Restrict to Create, Edit, Delete, Duplicate for specific users



v 15.0 Third Party 3
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Lines of code 274
Technical Name pw_security_restriction
Versions 13.0 15.0 17.0 12.0 16.0 14.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Lines of code 274
Technical Name pw_security_restriction
Versions 13.0 15.0 17.0 12.0 16.0 14.0

Odoo Security Restriction

This app helps you to restrict to create, edit, delete and duplicate rights for the users

App Features
  • Restrict to create, edit, delete and duplicate rights to the users
  • Model based dynamic restrictions
  • Restrict to everyware in odoo
  • Also compatible with community and enterprise version
Odoo Security Restriction

You can see the tab Odoo Security and there are four different type of fields for restrict to create, edit, delete and duplicate on user profile

On any odoo record normal user can see create, edit, delete and duplicate buttons.

Now you can restrict the specific model with different rights for the specific user profile

Now you can see the create, edit, delete and duplicate buttons are invisible for the user on form view

Also create, delete and duplicate buttons invisible on list view and everyware

You can add restictions on any model for ex. product

We have restricted create, delete and duplicate for the user

Now you can see user can only edit the record and create, delete and duplocate buttons are invisible, only edit allowed

User cannot create, edit, delete and duplicate those records in odoo that you have restricted

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