v 15.0 Third Party 37
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Point of Sale (point_of_sale)
Discuss (mail)
Inventory (stock)
Invoicing (account)
Lines of code 80
Technical Name pos_refund_validation
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Point of Sale (point_of_sale)
Discuss (mail)
Inventory (stock)
Invoicing (account)
Lines of code 80
Technical Name pos_refund_validation

POS Refund Payment Validation

This module validates refunding POS order whenever the selected payment method/s for refund is same as the payment method/s of the original sale order

1. Create an ordinary POS order
2. Select the payment method which you want to pay in

Note: Here, I will pay part of the amount in "cash", and the other part in "Bank"

3. Create a refund order
4. Select the order which you want to refund
5. Select the payment method which you want to refund with

Note: Here, I have selected "Customer Account" method!, and the original sale order was paid in "Cash and Bank"

So, I have got this Popup warning message!

6. Select the payment method which mentioned in the preceding Popup message

Note: Here, I have selected "Cash" and "Bank" method!, and the original sale order was paid in "Cash and Bank"

So, it skipped the validation warning

Congrats, your refund transaction has been validated :)



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great module
on 12/22/23, 7:49 AM

Ahmed Samy Alnahal
on 7/24/23, 5:13 PM Author

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