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Technical Name eqp_product_certificate
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Technical Name eqp_product_certificate

EQP Sol - Product Certificates

Streamlining Certificate Management

EQP Solutions Logo

EQP Solutions - www.eqpsolutions.com

Oddo On Premise Oddo.sh


This Odoo module by EQP Solutions empowers users to efficiently create and organize product certificates. Track statuses, utilize visual classifications, assign priorities, and benefit from customizable stages and tags for a tailored certificate management experience.

Key Features:

  1. Certificate Creation: Allows users to create product certificates with various details and configurations.
  2. Status Tracking: Manages the status of certificates based on start and expiration dates, including active, pre-active, and expired states.
  3. Traffic Light Classification: Utilizes a visual classification system based on user-configured parameters for days to red and yellow, automatically determining red, yellow, and green statuses.
  4. Priority Star Classification: Classifies certificates based on priority using a star-based system.
  5. Responsibility Assignment: Assigns responsibility for certificates, allowing users to track accountable individuals.
  6. PDF File Upload: Enables users to upload and display PDF files associated with each certificate.
  7. Flexibility with Stages and Tags: Offers customization options with configurable stages and tags for flexible classification and organization.
  8. Comprehensive Documentation: Provides detailed documentation for end-users to understand and utilize the module effectively.


The configuration process is very intuitive:
(After the installation process) Go to the inventory settings and scroll down until the “Product Certificates“ section. There, please configure your policies:

  1. Days To Red: Days before the Expiration date are considered Red Color
  2. Days To Yellow: Days before the Expiration date are considered Yellow Color
  3. Staging Required: Make Stages required when creating Certificates
demo image

Official Documentation

Unlock the full potential of this module by exploring our official documentation. Visit the official documentation page at the following link (https://eqpsolutions.com/blog/odoo-modules-1/product-certificates-1) for comprehensive insights and guidance, ensuring you harness the maximum advantage of our features.

Official Documentation

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