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v 16.0 Third Party
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Inventory (stock)
Sales (sale_management)
Invoicing (account)
Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 2364
Technical Name sample_bag
Versions 16.0 17.0 18.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Inventory (stock)
Sales (sale_management)
Invoicing (account)
Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 2364
Technical Name sample_bag
Versions 16.0 17.0 18.0

Sample Bag

Offering sample products is one of the most effective methods to connect with your target market. Customers will use these products and provide honest reviews, which is the best strategy for word-of-mouth promotion and increasing the popularity of your goods.

Many companies may find it difficult to maintain and track sample products.Techultra has saved precious time by developing this multifunctional Sample bag app, which will help businesses and salesperson in doing their responsibilities smoothly. explore all of the features and workflows listed below. OR
  • Multi functionality app.
  • Time saving.
  • Create sample bag.
  • Assign Sample products to Sales person.
  • Transfer sample products from warehouse(stock location) to sales person location.
  • Transfer sample products from sales person location to warehouse(stock location).
  • Reassign another sales person.
  • Complete or Partial product transfer to another bag.
  • Create quotation/sale order for customer if required.
  • Send unused/ defective products in scrap.
  • Maintain mini/max quantity using buffer Product list.
  • Transfer partial or complete products in another bag.
  • Sample bag to warehouse transfer .
  • Record activity in log note.
  • Download data in XLSX.
  • Deliver products by hand or from a warehouse, depending on the situation.

1. Enable multi step routes.

2. Create Location.

After enabling it Go to inventory -> location.

Now, Create a Salesperson Transit location to transfer sample products to Salesperson. Make sure that the location type is selected as Internal location.

3.Create Operation Types

The next step is to create Operation types, Refer below images to create it.

Sample bag receipt

For the purpose of returning a sample bag to the salesperson's transit location, this operation type needs to be created.

Sample Bag Delivery

This is a delivery operation type to send products from Salesperson to customer location.

Sample Bag Transfer(Warehouse)

This operation type will be used to transfer sample products from WH/Stock to Salesperson Transit Location.

Warehouse Transfer (Sample Bag)

To transfer sample products from Salesperson Transit location to WH/Stok you need to create this operation type, Here enable “Is SB to Warehouse Operation”

Warehouse Configuration

It is necessary to activate developer mode for the next step. Refer below image to activate Developer mode in odoo

After enabling developer mode go to, Inventory -> configuration -> Warehouse

Here you can see the Tab “Technical Information".

Add Operation Types in Sample Bag In/Out Type.

Sample bag in Type→ Add Sample bag receipt

Sample bag Out Type→ add sample Bag delivery

4. Working Process and flow of App

After setup and configuration the app is ready to use.

Internal transfer

To start the process go to, Inventory→ Operations→ Transfer→create Transfer

Add the name of the salesperson in contact to whom you want to assign the sample products.

Mark Transfer As Sample Bag

After validating the transfer a button “Mark Transfer As Sample Bag” will appear, if you want to convert this transfer as a Sample bag click on it.

Create Sample Bag

Create this Transfer as Sample bag, click on The given button,

As soon as you click the button, a window will pop up asking "Is existing sample bag?" It suggests you to merge with the existing sample bag; To do this, first enable it, then select the bag you want to merge, and then click Update existing sample bag.

If you do not want to combine, deselect "Is Existing Sample Bag" and click Create Sample Bag; this will create a new sample bag for the salesperson.

Sample Bag Page

Here you can see all the Sample Bags which you have created.

Sample Bag

The sample bag is created with a unique name, assigned sales person(Contact), products etc.

Sample Bag name- System will automatically create a Unique Sample bag name Sales Person- This is the salesperson to whom the sample bag has been assigned.

Start Process

It is currently at the Draft stage; click on START PROCESS to begin the sample bag's process.

After clicking on START PROCESS, you will see the window below, which displays a variety of features.

Reset to Draft

Reset in progress process back to draft stage.

Generate XLSX

After clicking on it the data will print in XLSX format.


Consider the following scenario: the salesperson wants to leave his or her job in that situation, the sample bag must be assigned to another salesperson.

You can easily manage this type of situation using this app, you only need to choose a sales person and click on “Update Salesperson”.

As you can see in the image below, we've changed salespeople to Deco addict.

