v 17.0 Third Party 140
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Lines of code 255
Technical Name odoo_icecat_connector
Versions 17.0 16.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Inventory (stock)
eCommerce (website_sale)
Discuss (mail)
Website (website)
Invoicing (account)
Lines of code 255
Technical Name odoo_icecat_connector
Versions 17.0 16.0

Odoo Icecat Connector

Retrieve Product Information From Icecat and Display it on The Website Shop.

Key Highlights

Product Details Retrieval:

The core feature of the module would be the ability to fetch detailed product information from Icecat using the product code and brand specified in the Odoo website. This should include data such as product specifications, images, descriptions, and other relevant details.

Efficient Data Retrieval:

Ensure that the module is optimized for efficient data retrieval. This includes minimizing the number of API calls to Icecat, caching data locally in Odoo to reduce load times, and providing options for scheduled updates to keep product information current.

User-Friendly Configuration:

A user-friendly configuration interface within Odoo that allows administrators to easily set up and manage the connection to Icecat. This should include fields for API credentials, mapping Odoo product attributes to Icecat attributes, and other relevant settings.

Compatible with both Odoo 17.0 Community and Enterprise Editions.

Automatic Synchronization:

Implement an automatic synchronization mechanism that periodically updates product information from Icecat without manual intervention. This ensures that the Odoo website always reflects the latest details for products sourced from Icecat.

No Database Load:

This module has key feature would be to minimize database load in Odoo. This can be achieved by storing Icecat data in a separate Odoo model or table and only fetching the necessary details when required, avoiding unnecessary duplication or storage of redundant information.

First set your username of Icecat for that go to Settings --> Website --> Website Info --> Icecat User Id Ensure that you have entered the correct Icecat username; otherwise, no product information will not be available on the website shop.

Please visit the Icecat website and navigate to the desired product. Subsequently, retrieve the Product Code and Brand information by copying the relevant details from the product page.

Create or import the product in Odoo, specifying the Internal Reference as the Product code from Icecat, and associating the Brand of the product with the corresponding Brand information in Icecat. Ensure that accurate and complete details have been provided in the product form view. Otherwise, no product information will not be available on the website shop.

You can view the comprehensive details of the product on the website (only if you have provided that accurate and complete details).All information displayed originates from the Icecat database.

  • Time Efficiency:
    • By leveraging the Odoo Icecat Connector, businesses can significantly reduce the time required to manage and update product information. The module allows for the bulk import of product details, eliminating the need for manual entry and reducing the likelihood of errors.
  • Product Information Enrichment:
    • With the Odoo Icecat Connector, businesses can easily enrich their product catalog by importing detailed and accurate information from the Icecat database.
  • Real-Time Price and Availability Updates:
    • If applicable and supported by Icecat, include real-time updates for product prices and availability. This feature ensures that customers browsing the Odoo website are presented with the most current and accurate information regarding product availability and pricing.
Version|Released on:21st Nov 2023

Initial Commit for Odoo Icecat Connector

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