v 16.0 Third Party 8
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 768
Technical Name odoo_json_rpc
Versions 10.0 11.0 13.0 15.0 17.0 16.0 12.0 14.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 768
Technical Name odoo_json_rpc
Versions 10.0 11.0 13.0 15.0 17.0 16.0 12.0 14.0


Access Odoo's Method and Data anytime, anywhere through JSON

This module provides an API to access records by using Odoo's default methods or even custom methods created in Odoo by using JSON. So what is new about JSON? Let us help you understand benefits of using JSON.

Generate Token
Access Odoo Data
https://wa.me/message/VENRAJRHMSWEB1 OR
  • Lightweight
  • Easy Integratoin
  • Fast Processing
  • Easy Response Handling
  • Easy to parse
  • Reliable
  • More compact than XML and can be easily loaded
  • More structural information in form of dictionary

1. Setup for Token

Initially, we need to generate a token, i.e an authentication key that will be used to perform various operations to Odoo data. Once token will be generated it can be seen in Odoo Settings alog with that user details.

authenticate_url = 'http://localhost:1515/json-call/user_authenticate'
headers = {
    'Content-Type': "application/json",
data = {
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "params": {
        "login": "test_user",//Odoo User name
        "password": 'demo',//Password of user
        "db": 'test_db',//

2. Setup Token

Once you will recive token from json request as like above image just go to the Setting -> JSON RPC -> Token. Set the token and user fields.

3. Creating Records

When creating any record, send an JSON call to the server with required details and the token that has been generated. Define the model name of which any record has to be created and the data that has to be set. Once the call to server will be made through JSON, it will return the ID of record from Odoo.

4. Created records in Odoo

Created records in Odoo.

5. Editing Records

Records can be altered from the JSON call, we just have to pass write method and ID of that particular record that has to be changed along with the changes we want to change.

6. Edited record in Odoo

With just a single call of API, Record can be altered as per requirement. In the image, Record has been updated with email id.

7. Removing Records

To remove any record, just make a API call to Odoo server with unlink method and the ID of record that has to be removed. It will return response as 'True' once record will be deleted.

  • We are provide 90 days bug free support related to our module.
  • The support team is availbale from Monday to Friday 10:00 AM to 07:00 PM (IST).
  • To create ticket send email to support@techultra.in.

What is the full form of JSON RPC?

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Remote Procedure Call (RPC).

What is JSON-RPC used for?

JSON-RPC is a remote procedure call (RPC) protocol which is used to communicate with apps which you run in your computer/system. The HTTP protocol is used for remote procedure calls, and JSON for data representation. It's written in JavaScript.

Will I need to code to use this app?


For more details on how to use this module, you can find attached PDF file from below path:

Technical Document - Odoo JsonRpc.pdf

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  • This section is meant to ask simple questions or leave a rating. Every report of a problem experienced while using the module should be addressed to the author directly (refer to the following point).
  • If you want to start a discussion with the author or have a question related to your purchase, please use the support page.