School Management SGT



v 16.0 Third Party 6
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies CRM (crm)
Employees (hr)
Fleet (fleet)
Inventory (stock)
Invoicing (account)
Purchase (purchase)
Calendar (calendar)
Contacts (contacts)
Discuss (mail)
Sales (sale_management)
Lines of code 16710
Technical Name school_mngment_sgt
Versions 17.0 16.0 15.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies CRM (crm)
Employees (hr)
Fleet (fleet)
Inventory (stock)
Invoicing (account)
Purchase (purchase)
Calendar (calendar)
Contacts (contacts)
Discuss (mail)
Sales (sale_management)
Lines of code 16710
Technical Name school_mngment_sgt
Versions 17.0 16.0 15.0

School Management Made Easy

Configuration of School in just a few clicks

Create and Configure your school, classes, subjects and mediums from one screen. Academic year wise management of school.

Student Management

Drive your Student operations from admission registers to student profiles with all the information you need, easily accessible. Keep track of students, school, automate reminder, news and update on Dash board when they have things to do.

Fully Integrated

The information your need, where you need it

Saving time for review student's personal info, family info, awards, certificates and remarks related information; they are all conveniently accessible when viewing student.

Your Grade System

Load and Manage grade system of your school.

Students Reminder

Manage and Get reminders about things going to be happen.

Teacher Profile

Manage teacher profile and subjects assigned to teacher.

Parents Profile

Manage parent profile of the student.

Student Identity Card

User can print Identity Card of student.

Library Management

This module provides features to manage library information like Books, Publishers, Authors and Book Tracking.

Card Details

Librarian can create number of Identity card for Student and Teacher.

Book Information

Librarian can create and update book details. Add new stocks by purchasing the books.

Book Request/Issue

Student or Teacher can request for a book as per there Library card limit.
Librarian can issue the books to them.
Penalty is calculated on the book if it is returned late than due date and when book is lost/damanged.
Student and Teacher can request for existing and new book.

Transport Management

So many features, so easy to use

Manage Transport facility of school in a matter of seconds.

Drive your Student operations from transport registration to transport participants with all the information you need, easily accessible. Keep track of transport roots and root points, drivers, and vehicles at a one place from where school can manage and report easily.

Transport Registration

in just a few clicks

Register school students for transport facility and confirm them for access the transport facility of your school.

Fully Integrated

The information your need, where you need it

Saving time for review student's info, root info, amount, registration periods or vehicle related information; they are all conveniently accessible when viewing student.

Transport Process

Describe complete flow of transport

Student can make registration for the transport root.

User can make payment and invoice will be generated of that student.

Student can view his own invoice.

Assignment Management

Teacher's Task

Teacher uploads the assignment for students.

When active button is clicked the assignment is assigned to the students of standard and class selected. Teacher can approve and reject the assignment.

Student's Task

Students can see their own assignment. Download and submit the assignment for Teacher to check.

School Fees Management

Student Fees Management.
Student Fees Receipt.
Student Fees structure.
Student Fees Register.

Fees Structure

Select Fees Structure Name,Code and account of the fees structure and user can add multiple fees pay lines in this tab.

Fees Receipt Process

User selects the fee structure and confirms the payment

Payment is made by the user

User click on payment button and generate invoice

User can see his own invoice by clicking on invoices button

Fees Register

User can create fees register and print the register from here.

Student PaySlip Report

User can print the fee receipt of particular student.

Timetable Management

This module provides the features of school timetable management.

To create timetable Go To EMS > Regular Timetable > Create

The user can create and edit timetable of particular class and academic year

Timetable Report

User can print regular timetable report.

School Event Management

This module provides the facility to manage multiple events at a time.You can create event and add participants of different classes which are allowed for particular event.

Event Information

  • You can create event with all details in it and you can allow this event to student of different classes.

Event Management

  • Students and Teachers can see all the information about all Events Month Wise.

Event Registration

  • Student can apply for registration of event, just by filling application form of event.

Event Participants

  • User can fill the score and rank of participant.

School Evaluation Management

Student Evaluation

In This Module we can define the terms which we want to consider in Student Evaluation.
Student can see his evaluation.

Teacher Evaluation

In this module we can define the questions which we want to consider in Teacher Evaluation.
Teacher can see his evaluation.

Evaluation Templates

User can create and edit the evaluation Questions in Student Evaluation Template and Teacher Evaluation Template.

Create Attendance

Attendance management in just a few clicks.

For creating attendance record Go to > EMS > Attendance > Daily Attendance Sheets

Manage Attendance

Daily Attendance

Create and Validate attendance go to Validate button

After Click on Validate Button Status will be change

For Re-generate Attendance Re-generate button is available.

After clicking on Re-generate button all attendance will remove and then need to click on generate button.

Monthly Attendance

Manage Monthly atttendance of students.
By clicking on Monthly Attendance Sheet menuitem

Click on Monthly Attendance Sheet menuitem open Wizard

See the Attendance Record

Monthly Attendance Report

User can generate Monthly atttendance of students.

Exam Management

Define the exam

Exam is conducted

User can generate result

Exam Result

User has to assign marks of the subjects

According to the marks set the student will be declared Pass or Fail

Student can also do re-evaluation of marks.

Additional Exam/Result

User can manage Additional Exam/Results.

Exam Timetable

User can create and update exam timetable.

BatchWise Result

User can generate batchwise result.


Generate batchwise result report.

Generate exam timetable report.

Portal Managements

Student and parents can treat as portal users and they have access to visit the details of their own Regular timetables, exam timetables, Assignments, Payslips, Evaluations, Events

Contact us for Support, Customization, Implementation:

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  • This section is meant to ask simple questions or leave a rating. Every report of a problem experienced while using the module should be addressed to the author directly (refer to the following point).
  • If you want to start a discussion with the author or have a question related to your purchase, please use the support page.