Rexel Connector



v 16.0 Third Party 4
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 486
Technical Name rexel_connector
Versions 17.0 15.0 16.0 14.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 486
Technical Name rexel_connector
Versions 17.0 15.0 16.0 14.0

Rexel Connector

This module is the base module for the Odoo Rexel synchronisation.
It allows to synchronize Rexel fields with Odoo fields of the following model:
- Product Variant (product.product)
- Product Template (product.template)

Additional free modules (rexel_sale_connector, rexel_purchase_connector) allow to synchronize Rexel fields with fields of other models like Sale Order, Purchase Order and Vendor Pricelist.

The code is well documented in case you want to adapt it to your need.

This module is available in English, Dutch and French.
- You need access to the Rexel Webservice (Contact Rexel in order to receive your credentials).
- You should receive the following information a customer code, a user and a password.
- You need to intsall the zeep python library (pip install zeep).

Rexel Connector

Connection Configuration

Configure your Rexel Web service credentials in the general settings of Odoo.

Test the connection

Enter the Rexel Itemcode of a Rexel product. You should receive as response a 'Transfer successful' with the details of the product. Each field from this response can be synchronized with one of your Odoo products.

Mapping Configuration

Configure your own mapping between the Rexel fields and the Odoo fields (Settings > Technical > Rexel > Rexel Mapping).

Configure your product

For each product that must be synchronized with Rexel you must complete its itemcode.

Launch the synchronization

You can launch the synchronisation from the form or list view.

Your product is synchronized

The data synchronized will depend on your mapping configuration.

Be wised that translatable fields will be synchronised in the language of the connected user that has triggered the synchronization.
If you used multiple languages you will have to trigger the synchronization in each language.
The Rexel Webservice only support Dutch and French. For languages not supported the connector will use french.

A scheduled action allow to update automatically every product with Rexel once per day. The scheduled action is not activate by default. In order to activate it follow these steps:
- Activate the developer mode
- Go to (Settings > Technical > Automation > Scheduled Actions)
- Search for 'Rexel: Synchronize all Rexel products'
- Activate this scheduled action. This action could slow down your system!

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Available for v17?
Geert Van Baelen
on 12/8/23, 4:50 AM

Module works fine in v16. Any idea when the module will be available for Odoo V17?

Re: Available for v17?
on 12/17/23, 11:09 PM Author

It will be available around mid January.

I will contact you as soon as it's done.

Ignace Vermaelen
on 10/11/23, 4:15 AM

Dynapps bought this module for a customer. 

We got the credentials from Rexel and also the WSDL ( )

When testing the connection we get an 'RPC_ERROR'.

Could you contact me on ?

on 1/9/24, 2:52 PM Author


I think the problem comes from the WSDL which is not correct.
Try with this one: