All in One Inventory Report Management



v 16.0 Third Party 6
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Odoo Apps Dependencies Inventory (stock)
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Lines of code 7907
Technical Name bi_all_inventory_analysis_reports
Versions 16.0 17.0 14.0 15.0
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Odoo Apps Dependencies Inventory (stock)
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Invoicing (account)
Lines of code 7907
Technical Name bi_all_inventory_analysis_reports
Versions 16.0 17.0 14.0 15.0

All in One Inventory Report Odoo Apps

Inventory Valuation Report Odoo Apps

Advanced Inventory Analysis Report Odoo Apps

Inventory Out of Stock Analysis Report Odoo Appss

Real-time Inventory Reports Odoo app is a complete solution to simplify stock management by offering a range of essential reports. Users can generate real-time documents, including the Inventory Valuation Report, Stock Expiry Report, Warehouse Out of Stock Analysis Report, Inventory Coverage Report, Warehouse Turnover Analysis Report, Stock Age Breakdown XLS Report, Stock Age Analysis Report, Warehouse Overstock Analysis Report, FSN XYZ Analysis Report, ABC Analysis Report, and Warehouse Stock Rotation Analysis Excel Report within the Odoo Warehouse ERP. This Odoo app provides a consolidated view of crucial stock information, enabling businesses to optimize their inventory management processes. Additionally, the app allows users to export stock data into Excel reports, ensuring accessibility and ease of analysis.


Inventory Valuation Report

Users are allowed to generate inventory valuation report based on selected warehouse.

Stock Expiry Report

Report for expired stock information filter by warehouse and locations according specific given days.

Warehouse Out of Stock Analysis Report

User can check out of stock qty, out of stock days, current stock, with FSN classification for stock.

Inventory Coverage Report

Generate inventory coverage report according given period.

Warehouse Turnover Analysis Report

User can generate warehouse turnover analysis report.

Stock Age Breakdown XLS Report

User find age breakdown for stock quantity and stock value.

Stock Age Analysis Report

User can see age analysis report and find older products for stock.

Warehouse Overstock Analysis Report

User can check turnover ration, current, incoming and outgoing stock, with FSN classification for warehouse.

FSN XYZ Analysis Report

User can check fast moving, slow moving and non moving product with X, Y and Z category for stock.

ABC Analysis Report

User can identify product stock in three class A, B and C based on analysis report.

Warehouse Stock Rotation Analysis Excel Report

User can generate warehouse stock rotation excel report.

Export Stock In Excel Report

Export current stock information for all products in several warehouses.

Inventory Reports Menu

Inventory Valuation Report

Inventory Valuation Report Menu

Under Inventory > Reporting > Inventory Valuation Report menu user can print inventory valuation report in pdf and xls format.

Inventory Valuation Report Wizard with Location and Category Filter

After click on "Inventory Valuation Report" menu new wizard will open, user can select company, location, filter by category and print valuation report based on particular duration.

Inventory Valuation PDF Report

User can see printed inventory valuation report in pdf format.

Inventory Valuation XLS Report

User can see inventory valuation report in xls format.

Inventory Valuation Report Wizard with Warehouse and Product Filter

After click on "Inventory Valuation Report" menu new wizard will open, user can select multiple warehouse, company, filter by product and print valuation report based on particular duration.

Inventory Valuation PDF Report

User can see printed inventory valuation report in pdf format.

Inventory Valuation XLS Report

User can see inventory valuation report in xls format.

Inventory Valuation Summary Report with Standard Price Products

Inventory Valuation Summary Report Wizard

For inventory valuation summary report user have to enable "summary" under valuation.

Inventory Valuation Summary PDF Report

User can see printed inventory valuation summary report with standard price in pdf format.

Inventory Valuation Summary XLS Report

User can see inventory valuation report with standard price in xls format.

Inventory Valuation with Average Costing Products

When generating inventory valuation report for the products whose valuation method is average costing, the stock valuation and stock quantity will be displayed properly in report according to given date range. If you are generating report for backdate, then also the proper valuation and quantity of the products will displayed in report.

For inventory valuation with average costing product user have to select "Average Cost (AVCO)" as costing method on product category.

Inventory Valuation with Average Costing Products Wizard with Location and Category Filter

On inventory valuation report wizard user can select company, location, filter by category and print valuation report based on particular duration.

Inventory Valuation PDF Report

User can see printed inventory valuation report with average costing product in pdf format.

Inventory Valuation XLS Report

User can see inventory valuation report with average costing products in xls format.

