost center again in main order view it will reset to all lines.

For Invoice here you can select a cost center for particular invoice and that cost center will auto populate in invoice lines,
could be change from invoice lines manually, but if user changes cost center again in main order view it will reset to all lines.

Cost centers can be assign for each employee to measure their expense done for their cost center.

Cost center will be auto populated from employee if configured otherwise user can select cost center manually.

Expense cost center is also fetched inside expense report too.


Is This app compatible with odoo enterprise or community?
yes, This app is tested with community & Enterprise.

Need some customization in this app, whom to contact?
Please drop email at hello@harhu.com

Do you provide any free support?
Yes, we do provide free support for 1 day.


  • Do you need support on module?

    We offer free support of 1 hour if you are facing any issue with installation or setup. We make assure you are settting up with correct envirnment that our application support. We always welcome new changes/request be launch on the next revision of the applicaiton.

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demo not works
juan manuel de castro
on 9/7/22, 3:33 PM

hello, have you a demo?