Engineering & Lifecycle Management

v 17.0 Third Party 2833
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Lines of code 11163
Technical Name pdm
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Odoo Apps Dependencies Manufacturing (mrp)
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Lines of code 11163
Technical Name pdm
Versions 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 9.0 8.0 17.0 6.1

Integrate CAD editors in Odoo

Get complete Product Lifecycle control

Reduce Time to Market and avoid trivial errors


  • CAD integration
  • Workflow management
  • Engineering Bill of Material
  • Products and Documents reuse
  • Vault document management

LibrePLM Client

Products are designed with CAD systems; how to automatically move products and documents to manufacturing system? How to manage new product revision? How to create BOM?
The answer is LibrePLM.
It works "out-of-the-box", "super easy, super fast" as Odoo.
Available both in Community and Enterprise editions.

Cad Integrations

LibrePLM is integrated with main CAD systems like:

  • AutoCAD
  • Inventor
  • Solidworks
  • SolidEdge
  • UG Nx
  • Thinkdesign
  • BricsCAD

Ask for an integration not included into the list.

Products and Documents

Products are data collections which indicate what has to be manufactured while documents are data collectors representing products or manufacturing equipments, typical CAD documents are 2D or 3D representations. Edit Parts and Assign Docname allow to associated to models and layouts products and documents data. Usual data are part number, description, material, document number, etc.

Project control

All users can open at the same time all documents saved into LibrePLM, in Check-in mode: in this case designers are prevented from modify and upload them to server. A document can be put in check-out mode by a user (only one user a time) who can edit and upload it to server. This way you always know who is in charge of a document or has modified it in the past

Products and Documents reuse

If does not exist anything of similar to the product you need to design, you have to create new part from scratch; using Odoo you can search and navigate relations, to understand the impact of changes, before to start. For assemblies you can use top down approach importing existing parts/assemblies. When your product can be easily derived from existing ones you can clone them, apply your changes and save it with new product and document data.

New revisions

When you complete the design phase your products can be manufactured. If you need to apply small changes to an existing product not requiring to create a new part number you can simply create a new revision. New revisions can be applied to specific assemblies giving you the flexibilty required in case of "Make To Order" manufacturing.


A monitor is provided in order to control what is uploaded to odoo. At any moment you can know the list of document requested to upload to odoo and the completion status.


A PLM system is primarily a trust based system. Each operation is allowed and required to each responsible user. When you are ready to implement a new product or a change on it, you will apply your choices and all users will be able to use with confidence the result of them.

Draft status

When status is in draft and the document is in check-out, the designer can apply changes and upload them to odoo. Other users can load the same documents in check-in so they can do anything but update them.

Confirmed status

When designer has completed his/her job and document is moved into check-in condition, the status can be changed to confirmed, waiting for supervisor approval.

Released status

When supervisor approves, everything is moved to release and manufacturing and sales processes can start. When the process is applied first time, products and documents are in 0 revision. After release, if small changes are required, new revisions are created and the process starts again from draft.

Modern systems work "out of the box", LibrPLM has this approach proposing a basic workflow process, useful to main manufacturing companies. Both products and documents have the same basic process. Moreover you can customize it adding all necessary steps to design your own process.

Bill of Materials

LibrePLM introduces new kinds of Bill of Materials to improve flexibility and empower your business. Engineering BOM: it represents the exact image of the CAD structure; it allows to check designer job when uploaded to Odoo. Normal BOM is the standard type of BoM in Odoo and it is used for manufacturing; you can obtain Normal BoM starting from Engineering with an automation. You can edit Normal in order to adjust quantities or to manage your process without to involve Engineering department. Spare BOM is developed to improve business managing spare parts. Many report options are available in standard LibrePLM: BOM All Levels, BOM One Level, BOM All Levels Summarized, BOM One Level Summarized, BOM Only Leaves Summarized, BOM All Flat Summarized

Engineering BoM: automatically created when uploading assemblies, it represents a perfect picture of CAD documents.

Normal BoM: based on EBOM, it can be edited and used for manufacturing ensuring the flexibilty to your business model.

Spare BoM: specific for spare parts, it can be edited and used to improve you post-sales business.

Last but not least, LibrePLM introduces a special tool named "Compare Bom", to help to understand differences between BoM of products. You can compare different revisions or products to analyze differences between them.

Product and Document details

LibrePLM enhances Product and BoM entities and introduces Document a special entity to manage files having revison in Odoo. These improvements help to obtain an integrated environment for Engineering and Manufacturing reducing errors and improving your business performances.

Product details

  • Engineering info
  • Linked documents
  • Where used

Document details

  • Attachment
  • Preview
  • Linked parts
  • Document relations

Product data sheets are enriched with new special pages or actions. The "Where Used" option allows to know the assemblies in which a specific part is used. Other reports allow to print all 2D drawings related to a product; this is a useful way to share updated printouts of the products with company departments.

Engineering info collects all data to have it uniquely indicated as part number, description, material, size, weight, and so on.

Linked documents contains documents related to the product, usually 3D Model and 2D Layout but also other documents needed to be maintained under revision.