Partial Transfer

Consider the following scenario: we have two salespeople, A and B. A has 5 products and B has 15 products; now Salesperson A wants 5 more sample products; Salesperson B can offer A 5 products from his bag; in Odoo, you can handle this type of situation using the "Is Partial" feature.

First, Enable “Is partial” some field will open

Add file- If you need to add a file, select upload from file and then upload an xls file; if you don't want to add a file, leave it empty.

Sample Bag- Choose the Sample bag in which you wish to transfer partial samples.

Quantity- Choose how much quantity needs to be transferred.

Updated Quantity

Complete Transfer

To transfer all Sample products to another sample bag, Enable "Is Complete Transfer" & Choose Sample bag name then click Update Partial/ Complete Sample Bag. The entire quantity will be transferred to that sample bag.

After complete transfer

After completing the transfer, all allocated sample products will be moved to another sample bag and the stage will be changed to done.

Create SO

If the buyer likes the sample products and decides to purchase them, the salesperson can create a sales order using the form below.

Here, the salesperson has two options for creating SO.

1. Deliver products from the warehouse.

2. Deliver products hand to hand(by salesperson)

Deliver Products from the warehouse

If the Salesperson does not have enough products, he can enable "Deliver from Warehouse '' to make delivery from the warehouse. When a salesperson creates it, the SO quotation will remain in the quotation sent stage which will be converted into a sales order by the internal sales team.

Hand to Hand Delivery

If a salesperson has enough products, he can give them directly to the customer instead of delivering them from the warehouse. In this case, the quotation will be a fully invoiced sales order rather than a quotation sent.

Scrap Quantity

If there is any damaged product in Sample bag then it can be moved to scrap. Click on scrap quantity after that select quantity to and click on “Scrap qty from bag”.

Warehouse Transfer

Using this feature, the salesperson can return the product to the warehouse.

Buffer Quantity

Let's take a use case,

In the Sample bag app, we have defined a limitation that in warehouse, a minimum quantity of 70 should be maintained; now, if the product count falls below the minimum quantity of 70, that product will appear in the buffer quantity, Now, the warehouse staff has two options for filling product qty: purchase from vendor or take back from salesperson. If the vendor is unable to fulfill the demand right now, the warehouse team can take the product back from the salesperson in order to keep the minimum quantity, and when the vendor sends the product, they will reassign the sample product to the salesperson.

Here you can set a buffer qty for sample products.

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  • The support team is availbale from Monday to Friday 10:00 AM to 07:00 PM (IST).
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Can we create more than one Sample bag for one sales person?

Ans. No, it is not allowed; it will display a popup indicating that one already exists.

Is This app available in the community version?

Ans. Yes

What is the difference between Complete transfer and Warehouse transfer?

Ans. Complete transfer involves moving the products into another sample bag and changing the stage to done, whereas warehouse transfer involves returning the products to the warehouse.

Can we change the name of Sample bag?

Ans.- No

What are Buffer Products?

Ans. If any product falls below the minimum quantity, it will appear in the Buffer product list.

Can we create sales orders for sample products?

Ans. Yes

Can we see the sample product quantity at the salesperson's location?

Ans. Yes

Can we order Sample products from vendors?

Ans. No, the sample products will be assigned from the warehouse (internal transfer).

Can we generate invoices for Sample products?

Ans. Yes

Is it possible to change the salesperson after creating a sample bag?

Ans. Yes

How can we deal with broken sample products?

Ans. You can move the product in Scrap quantity.

Can we merge Two sample bags?

Ans. Yes

Odoo Proprietary License v1.0

This software and associated files (the "Software") may only be used (executed,
modified, executed after modifications) if you have purchased a valid license
from the authors, typically via Odoo Apps, or if you have received a written
agreement from the authors of the Software (see the COPYRIGHT file).

You may develop Odoo modules that use the Software as a library (typically
by depending on it, importing it and using its resources), but without copying
any source code or material from the Software. You may distribute those
modules under the license of your choice, provided that this license is
compatible with the terms of the Odoo Proprietary License (For example:
LGPL, MIT, or proprietary licenses similar to this one).

It is forbidden to publish, distribute, sublicense, or sell copies of the Software
or modified copies of the Software.

The above copyright notice and this permission notice must be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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