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Send Whatsapp Message Sales, CRM, Inventory, Invoices, Purchase



v 15.0 Third Party 2
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies CRM (crm)
Contacts (contacts)
Inventory (stock)
Project (project)
Purchase (purchase)
Sales (sale_management)
Calendar (calendar)
Discuss (mail)
Invoicing (account)
Lines of code 544
Technical Name whatsapp_odoo_integration_aagam
Versions 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies CRM (crm)
Contacts (contacts)
Inventory (stock)
Project (project)
Purchase (purchase)
Sales (sale_management)
Calendar (calendar)
Discuss (mail)
Invoicing (account)
Lines of code 544
Technical Name whatsapp_odoo_integration_aagam
Versions 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0

aagaminfotech all odoo apps
Support : Community Enterprise

Send Whatsapp Message from CRM, Sales, Orders, Purchase, Invoices, Inventory for Interact with Customers

Send Whatsapp Messages from Odoo

Sending Custom Messages to customer/vendor for updating their Lead status, Order status, Purchase Status, Invoice Status.

For sending message you can create custom message, Template for Whatsapp message.

Whatsapp Message module includes :

Sales Commission Based On Sale Order

Generate Lead in CRM

Generate confirm Lead using Whatsapp messages to customer in CRM .

Sales Commission Based On Invoice

Order Status

Provide confirmation for customer order in whatsapp message.

Sales Commission Based On Payment

Quotations Confirmation

Get Confirmation for Quotations using whatsapp message.

Calculate Commission Based on Products

Purchase Status

Provide Purchase order status to vendor using whatsapp message.

Calculate Commission Based on Product Category

Invoice Status

Send Invoice status from Invoices Whatsapp messages.

Calculate Commission Based on Product Margin

Inventory Transfer status

Provide Inventory Transfer status using whatsapp message.

Odoo Whatsapp message module - Send mail to get DEMO -

Whatsapp message sent from Odoo CRM

Whatsapp message sent from Odoo CRM module download

Whatsapp message sent from Odoo CRM Details

Sales commission Configuration odoo apps download

Whatsapp message sent from Odoo Orders

Whatsapp message sent from Odoo Order apps download

Whatsapp message sent from Odoo Order Details

Whatsapp message sent from Odoo Order Details odoo apps download

Whatsapp message sent from Sales Quotations

Whatsapp message sent from Sales Quotations odoo apps

Whatsapp message sent from Invoice

Whatsapp message sent from Invoice Whatsapp message sent from Invoice odoo app

Whatsapp message sent from Purchase Quotations Confirmation

Whatsapp message sent from Purchase apps download Whatsapp message sent from Purchase odoo apps download

Whatsapp message sent from Purchase Quotations

Whatsapp message sent from Quotations apps download Whatsapp message sent from Quotations odoo apps download

Whatsapp message sent from Inventory

Whatsapp message sent from Inventory Whatsapp message sent from Inventory

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