Procure Flow: Purchase Approval



v 17.0 Third Party
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Employees (hr)
Purchase (purchase)
Discuss (mail)
Invoicing (account)
Lines of code 272
Technical Name procure_flow
Versions 15.0 16.0 17.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Employees (hr)
Purchase (purchase)
Discuss (mail)
Invoicing (account)
Lines of code 272
Technical Name procure_flow
Versions 15.0 16.0 17.0

Procure Flow

Odoo ProcureFlow streamlines procurement management with customizable approval matrices, sequential routing, email notifications, and real-time tracking. Administrators configure hierarchies based on criteria like amount thresholds and departmental preferences. Employees link to users, and requests are routed based on department and total amount. Approvers receive email notifications and can approve or reject requests. Upon approval, requests are converted into purchase orders. Supports Arabic, English, and Spanish.

Key Features

Customizable Approval Matrices.

Administrators can configure custom approval hierarchies based on specific criteria like amount thresholds and departmental preferences, tailoring the approval process to organizational needs.

Sequential Routing.

Purchase requests progress through predefined approval paths, ensuring timely review and authorization. This sequential routing minimizes delays and bottlenecks, enhancing workflow efficiency.

Email Notifications.

Approvers receive email notifications for pending approvals, keeping them informed about pending requests. While the email notification alerts approvers, they are required to log into the Odoo platform to accept or reject the request, ensuring accountability and proper tracking within the system.

Real-Time Tracking.

Users can monitor purchase order and approval statuses in real-time through an intuitive interface. Detailed tracking capabilities provide insights into progress, pending actions, and historical data, empowering stakeholders with valuable information for informed decision-making.

Overview screen.

At the Purchase module, a new Approval Matrix has been introduced in the configuration menu. Within this Approval Matrix, users can define the minimum and maximum amounts required for approval, alongside selecting the relevant department.

During the first approval stage, only employees from the specified department will be available for selection. Subsequent approval stages allow users to choose from any employee listed in the employee module.

Additionally, users can add further conditions. For instance:

For amounts ranging from $1 to $100 in the HR department, approval is required from User 1, User 10, User 11, and User 12. For amounts ranging from $1 to $120 in the Sales department, approval is required from User 5, User 11, User 12, and User 13. For amounts ranging from $101 to $200 in the HR department, approval is required from User 1, User 12, User 13, and User 14.

Employee must be linked to a user.

In the Employee module, each employee must be linked to a user. To achieve this, navigate to the employee record and select the related user under the HR settings tab..

Request For Quotation form.

In the Request For Quotation form, the department field is mandatory. The approval matrix will be applied based on the selected department. Additionally, the Announce to field will notify employees in the selected department after approval.

In the Products tab, the unit price and total are crucial. The approval matrix will be applied based on the total amount. If the total falls within the specified range and the selected department meets the conditions, a 'Send to Approval' button will appear at the top of the form for request submission.

Send to Approval.

Upon clicking "Send to Approval," the matrix will be applied, triggering an email notification to the first approver. The approver must log in to Odoo using their username and password to approve the request.

Send Email notification.

Once the first approver accepts the request, the module will sequentially send an email to the second approver.

Identify next approver.

In the Request for Quotation list view, users can track the status of requests and identify the next approver.

The approver can Approve and Rejected.

The approver has two options: either to approve or reject the request. If the user selects "Reject," they can later change it to "Approve" at any time. In the list view, the status will be indicated as "Rejected.

RFQ converted into a purchase order.

Once the request is approved by all parties, it will be automatically converted into a purchase order.

  • Efficiency.
    • By automating and streamlining the approval process, Odoo ProcureFlow enhances overall efficiency, reducing manual effort and accelerating procurement cycles.
  • Transparency.
    • The module provides transparency into the approval workflow, allowing users to monitor progress and access real-time status updates for greater visibility and accountability.
  • Compliance.
    • With customizable approval matrices and sequential routing, Odoo ProcureFlow helps organizations enforce compliance with internal policies and regulatory requirements, ensuring adherence to procurement guidelines.
Version 17.0.1|Released on:11th May 2024

Initial Commit

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