Advanced Inventory Reports

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Technical Name inventory_advanced_reports

Advanced Inventory Reports

Helps to Manage different types of Inventory Reports like FSN Report, Out Of Stock Report, Inventory XYZ Report, etc.

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This module allows you to generate inventory reports, users can track Aging analysis, FSN classification (inventory movement frequency classification), XYZ classification (inventory classification based on stock value), FSN-XYZ combined classification to define sales strategies for the existing inventories. Overstock analysis, Out of Stock analysis and Stock movements (inventory rotation).


Inventory Aging Report.
Inventory Age Breakdown Report.
Inventory FSN Report.
Inventory XYZ Report.
Inventory FSN-XYZ Report.
Inventory Out Of Stock Report.
Inventory Over Stock Report.
Inventory Stock Movement Report.


Inventory Advanced Reports

  • Inventory Aging Report

    This report categorizes inventory items based on their age, helping users identify aging stock that might need special attention. It categorizes products based on their time in stock, providing insights into how long items have been held. This report calculates the days since receipt, current stock levels, and their corresponding values, allowing businesses to identify slow-moving or obsolete items. By visually representing this data and offering export options, it helps companies make informed decisions about inventory management, such as restocking, discounting, or discontinuing products, ultimately optimizing their stock and reducing carrying costs.

    Advantages of Inventory Aging Report

  • arrow Users can select specific products and categories they want to generate the report for.
  • arrow The report can be filtered by the company.
  • arrow The report categorizes products based on their age, allowing you to see how long items have been in stock.
  • arrow The report calculates the age of each product from its date of receipt and shows the number of days since receipt.
  • arrow Displays the current quantity available in stock for each product and current value of the product in stock, taking into account its standard price.
  • arrow Percentage of Total Quantity and Percentage of Total Value helps help you understand the relative significance of a particular product in your overall stock.
  • arrow Users can export the report to Excel or PDF formats for further analysis and sharing.
  • arrow Graphical and tree views are also available.

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  • Inventory Age Breakdown Report

    This report provides a detailed analysis of how long products have been sitting in your inventory. It categorizes products into different age groups based on the number of days they have been in stock, making it easy to identify slow-moving items and potential issues with inventory turnover. The report shows the quantity and value of products in each age category, helping businesses make informed decisions about inventory management and sales strategies. This report helps in optimizing stock levels and reducing holding costs while ensuring that products are available to meet customer demand.

    Advantages of Inventory Age Breakdown Report

  • arrow Users can customize the age periods for analysis.
  • arrow The report displays both the quantity and value of products.
  • arrow Businesses can use this report to make informed decisions about restocking, discounting, or discontinuing specific products.
  • arrow Users can filter the report by company,product, category and age period.
  • arrow The report is available in both PDF and Excel formats.
  • arrow The report can be displayed in graphical and tree views.

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  • Inventory FSN Report

    The FSN Report (Fast Moving, Slow Moving, Non-Moving Report) is used for analyzing and categorizing inventory items based on their movement and turnover rates within a specified time frame. This report provides insights into the performance of products, helping businesses make informed decisions about stock management and optimization.The report provides valuable insights into product performance, enabling companies to maximize profits and ensure efficient stock management.

    F (Fast): Stock turnover ratio > 3.
    S (Slow): Stock turnover ratio between 1 and 3.
    N (Non-moving): Stock turnover ratio

    Advantages of Inventory FSN Report

  • arrow Products are classified into three main categories - Fast Moving, Slow Moving, and Non-Moving.
  • arrow Fast-moving products are those with high turnover rates, while slow-moving products have moderate turnover, and non-moving products have low or no sales.
  • arrow The report allows users to set a specific start and end date for analysis.
  • arrow Users can filter the report by selecting specific products, product categories, companies and warehouses.
  • arrow The report provides data on opening and closing stock, sales, average stock, turnover ratio, and the FSN classification for each product.
  • arrow Users can choose between graphical and list views to visualize the data.
  • arrow The report can be exported to PDF and Excel formats.

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  • Inventory XYZ Report

    The XYZ Report used for inventory management that categorizes products based on their value and significance in a company's stock. This classification helps businesses identify the products that are vital for their operations and profitability. The report groups products into three categories: X, Y, and Z. 'X' represents the most important and valuable products (high value), 'Y' includes products of moderate significance, and 'Z' consists of less critical items (low value). This categorization is based on factors such as stock value, stock percentage, and cumulative stock percentage. The XYZ Report helps businesses focus on the items that affect their profits the most.

    X Class: Top 70% of inventory value.
    Y Class: The next 20% of inventory value.
    Z Class: The bottom 10% of inventory value.

    Advantages of Inventory XYZ Report

  • arrow Classifies products into three categories - X, Y, and Z, based on their importance and value
  • arrow Users can select specific products, product categories, companies, warehouses for analysis.
  • arrow The report calculates and displays the cumulative stock percentages, helping businesses understand the collective impact of their inventory.
  • arrow Users can generate and export reports in both PDF and Excel formats.
  • arrow Provides graphical and tree representations.
  • arrow The report provides valuable insights for making informed decisions about inventory priorities and management.

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  • Inventory FSN-XYZ Report

    The FSN-XYZ Report helps to analyze and classify the inventory based on two key dimensions. Firstly, it categorizes items into Fast-Moving (F), Slow-Moving (S), and Non-Moving (N) based on their turnover ratios, helping companies identify which products are selling rapidly and which are stagnating. Secondly, it classifies inventory into X, Y, and Z categories based on their contribution to the overall stock value, enabling businesses to focus their resources on high-value items. This report offers essential insights for optimizing inventory management and making strategic decisions to improve profitability.

