All in One POS Features in Odoo
by BROWSEINFO$ 102.01
Availability |
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies |
Invoicing (account)
• Point of Sale (point_of_sale) • Sales (sale_management) • Discuss (mail) • Inventory (stock) |
Lines of code | 7888 |
Technical Name |
pos_orders_all |
License | OPL-1 |
Website | |
Versions | 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 |
Availability |
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies |
Invoicing (account)
• Point of Sale (point_of_sale) • Sales (sale_management) • Discuss (mail) • Inventory (stock) |
Lines of code | 7888 |
Technical Name |
pos_orders_all |
License | OPL-1 |
Website | |
Versions | 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 |
POS-Point of sales All In One Features Odoo apps
Point of sales-POS All In One Features Odoo apps is used for reorder,return order,return order with barcode,reprint invoice, filter order based on customers,create sales order from the POS screen, apply gift coupon & vouchers, apply bag charges, get invoice at a time of payment,get all the records in POS,Display onhand quantity, POS Fixed Amount Discount & Display Total Number of Purchased Items in Cart and POS Receipt feature. All of these feature avaialble with this single all in one odoo module, you have to install only this single apps and you will see all those listed features with your point of sales.
This module will help you to reprint POS receipt/invoice.
POS Orders.
You can see all pos orders in POS Screen.
You can easily reorder any pos order from orders list in POS.
Return Order.
You can easily return any pos order directly or using barcode.
Bag Charges.
Using this module you can add bag charges.
Gift Voucher.
You can apply gift voucher to POS order.
Import Sale order.
Using this module you can easily import any sale order in POS.
Create Sale order.
Using this module you can create sale order from POS.
Fix Discount.
Using this module you can apply fix discount to POS order.
Item Count.
Using this module you can see number of items of POS order.
Product Stock Quantity.
Using this module you can see all products stock quantity in POS.
Filter Orders.
Using this module you can filter POS orders based on customer.
Configuration to Create Credit Note with Return Order.
User can configure to create credit note for return order.
Configuration to Restrict Invoicing for Return Order.
User can configure to restrict user to create credit note for return order.
POS Items Count
Item Count in order
Display Total Number of Items in POS Receipt.
Load POS Orders in POS
Select from options to set limit to load pos orders.
We can see orders by clicking "Orders" Button.
POS Orders
We can re-order same product by clicking "Re-Order" Button
Enter quantity to re-order that product.
Order lines after re-order.
Return Order
Return Order and Create Credit Note
If user wants to create credit note while return invoiced order user have to select "Create return order Credit note" option, so credit not will created for return order.
Return Order button is used to return products from POS created order.
After clicking on Return Order button, Return product popup is open, In that popup you can fill products quantities which you want to return from POS order.
Order lines after return-order.
Return order receipt
User can see created return order with generated credit note.
User can see generated credit note for invoiced pos return order.
If user tries to return all ready return order then it will generate warning.
Return Order and Can not Create Credit Note
If user don't wants to create credit note while return invoiced order user have to select "Can not Create return order Credit note" option, so credit note will not created for return order.
Return Order button is used to return products from POS created order.
After clicking on Return Order button, Return product popup is open, In that popup you can fill products quantities which you want to return from POS order.
Order lines after return-order.
Return order receipt
User can see created return order without credit note.
Return order With Barcode
Return Order With Barcode and Create Credit Note
If user wants to create credit note while return invoiced order user have to select "Create return order Credit note" option, so credit not will created for return order.
Click "Return with barcode" button to Scan a Barcode for a particular order.
Scan the Barcode and Click Apply.
Orderlines for the scanned barcode will be appear in the popup window
After clicking on Apply, Products will be added to POS Order with Negative Quantity and you can place the Return Order.
User can see created return order with generated credit note.
User can see generated credit note for invoiced pos return order.
Return Order With Barcode and Can not Create Credit Note
If user don't wants to create credit note while return invoiced order user have to select "Can not Create return order Credit note" option, so credit note will not created for return order.
Click "Return with barcode" button to Scan a Barcode for a particular order.