Inventory Valuation with Average Costing Wizard with Warehouse and Product Filter

On inventory valuation report wizard user can select multiple warehouse company, filter by product and print valuation report based on particular duration.

Inventory Valuation PDF Report

User can see printed inventory valuation report with average costing product in pdf format.

Inventory Valuation XLS Report

User can see inventory valuation report with average costing products in xls format.

Inventory Valuation with Average Costing Wizard with Backdate, Warehouse and Category Filter

On inventory valuation report wizard user can select company, location, filter by category and print valuation report based on backdate.

Inventory Valuation PDF Report with Backdate

User can see printed average cost price for valuation is based on backdate not taken latest average cost price from the product.

Inventory Valuation XLS Report with Backdate

User can see inventory valuation report with average costing products in xls format.

Inventory Valuation Summary Report with Average Costing Products

Inventory Valuation Summary Report Wizard

For inventory valuation with standard price product user have to select "Standard Price" as costing method on product category.

Inventory Valuation Summary PDF Report

User can see printed inventory valuation report in pdf format.

Inventory Valuation Summary XLS Report

User can see inventory valuation report in xls format.

Warehouse Out of Stock Analysis Report

Warehouse Out of Stock Analysis Report Menu

Under Inventory > Reporting menu user can see "Warehouse Out of Stock Analysis Report" menu.

On clicking menu new wizard will open user can apply different filters like start date, end date, product categories and products and company and warehouse.

Warehouse Out of Stock Analysis Excel Report

On clicking the "EXCEL REPORT" button user can see generated out of stock excel report as below image.

Warehouse Out of Stock Analysis Report

On clicking "VIEW DATA" button user can see out of stock analysis report.

Warehouse Out of Stock Analysis Graph Report

On clicking "VIEW GRAPH" button user can see graph view for out of stock analysis.

Inventory Coverage Report

Inventory Coverage Menu

User can open form for inventory coverage report.

Filter By Warehouses & Products

User can filter by warehouses and products and decide start date and end date.

Report Excel File

User can download excel report file.

Inventory Coverage Excel Report

User can see detail of Inventory coverage report according given period.

Inventory Coverage PDF Report

User can see detail of Inventory coverage report according given period.

Product Recommendation Menu

User can open form for product recommendation.

Filter By Warehouses & Vendor

User can filter warehouses and vendor and decide generate report of how many past days.

Report Excel File

User can download excel report file.

Product Recommendation Report

User can see detail of product recommendation report depending on vendor and warehouses according given period.

Product Recommendation Detail

User can see detail of product recommendation depending on vendor and warehouses according given period.

Warehouse Turnover Analysis Report

Warehouse Turnover Analysis Report Menu

Under Inventory > Reporting menu user can see "Warehouse Turnover Analysis Report" menu.

On clicking menu new wizard will open user can apply different filters like start date, end date, product categories and products and company and warehouse.

Warehouse Turnover Analysis Excel Report

On clicking the "EXCEL" button user can see generated warehouse turnover analysis excel report as below image.

Warehouse Turnover Analysis Report

On clicking "DATA" button user can see warehouse turnover analysis report.

Warehouse Turnover Analysis Graph Report

On clicking "GRAPH" button user can see graph view for warehouse turnover analysis report.

Stock Age Breakdown Report

Stock Age Breakdown Report Menu

Under Inventory > Reporting menu user can see "Stock Age Breakdown Report" menu.

On clicking menu new wizard will open User can apply different filters like product categories and products and company and warehouse.

Stock Age Breakdown Excel Report

On clicking "EXCEL REPORT" button user can see generated age breakdown excel report as bellow image.

Stock Age Report

Stock Age Report Menu

Under Inventory > Reporting menu user can see "Stock Age Report" menu.

On clicking menu new wizard will open User can apply different filters like product and product categories and company.

Stock Age Excel Report

On clicking the "EXCEL REPORT" button users can see generated stock age excel report as below image.

Stock Age Analysis Report

On clicking "VIEW DATA" button user can see stock age analysis report.

Stock Age Graph Report

On clicking "VIEW GRAPH" button user can see graph view for stock age report.

Warehouse Overstock Analysis Report

Warehouse Overstock Analysis Report Menu

Under Inventory > Reporting menu user can see "Warehouse Overstock Analysis Report" menu.

On clicking menu new wizard will open User can apply different filters like start date, end date, product categories and products and company and warehouse.

