Many2One Tooltip Widget

v 15.0 Third Party 1 89
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Lines of code 154
Technical Name many2one_tooltip
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Lines of code 154
Technical Name many2one_tooltip

Many2One Tooltip Widget

The Many2One Tooltip Widget enhances the user experience by displaying related field information in a tooltip when hovering over a Many2One field in Odoo. This module is compatible with Odoo 15.

Key Features:

  • Display related field information in a tooltip
  • Easy to configure and customize
  • Improve user experience and productivity


  1. Download the module and place it in your Odoo addons directory.
  2. Update the module list in your Odoo instance and install the Many2One Tooltip Widget module.


To use the Many2One Tooltip Widget, simply add the widget="many2one_tooltip" attribute to the Many2One field in your view XML file, and specify the fields you want to display in the tooltip using the options attribute:

<field name="partner_id" widget="many2one_tooltip" options="{'fields_to_show': ['name', 'phone', 'email']}" />

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