    Advantages of Inventory FSN-XYZ Report

  • arrow The report classifies items into Fast-Moving (F), Slow-Moving (S), or Non-Moving (N) based on turnover ratios, enabling quick identification of sales performance.
  • arrow Inventory is labeled as X, Y, or Z to prioritize high-value items for management decisions.
  • arrow Users can specify a start and end date for the report, allowing for time-bound analysis of inventory performance.
  • arrow Users can filter the report based on specific products, product categories, companies, warehouses, f/s/n and x/y/z
  • arrow The report can be exported in PDF and Excel formats.
  • arrow Users have the option to view the report data in graphical and tree formats.
  • arrow The report offers a combined classification that combines FSN and XYZ categories, simplifying decision-making based on both turnover and stock value.
  • arrow It calculates the cumulative stock percentage, helping users understand the collective contribution of items to the stock value.

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  • Inventory Out Of Stock Report

    The Out of Stock report provide insights into the availability of products within a specified time period. This report offers valuable information regarding current stock levels, incoming and outgoing quantities, virtual stock, sales data, and more. It calculates essential performance metrics such as Advanced Stock Days (ADS), Demanded Quantity, In Stock Days, Out of Stock Days, and Turnover Ratio. Additionally, the report categorizes products into Fast-Moving, Slow-Moving, or Non-Moving classifications based on their sales performance. By identifying items that are low or out of stock, this report helps businesses optimize their inventory management and ensure products are available to meet customer demand.

    Advantages of Inventory Out Of Stock Report

  • arrow The report provides current stock levels, incoming and outgoing quantities, virtual stock, and sales data.
  • arrow It calculates the Advanced Stock Days, helping businesses understand how many days their current stock will last based on sales data.
  • arrow The report calculates the quantity of a product demanded by customers, allowing for better stock planning.
  • arrow It measures the number of days a product is expected to remain in stock, providing insights into stock sufficiency.
  • arrowThe report also calculates the number of days a product is projected to be out of stock, helping in preventing stockouts.
  • arrow The report computes the Turnover Ratio, which is the ratio of sales to virtual stock. It assists in identifying fast-moving and slow-moving products.
  • arrow Users can filter the report based on criteria like date range, specific warehouses, product selection, product categories, and company.
  • arrow The report includes cost information, allowing users to assess the financial impact of out-of-stock situations.
  • arrow It offers the flexibility to export the report data in PDF or Excel formats.
  • arrow The report often includes graphical and tree representations.

  • Screenshots

  • Inventory Over Stock Report

    The Over Stock report helps to analyze and understand situations where a surplus of products exists in their stock. This report provides detailed insights into various inventory parameters, such as current stock levels, sales history, advanced stock days, and turnover ratios. By identifying overstocked items, businesses can take informed actions to mitigate financial losses, reduce storage costs, and optimize their inventory strategies. Additionally, it offers a way to categorize products as Fast-Moving, Slow-Moving, or Non-Moving based on their sales performance, aiding in better decision-making for inventory control. The Over Stock Report ultimately assists organizations in maintaining a healthy balance of stock, enhancing overall efficiency, and minimizing excess holding of goods.

    Advantages of Inventory Over Stock Report

  • arrow The report provides insights into advanced stock days and sales history, allowing users to forecast how many days the current inventory will last.
  • arrow Various inventory metrics are calculated and displayed in the report, including current stock, incoming and outgoing quantities, virtual stock, sales, ADS, and more.
  • arrow The report identifies products with excessive stock levels and calculates overstock quantities and percentages.
  • arrow It calculates the turnover ratio for each product, indicating how quickly items are sold.
  • arrow Products are classified as "Fast Moving," "Slow Moving," or "Non Moving" based on their sales performance.
  • arrow The report includes information about the last purchase order date, quantity, price, currency, and partner for each product.
  • arrow Users can filter the report based on criteria like date range, specific warehouses, product selection, product categories, and company.
  • arrow Users can generate the report in both PDF and Excel formats.
  • arrow Users can switch between tree and graph views for more comprehensive data analysis.


  • Inventory Stock Movement Report

    The Stock Movement Report provides insights into the flow of products. It includes information on the opening and closing stock quantities, sales, sales returns, purchases, purchase returns, internal movements, adjustments, production-related movements, and transit-related movements for various products. The report offers a breakdown by product, product category, and company, making it a valuable tool for tracking stock movements, optimizing inventory levels, and assessing the overall performance of the supply chain. The report can be generated in both PDF and Excel formats for easy sharing and analysis, providing a comprehensive view of how inventory items have been managed within the specified date range or up to a certain date.

    Advantages of Inventory Stock Movement Report

  • arrow The report breaks down stock movements into various categories, such as sales, sales returns, purchases, purchase returns, internal movements, adjustments, production-related movements, and transit-related movements.
  • arrow The report provides information on the opening stock (stock at the beginning of the selected period) and closing stock (stock at the end of the selected period or up to a certain date).
  • arrow Users can choose to generate the report in PDF or Excel format.
  • arrow The report includes detailed information about each product, its category, the company it belongs to, and the quantity of stock involved in various types of movements.
  • arrow Users can generate the report for a specified date range or up to a certain date, depending on their reporting needs.
  • arrow Users can filter the report based on criteria like date range, specific warehouses, product selection, product categories, and company.

  • Screenshots

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