Product Price History



v 17.0 Third Party
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 158
Technical Name meta_price_history_for_product
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 158
Technical Name meta_price_history_for_product

Support : Community Enterprise

Product Price History

The module is an efficient tool for monitoring product prices, enabling users to make informed decisions and ensure fair pricing!

(Tested in Odoo 17 on Ubuntu)

30 Days Free of Cost Support with Money Back Guarantee under T&C

"With Product Price History module, you are able to be one step ahead of your pricing strategies, you can uphold the transparency of your sale to customers and any of your decisions involving the pricing will be based on data that can enhance your business yield."

Why Product Price History?
The Product Price History module of Odoo is a very efficient and feature laden instrument to help you monitor your product price history easily. By using this module you can track and look through the data on prices of your products and that way to take decisions on prices and to be sure that the customers buy your products which are priced fair.

Key Features:
Historical Price Tracking: Show product price history with a view that allows you to easily track the price and at the end of the day you have all you need embedded in the history for future reference.
Customer-Specific Pricing: Study the terms that you have granted to disparate clients and establish personalized price schemes in doing so.
Time-Based Filters: Utilize different time filters to be able to narrow your search and view data concerning prices during certain periods. For instance, it may be any length of time, like day, month, quarter or year.
Detailed Reports: Include reports with the average price of each type of product that also contain information on quick changes in the prices over time, thus helping you to follow trends and adjust your prices appropriately.
User-Friendly Interface: Simple and userfriendly layout, that allows you to simply find the content you need with no difficulty.
Seamless Integration: Completely fits into your up and running Odoo environment, therefore, it is comfortable, and the process is uncomplicated.

  30 Days Free of Cost Support with *Money Back Guarantee!!


SAY HI TO WHATSAPP   +880 1924 572 887

Screenshots & Installation:


1. Please unzip the downloaded App

2. Upload the folder "meta_price_history_for_product" and its content into your Custom Odoo App Directory of your installation

3. Turn on Developer Mode in your Odoo Settings

Settings > Activate the developer mode

4. Go to Apps > Update App List

5. Search for in the App List Product Price History

6. Install

7. Restart Odoo Server

8. Go to Settings > see Product Price History

9. Enable Product Price History

Our Services:

For Technical Help and Support

At Metamorphosis we offer end to end solution for all Odoo services which includes custom development, integration, migration, analysis & consultation. In case of any question regarding this module feel free to email us on


You will never have to transfer any data manually again.
The connector will take care of your orders, customers, and products between both apps, and it's fully automated!


SAY HI TO WHATSAPP   +880 1924 572 887

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