Basic Contacts YouControl Integration Extension

v 17.0 Third Party 21
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Odoo Apps Dependencies Contacts (contacts)
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Lines of code 167
Technical Name basic_contacts_youcontrol_ext
Versions 17.0 16.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Contacts (contacts)
Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 167
Technical Name basic_contacts_youcontrol_ext
Versions 17.0 16.0

Basic YouControl Integration
by Codoo-ERP

Basic Contacts YouControl Integration Extension

Get the basic company data by EDRPOU code in the Contacts app

for odoo 17

Module Features

This is a module with a basic integration with the YouControl system. Depending on the client's needs, we can expand the functionality with the necessary API requests.
You need to receive an API key from YouControl.
Get a short and full company's name, full address, phone, mobile, e-mail, and website from official sources only by EDRPOU.
Check the API key balance.


Please install the Contacts YouControl Integration Extension


On the Settings page in developer mode, go to Technical - System Parameters and find the youcontrol_api_key parameter. Fill in the corresponding field with the API key you received from YouControl.


After installing the extension, you will see several additional fields on the contact page: Full Name, Full Address, EDRPOU, and Information about the legal entity being in the process of dissolution. Also, there are a button Update information from YouControl at the top of the page and buttons Visit YouControl Site and Rate Limits on the YouControl tab.

Fill in the EDRPOU field and click the button Visit YouControl Site and the corresponding fields will be filled in.

Rate Limits request allows to check: how many transactions were available on the API key, how many transactions were made in total, and for each endpoint separately. The data will be saved in the corresponding field. This request is free.

If there is a contact with the same EDRPOU, you will get an error message.

If you don't have the API key in settings you won't be able to test the extension and will receive another error.

If the entered API key is not valid, or if for any other reason, a response with data was not received, you will receive an error indicating this.

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