Warehouse Overstock Analysis Excel Report

On clicking the "EXCEL" button user can see generated overStock excel report as below image.

Warehouse Overstock Analysis Report

On clicking "DATA" button user can see overStock analysis report.

Warehouse Overstock Analysis Graph Report

On clicking "GRAPH" button user can see graph view for warehouse overStock analysis.

FSN XYZ Analysis Report

Stock FSN XYZ Analysis Report Menu

Under Inventory > Reporting menu user can see "FSN XYZ Analysis Report" menu.

On clicking menu new wizard will open User can apply different filters like from date, to date, product categories and products and company and warehouse, Also can select different FSN and XYZ classification type.

Stock FSN XYZ Analysis Excel Report

On clicking the "EXCEL REPORT" button user can see generated FSN XYZ analysis excel report as below image.

Stock FSN XYZ Analysis Report

On clicking "VIEW DATA" button user can see FSN XYZ analysis report.

Stock FSN XYZ Analysis Graph Report

On clicking "VIEW GRAPH" button user can see graph view for FSN XYZ analysis.

Non Moving Products Menu

Under Inventory > Reporting menu user can see "Non Moving Products" menu.

On clicking menu new wizard will open here user can select start period and end period, also select multiple warehouse.

Non Moving Products Excel Report

On clicking the "DOWNLOAD EXCEL" button user can see generate non moving products report.

Stock Analysis ABC Report

Stock Analysis ABC Report Menu

Under Inventory > Reporting menu user can see "Stock Analysis ABC Report" menu.

Stock Analysis ABC Report Wizard

On clicking menu new wizard will open User can apply different filters like from date, to date, product categories and products and company , Also can select different ABC classification type.

Download Stock ABC Report File

Stock Analysis ABC Excel Report

On clicking the "EXCEL" button user can see generated stock analysis ABC excel report as below image.

Stock ABC Ratio Analysis

On clicking "DATA" button user can see stock ABC ratio analysis report.

Group By "Classification For ABC" Analysis Report

Stock Analysis ABC Graph Report

On clicking "GRAPH" button user can see graph view for ABC analysis.

Warehouse Stock Rotation Analysis Report

Warehouse Stock Rotation Analysis Report Menu

Under Inventory > Reporting menu user can see "Warehouse Stock Rotation Analysis Report" menu.

On clicking menu new wizard will open user can apply different filters like date, product and product categories, company, and warehouse and company.

Warehouse Stock Rotation Analysis Excel Report

On clicking the "EXCEL" button user can see generated warehouse stock rotation analysis excel report as below image.

Stock Rotation Report Menu

Under Inventory > Reporting menu user can see "Stock Rotation" menu.

Include All Warehouses Option

On clicking menu new wizard will open user can select from and to date, enable "Include All Warehouse?" option and click "DOWNLOAD EXCEL REPORT" button.

Stock Rotation Report

User can see generated stock rotation report with all warehouse option for selected dates.

Filter By Warehouses Option

User can filter by specific warehouses and decide start date and end date and click "DOWNLOAD EXCEL REPORT" button.

Stock Rotation Report

User can see generated stock rotation report with all warehouse option for selected dates.

Export Stock Report

How to create Export Stock Report

You can create export stock through Export Stock in the reporting of the Inventory of odoo.

Export Stock wizard

After clicking on Export Stock, One wizard will appear, In that you have to configure dates for the report, warehouse(s), supplier(s), category(s) and other information.

Export Stock Report in Excel

Excel Report as per the configured warehouse(s), supplier(s), date and category(s).

Negative stock will be highlighted in "Red" cells.

Export Stock Report in Pdf

PDF Report as per the configured warehouse(s), supplier(s), date and category(s).

Negative stock will be highlighted in "red" cells.

Stock Expiry Report

Stock Expiry Report Menu

Figure shows the menu for Stock Expiry Report.

Stock Expiry Report Wizard

In this wizard you have to select Report Type for generated report, select Include expiry stock, and Days for report information duration.You can print XLS report as well as PDF Stock Expiry Report.

Print Excel Report

By click on Print Excel button you can see the wizard from which you can download the excel report. You can download Stock Expiry report from here.

Print PDF Report

By click on Print PDF button you can see PDF Stock Expiry Report will be printed.

Stock Expiry Report Wizard for Selected Locations

You can select multiple location by choosing report type location.

Stock Expiry Report Wizard for Selected Warehouses

You can select multiple warehouses by choosing report type warehouse.

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This software and associated files (the "Software") may only be used (executed,
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