Location Coordinates Map Widget



v 15.0 Third Party 9
Odoo Online
On Premise
Lines of code 12308
Technical Name sol_map_coordinates_widget
Versions 15.0 16.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Lines of code 12308
Technical Name sol_map_coordinates_widget
Versions 15.0 16.0

Map Coordinates Widget

Mark And Display Your Locations On The Map


It is a widget to display your locations on a map with the ability to mark new locations.

Get map coordinates for a specific location, store it, and then re-display that location.

Get the current location of your device.


To use the map inside your model you just need to:

Define a field to apply the widget on
map_form = fields.Char("Map Form")
Define fields to hold the latitude and longitude values for the location
location_latitude = fields.Float("Latitude")
location_longitude = fields.Float("Longitude")
Add "MapCoordinatesWidget" widget to the field inside the view
<field name="map_form" nolabel="0" widget="MapCoordinatesWidget" options="{'longitude': 'location_longitude', 'latitude': 'location_latitude', 'show_address_info' : '1', 'default_longitude': '2.294694', 'default_latitude': '48.858093',}"/>
Widget options:
Longitude: The name of the field in which the longitude of the location will be stored.
Latitude: The name of the field in which the latitude of the location will be stored.
Show_address_info: The details of the selected location will be displayed when set to "1".
Default_longitude: The default value for the location's longitude if the longitude field's value is empty.
Default_latitude: The default value for the location's latitude if the latitude field's value is empty.

You have to put this module in the dependencies of your module.

Latitude and longitude fields should be Float and you can use "digits=(8, 6)" to show coordinates clarity.

e.g. longitude = fields.Float(digits=(8, 6))

Latitude and longitude fields can't be read-only.

For the best map display, set a label for the map field.


Ali Badran

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