OpenCart Marketplace Connector
by Terrabit , Dorin Hongu$ 997.73
Availability |
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies |
Inventory (stock)
• Invoicing (account) • Discuss (mail) • Sales (sale_management) • eCommerce (website_sale) • Website (website) |
Community Apps Dependencies |
Marketplace Base Connector
• Marketplace Brand addon • Marketplace Delivery addon • Marketplace Payment Acquirer addon • Marketplace Sales Order Stage addon • Marketplace Sales Order addon • Marketplace website addon • Job Queue • Deltatech Delivery Base • Deltatech Delivery Status • Deltatech Sale Order Stage • eCommerce Sale Short Description |
Lines of code | 12034 |
Technical Name |
deltatech_marketplace_opencart |
License | OPL-1 |
Website | |
Versions | 15.0 16.0 |
Availability |
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies |
Inventory (stock)
• Invoicing (account) • Discuss (mail) • Sales (sale_management) • eCommerce (website_sale) • Website (website) |
Community Apps Dependencies |
Marketplace Base Connector
• Marketplace Brand addon • Marketplace Delivery addon • Marketplace Payment Acquirer addon • Marketplace Sales Order Stage addon • Marketplace Sales Order addon • Marketplace website addon • Job Queue • Deltatech Delivery Base • Deltatech Delivery Status • Deltatech Sale Order Stage • eCommerce Sale Short Description |
Lines of code | 12034 |
Technical Name |
deltatech_marketplace_opencart |
License | OPL-1 |
Website | |
Versions | 15.0 16.0 |
OpenCart Marketplace Connector
- Features :
- import product template with variants
- export products
- import attribute with values
- import sale order
- import order lines
- import customers for sale order
- import delivery cost
- import delivery method
- import public category
- mapping payment acquirer
- Modulul se bazeaza pe:
Features connector Opencart-Odoo
Information that is taken from Odoo from Opencart
take customers from Opencart in Odoo:
- fields taken: name and surname concatenated in the name field in Odoo, locality, postal code, phone, street
take categories from Opencart in ecommerce categories in Odoo
take payment method from Opencart and manually map with payment method from Odoo
take delivery method from Opencart
take options and option values from Opencart in Odoo in Attributes and attribute values
take products from Opencart in Product templates from Odoo and create variants for options from Opencart
- the following information will be taken: name, sku, model, weight, list price, meta title, meta description, meta keywords, website description, publication status, main image, additional images, barcode, options (attributes), product id from Opencart for mapping
- automatic mapping will be done based on SKU.
- variants will be generated in Odoo for options from Opencart
take orders from Opencart for which the following information will be taken in Odoo
- customer identified by id or occasional customer for which a customer will be created in Odoo with: name, email and phone
- delivery address with the following information: name, locality, postal code, street, county, phone, email.
- billing address with the following information: name, locality, postal code, street, county, phone, email.
- if the delivery and billing address coincide, a single contact will be created in Odoo
- the status of the order will be taken in the order stage field
- list of products: product, product variant determined from the options from Opencart, quantity, price, product line name from Opencart or from the product name.
- delivery method
- payment method
Information that is transmitted from Odoo to Opencart
product stock for product and for each option from Opencart:
new products, product update:
- name, sku, model, weight, list price, meta title, meta description, meta keywords, website description, publication status, main image, additional images, barcode, options (attributes)
- the product_seo_url field will be completed with the website_url field from Odoo only for new products
- the attributes and attribute values that are applied to a product will be automatically created in Opencart if these attributes do not already exist in Opencart
Information that is taken from Opencart from Odoo
no have been identified
Information that is transmitted from Opencart to Odoo
no have been identified
- Taking orders from Opencart in Odoo will be done with a periodicity of 2 hours.
- Transmitting stock from Odoo to Opencart will be done after modifying the stock in Odoo.
- Updating a product in Odoo that is already mapped with a product from Opencart will automatically update the corresponding product from Opencart.
- Adding a new product in Odoo will not automatically lead to adding a product in Opencart, but the user will need to manually trigger the action of transmitting the product in Opencart.
