Inventory FSN Analysis



v 16.0 Third Party
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Inventory (stock)
Sales (sale_management)
Discuss (mail)
Invoicing (account)
Lines of code 686
Technical Name inventory_fsn_analysis
Versions 15.0 17.0 16.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Inventory (stock)
Sales (sale_management)
Discuss (mail)
Invoicing (account)
Lines of code 686
Technical Name inventory_fsn_analysis
Versions 15.0 17.0 16.0

Inventory FSN Analysis

Easy FSN analysis with opening and closing stocks.

Why Inventory FSN Analysis?

Let me first give you an overview of this module.
Our module helps users identify products movement frequency based on FSN classification and classifies all inventory movements into three categories: Fast moving, Slow moving, Non moving. FSN analysis is stock turnover ratio based analysis.

FSN stands for fast-moving, slow-moving and non-moving items. It looks at quantity, consumption rate and how often the item is issued and used. It helps in arrangement of stocks in stores and their distribution and handling methods. The main aim of this analysis is to control obsolescence of the inventories. So, our app will help analyze the FSN for better business decisions.

You might have not thought of, but this minute feature is of great significance.


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Hot Features

FSN Classification

Easily analyze and classify inventory items into fast-moving, slow-moving, and non-moving categories.

Dead Stock Identification

Instantly identify dead stock items with FSN analysis, enabling proactive inventory management.

Real-time Inventory Movement Tracking

Monitor inventory turnover ratios and movement frequencies in real-time.

Dynamic Filtering Options

Filter inventory records by duration, warehouse locations, and product categories.

Smart Buying Decisions

Make informed purchasing decisions by leveraging FSN analysis insights to ensure inventory aligns.

Streamlined Reporting

Download comprehensive Excel reports for in-depth analysis and informed decision-making.

Detailed Features

01 FSN Classification helps identify dead stock and fast moving inventories.
02 FSN analysis shows the items that are active in your inventory.
03 FSN analysis helps you make smarter buying decisions with suppliers and keep inventory relevant to demand.
04 Users can filter by warehouses, locations, product categories and products.
05 Users can define particular turnover ratios to FSN classification.
06 Allows you to download the report in well formatted excel file.
07 It lessens your time consuming task to a great extent.
08 Allows you to download the report in well formatted excel file.

Set Up

To begin with, have the Inventory FSN Analysis Module downloaded in your system. For its proper setup, go through the below steps.

Firstly, you need to install the Inventory FSN Analysis App from Odoo Apps. It's easy to locate, just search on the name, you can identify it with the analysis icon. Ta-da, you are ready to go!!

Apps >> Inventory FSN Analysis >> Install

Work Flow

Go to inventory app, under reporting, you will find Inventory FSN Analysis.
Apps >> Inventory >> Reporting >> Inventory FSN Analysis

Once you click on that, you will see a form view.
You will see the default data already present. It takes the default duration as current month. The mandatory fields are the duration, warehouse, location and FSN classifications. You need to select the time period for which you want the records from the particular warehouse and location. You are also allowed to assign turnover ratios to FSN classification. The FSN classification field will help you separate the fast-moving, slow-moving and non-moving products. You can also use the product category and product fields to filter your records.

Form >> Duration >> Warehouse >> Location >> FSN Classification
If you have selected any product category or products it will only list out those products in the tree view. But if you haven't selected any of the two, it will list out all the products for the mentioned duration for that warehouse location. Click on the refresh button everytime you want the updated information.

Form >> Refresh

Not to miss out, you can see a zero movement boolean on the left. If you uncheck that it will only show products with movements.
You will see the list of products with their category, opening stock, closing stock, average stock, sale, turnover ratio and FSN classification for the mentioned duration of that particular warehouse location. Isn't that amazing?

You can also see the Total Opening Stock and Total Closing Stock at the top.
You can checkout all movements for a particular product too. Click on any product in the tree view. A form view will pop up with product name, product category, FSN classification and product movements. Now, that's something you wouldn't have expected.

Form >> stock movement list >> click any product
The most availing feature is still remaining. You can even download this as excel report. On clicking the save button, you would see two more buttons on the top i.e. Print and Action. Click the print button and select Inventory FSN Analysis.

Form >> Save >> Print >> Inventory FSN Analysis
An excel report will be downloaded. It would look like this.....
This is something you can't miss out. You can now easily analyze your stocks.

Now, you don't have to manually calculate the turnover ratios and classify them into FSN. Instead you can use our app that does the same for you and saves you a lot of time. To enjoy more updates like this, stay tuned with us.
I hope you have enjoyed our module tour and look forward to use it super soon!!

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