Scan the Barcode and Click Apply.
Orderlines for the scanned barcode will be appear in the popup window
After clicking on Apply, Products will be added to POS Order with Negative Quantity and you can place the Return Order.
User can see created return order with generated credit note.
User can see generated credit note for invoiced pos return order.
Re-Print Invoice
We can Re-Print invoice with "Print" button.
Reprinted Receipt
Create Sale Order
We can create sale order directly from POS by clicking "Create Sale Order"
Confirmation message
Created Sale Order
Import Sale Order
Click on "Sale Orders" to see list of sale orders.
We can import sale order by clicking "Import Order" Button.
Enter quantity to import that product.
Imported order
If product is not configured for pos(available in pos),then it will generate a popup.
Auto Check invoice in POS
Activate Invoice auto-check button, it automatically creates Invoice after payment is done.
Invoice is auto-checked automatically
Filter Orders
We can filter orders by customers name.
POS Stock
In POS you can display product stock as per stock locations.
Select All warehouses to display stock from all location.
Select Current Session warehouse to display stock of current session warehouse
Display stock of product by their stock location.
Display stock of product from all warehouse (Total Stock).
Display stock of product of specific stock location that select at time of configuration in POS.
Same as on hand quantity, you can display Available quantity,Outgoing quantity and incoming quantity.
Stock Quantity Validation with "Current Session Warehouse" Configuration. If You add quantity more than onhand quantity in Orderline for a particular product then Stock Qty Validation error popup will be appears.
Deny Order Error when Product is out of stock.
POS Coupons & Gift Vouchers
Create Gift Coupons From Back-end
Coupons in POS Screen
Create Options for Coupon/Gift Voucher.
Create a Coupon/Gift voucher in POS.
After successfully creation of coupon, you can print the coupon.
Print Coupon
Select Coupon/Gift voucher code
Apply Coupon/Gift Voucher Code
After entering gift coupon code,System validate the coupon code and apply coupon discount in POS order.
Gift Coupons History
POS Order with coupon
If gift coupon code is not valid then it will raise Error popup in POS.
We can not use any gift coupon if there is no customer selected. It will be raise Error popup
If order is empty then It will raise Error popup in POS.
Print Gift Coupon in Back-end
Add Bag Charges
Select "POS bag" in POS category.
You can add bag to order by clicking on "Bag" button or you can select bag from POS bag category.
When you click on "Bag" button,you will see this popup,just select bag which you want.
POS Fixed Amount Discount along with Percentage
Fixed Amount Discount Configuration
Fixed Amount Discount in POS
Fixed Amount Discount in Receipt
Fixed Amount Discount in POS Order
Discount in Percentage Configuration
Discount in Percentage in POS
Discount in Percentage in Receipt
Discount in Percentage in POS Order
Installation Guide
Before installing this module you have to install following packages in your system.(If you have then Ignore this)
sudo pip3 install python-barcode
sudo pip install python-barcode
Version :
17 November 2022
Initial release of the app.
Version :
19 July 2024
Bug Fixes.
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Multi Language Translation Available
We have added Translation using google translate for English (US), Arabic, French / Français, Spanish / Español and Dutch / Nederlands, if you want to change translation terms or add new translation provide us translation, we will add that without any cost.
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Odoo Proprietary License v1.0 This software and associated files (the "Software") may only be used (executed, modified, executed after modifications) if you have purchased a valid license from the authors, typically via Odoo Apps, or if you have received a written agreement from the authors of the Software (see the COPYRIGHT file). You may develop Odoo modules that use the Software as a library (typically by depending on it, importing it and using its resources), but without copying any source code or material from the Software. You may distribute those modules under the license of your choice, provided that this license is compatible with the terms of the Odoo Proprietary License (For example: LGPL, MIT, or proprietary licenses similar to this one). It is forbidden to publish, distribute, sublicense, or sell copies of the Software or modified copies of the Software. The above copyright notice and this permission notice must be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
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Any abuse of this reporting system will be penalizedModule not working properly in V16 and they're not providing support I'm not recommend this module
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