Funcționalități Conector Opencart-Odoo
Informații care sunt preluate de Odoo din Opencart
preluare clienți din Opencart in Odoo:
- câmpuri preluate: nume și prenume concatenata in câmpul de nume din Odoo, localitate, cod postal, telefon, strada
preluare categorii din Opencart in categoriile de ecommerce in Odoo
preluare metoda de plata din Opencart si mapare manual cu metoda de plata din Odoo
preluare metoda de livrare din Opencart
preluare opțiuni și valori de opțiuni din Opencart in Odoo in Atribute și valori de atribute
preluare produse din Opencart in Produse șablon din Odoo și creare de variante pentru opțiunile din Opencart
- se vor prelua următoarele informații: nume, sku, model, masa, preț de lista, meta titlu, meta descriere, meta keywords, descriere website, stare publicare, imagina principala, imagini suplimentare, cod de bare, opțiuni (atribute), id produs din Opencart pentru mapare
- se va face maparea automata in funcție de SKU.
- se generează in Odoo variante pentru opțiunile din Opencart
preluare comenzi din Opencart pentru care se vor prelua in Odoo următoarele informații
- client identificat după id sau client ocazional pentru care se va crea in Odoo un client cu : nume, email si telefon
- adresa de livrare cu următoarele informații: nume, localitate, cod postal, strada, județ, telefon, email.
- adresa de facturare cu următoarele informații: nume, localitate, cod postal, strada, județ, telefon, email.
- dacă adresa de livrare și de facturare coincid se va crea in Odoo un singur contact
- statutul comenzii se va prelua in câmpul de etapa comanda
- lista cu produse: produs, varianta de produs determinata din opțiunile din Opencart, cantitate, preț, nume linie din Opencart sau din numele de produs.
- metoda de livrare
- metoda de plata
Informații care sunt transmise de Odoo in Opencart
stoc de produse pentru produs și pentru fiecare opțiune din Opencart:
produse noi, actualizare produse:
- nume, sku, model, masa, preț de lista, meta titlu, meta descriere, meta keywords, descriere website, stare publicare, imagina principala, imagini suplimentare, cod de bare, opțiuni (atribute)
- campul product_seo_url se va completa cu câmpul website_url din Odoo doar pentru produsele noi
- atributele si valorile de atribute care sunt alocate unui produs se vor crea automat si in Opencart daca aceste atribute (optiuni) nu exista in Opencart
Informații care sunt preluare de Opencart din Odoo
nu au fost identificate
Informații care sunt transmise de Opencart in Odoo
nu au fost identificate
- Preluare de comenzi din Opencart in Odoo se va face cu o periodicitate de 2 ore.
- Transmiterea stocului din Odoo in Opencart se va face după modificare stocului in Odoo.
- Actualizarea unui produs in Odoo care este deja mapat cu un produs din Opencart va duce la actualizarea automata a produsului corespondent din Opencart.
- Adăugarea unui produs nou in Odoo nu va duce in mod automat la adăugarea unui produs in Opencart ci va trebuie ca utilizatorul sa declanșeze manual acțiunea de transmitere produs in Opencart.
Table of contents
Bug Tracker
Bugs are tracked on Terrabit Issues. In case of trouble, please check there if your issue has already been reported.
Do not contact contributors directly about support or help with technical issues.
- Terrabit
- Dorin Hongu
Current maintainer:
This module is part of the terrabit-ro/bitshop project on GitHub.
You are welcome to contribute.
Odoo Proprietary License v1.0 This software and associated files (the "Software") may only be used (executed, modified, executed after modifications) if you have purchased a valid license from the authors, typically via Odoo Apps, or if you have received a written agreement from the authors of the Software (see the COPYRIGHT file). You may develop Odoo modules that use the Software as a library (typically by depending on it, importing it and using its resources), but without copying any source code or material from the Software. You may distribute those modules under the license of your choice, provided that this license is compatible with the terms of the Odoo Proprietary License (For example: LGPL, MIT, or proprietary licenses similar to this one). It is forbidden to publish, distribute, sublicense, or sell copies of the Software or modified copies of the Software. The above copyright notice and this permission notice must be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
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I am interested in implementing this for my clients
Hello! May I ask if the connector works on OpenCart version 4?
Re: I am interested in implementing this for my clients
only module for Odoo v.16 works with version 4 of OC. until the end of this month I am convident we will release OC4 compatibility also vor Odoo v.15
Please notice the module needs from OpenCart side to work properly.