Pos Advance Extra Information



v 15.0 Third Party 1
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Point of Sale (point_of_sale)
Discuss (mail)
Inventory (stock)
Invoicing (account)
Lines of code 296
Technical Name em_pos_extra_info
Versions 16.0 17.0 14.0 15.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Point of Sale (point_of_sale)
Discuss (mail)
Inventory (stock)
Invoicing (account)
Lines of code 296
Technical Name em_pos_extra_info
Versions 16.0 17.0 14.0 15.0

Pos Advance Extra Information

Allows you to create custom field and save extra info in POS Order

  • We can easily create custom fields in POS and store extra information.
  • We can create selection,text,number,radio,checkbox type field in POS.
Pos Configuration.
List of custom fields.
Create custom field.
Selected fields in Pos interface.
Extra information in pos order.

If You Need Any Help Please Contact

Email Id: erpmstra@gmail.com

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Hello ... Can you please guide me
on 6/20/23, 7:07 AM

i Just need to Ask before buying 

We are working in restaurant 
what we need is, most of time customer are asking for extra topping or other materials on the product, so we need to have some additional ready internal notes which can be added to the items directly instead of writing it and with cost of each item, like 

Beef Burger 15 SAR

Internal  note :
1. Extra onion FREE
2. Extra Mayounais 3 SAR
3. Extra Spicy FREE

Total Item 18 SAR

the internal note should be printed in the Kitchen for preparation accordingly,

is this module is what i am looking for or near to that? 


on 6/19/23, 3:59 PM

i Just need to Ask before buying 

We are working in restaurant 
what we need is, most of time customer are asking for extra topping or other materials on the product, so we need to have some additional ready internal notes which can be added to the items directly instead of writing it and with cost of each item, like 

Beef Burger 15 SAR

Internal  note :
1. Extra onion FREE
2. Extra Mayounais 3 SAR
3. Extra Spicy FREE

Total Item 18 SAR

the internal note should be printed in the Kitchen for preparation accordingly,

is this module is what i am looking for or near to that? 