Document data sheet contain specific info about document and also lists related products so to analyze anytime the impact of changes.

Document Relations while BOMs show what are the parts included into a product, this relation describes the hierarchy between documents; it is a quick way to analyze impact of changes in terms of documents to be changed.

Dictionaries and Part Numbers rules

To standardize Description, Materials and Finishing helps to reduce errors speaking a common language. LibrePLM introduces "Descriptions" to build fixed and variable descriptions so to normalize the values and their representation.


  • Descriptions
  • Materials
  • Finishing

Part Numbers rules

Configurations are available to create standard for Description, Materials and Finishing (know as Dictionaries). Part number rules allow administrator to create all coding rules necessary to uniquely identify new products. Designer can use them and reduce data input time and error possibility.


Checked-Out Documents

Administrator can search all checked-out documents and uncheck-out them if necessary (for example in case of unavailable access to a PC)

Backup Documents View

When you upload a document, previews copy is put in backup area. Administrator can use this feature to recovery previous version in case current document is damaged

Logging Activities

All module activities are logged and administrator can access to log in case something wrong happens

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Product Lifecycle Management in Odoo

This application allows to interface a CAD system with Odoo, with a smart integration adding some usefull tools in Odoo. You will manage 3D Models and 2D Drawings, directly from CAD editors, saving Bill of Materials and Document Relations in Odoo. This application manages fundamental revisions of Products and Documents, helps to work in Concurrent Engineering applying access policies to documents. Moreover, it adds reports and views on Bill of Materials or related to them and helps to share 2D documents using PDF embedded. The feature Compare BoMs helps to understand differences between Bill of Materials; Document Relations shows the relations between files. The goal is helping you to understand the impact and effort of changes, before to apply them. Standard Description and Material or Finishing allow to standardize data, inserting pre-typed ones instead typing them.

  • Key Features :
    • Editor Integration
    • Document Management (Vault)
    • Revision Management
    • Engineering Bill of Materials
    • Document Relationship
    • Spare Parts BoM & Reports
    • Compare BoMs
    • Standard Descriptions
  • Supported Editors :
    • Category : CAD / Mechanical CAD
      • ThinkDesign 2010 (and above)
      • SolidWorks 2011 (and above)
      • Inventor 2011 (and above except 2014)
      • SolidEdge ST3 (and above)
      • AutoCAD 2013 (and above except 2014)
      • UG NX 10 (and above)
      • Catia V.5
      • BricsCAD V.20 - 21
  • Server Requirements :
    • PostgreSQL 9.6 or above
  • Client Requirements :
    • Windows 10
    • Windows 11

Server Installation

We suggest to maintain separated custom addon directory from Odoo addons; a simple matter of order to help you on future maintenance. So we recommend to create /opt/addons and download in it our module. Don't leave module in zip archive (if any), unzip it and remove the zip from /opt/addons. Add /opt/addons to your "/etc/odoo-server.conf" file at the end of "addons_path" variable. Documents uploaded from CAD system will be stored in your Odoo server in a secure Vault, we suggest to configure your server to manage a disk for the repository "document_path" Restart your odoo server and update module list, in Apps you'll find "Engineering & Lifecycle Management" or filter on Apps using "pdm" key

Supposing your O.S. account will be "odoo", your document repository will be placed in "/srv/filestore" directory, let's install our module (downloaded in /home/odoo/Documents). From a terminal let's type:

  • # sudo mkdir /srv/filestore

  • # chown -R odoo:odoo /opt/addons

  • # mkdir /opt/addons

  • # cd /opt/addons

  • # tar -xvzf /home/odoo/Documents/pdm.gzip

  • or :
    • # unzip /home/odoo/Documents/
    • # tar -xvf /home/odoo/Documents/pdm.tar
  • # chown -R odoo:odoo /opt/addons

  • Configure your /etc/odoo-server.conf
    • # sudo vi /etc/odoo-server.conf

      document_path = /srv/filestore

      data_dir = /srv/filestore/dirdata

      addons_path = /opt/server/addons,/opt/server/odoo/addons,/opt/addons

Client Installation

Client containing CAD integrations is available to download on SourceForge public repository “”. This is an usual Windows installer and requires Windows 10 or above. Download installer on your CAD workstation and run it "as Administrator". In order to obtain a version covering Windows 7 or 8, please ask it to Didotech srl, writing a mail to ""


You will need to have a registered account in SourceForge (don't worry, it's free and no spam will be generated by it) to open a ticket. Open a ticket on Tickets at "". Expose your issue, adding files if you think they can help us (3D Models and 2D Drawings). Remember to explain simply and shortly (but exhaustively) the issue and the the way you followed to obtain it, in this way we can try to replicate in order to solve it. We will answer to the ticket in the shorter time we can, of course, our answer will solve your issue as faster as your information on it will be complete.


Please, feel free to contact us for more informations, consultancy, support, customizations and more.

  • Didotech srl "" , a partner before a supplier.

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Eplan P8
Aleksandra Chadwick
on 7/25/24, 1:22 PM

Can you integrate to EPlan??