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v 17.0 Third Party 9
Odoo Online
On Premise
Lines of code 750
Technical Name tis_catch_weight_all_in_one
LicenseSee License tab
Versions 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Lines of code 750
Technical Name tis_catch_weight_all_in_one
LicenseSee License tab
Versions 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0

CatchWeight Management - All In One

This module contains the all Catch Weight modules that tis_catch_weight, tis_cw_shipping_cost, tis_cw_stock_barcode, tis_pos_catch_weight, tis_cw_l10n_in, tis_cw_mrp, tis_cw_mrp_subcontracting, tis_cw_purchase_mrp, tis_cw_sale_mrp, tis_cw_stock_picking_batch You can get all the Catch Weight features by installing this tis_catch_weight_all_in_one module.

Catchweight Management

Catchweight Management

This module helps us to manage Odoo with dual unit of measure. That means we can manage our Stock/Inventory with a secondary quantity and its corresponding unit of measure(That is we called Catch Weight Quantity and Catch Weight Unit of Measure). The CW quantity and CW uom will be reflected in all over the Stock, Sale, Purchase, Account and MRP modules.

Catchweight in Stock

You can set a product as Catchweight product while it is creating. By default, Odoo mentions a Unit of Measure for every product. There is a new field called "Catch Weight UOM" to mention the CW UOM along with the Odoo default unit of measure. And there is another field for configuring an "Average CW Quantity" for that Product.

Update Quantity With Catch Weight

You can update the On Hand CW Qty along with Odoo default On Hand Quantity. And also there is CW Forecast quantity. And you can also update the Catch Weight quantities of the corresponding products to each warehouse if the multi-warehouse feature is enabled.

Inventory Adjustment With Catch Weight

If you selected Catch Weight products while adjusting the Inventory, then you can adjust the Catch Weight Quantities of that products along with the normal quantity. And you can adjust the Catch Weight quantities of products to each warehouse if the multi-warehouse feature is enabled.

Transfers With Catch Weight

There are different types of transfers that are Receipt, Delivery Order, and Internal Transfers. In a transfer flow, you can demand the CW quantity(CW Demand), you can see the reserved CW Quantity(CW Reserved), and finally, you can mention the Done CW Quantity. Here you can also mention the CW unit of measure(CW-UOM).

Scraping With Catch Weight

You can Mention CW Quantities and CW UOM along with the normal quantities and normal unit of measure while making a Scarp Order.

Stock Move With Catch Weight

If a transfer has been created, a stock move will be created respectively. And demanded CW quantity(CW-Initial Demand) will be taken from the "CW Demand" quantity of the corresponding transfer automatically.

Stock Move Line With Catch Weight

If a transfer has been confirmed or validated, a product move will be created respectively. And "CW-Quantity Done" will be taken from the "CW Done" quantity of the corresponding transfer automatically.

Inventory Valuation With Catch Weight

If a transfer has been validated, stock valuation layers will be created for each product which all are in the corresponding transfer. And "CW Quantity" will be taken from the "CW Done" quantity of the corresponding transfer automatically.

Catchweight in Sale

If you are creating a sale order, by default Odoo provides a "Quantity" and a "UoM" field to mention the quantity and in which unit of measure you are going to sell your products. Apart from that, we provide some fields in Sale Order Lines that "CW-Qty" and its corresponding unit of measure as "CW-UOM", "CW Delivered" and "CW Invoiced". Using these features, if you are going to create a sale order for Apples, you can also mention the weight of Apples selling with the corresponding count of Apples. And there is another feature that the CW-Qty will be automatically filled with the "Average CW Quantity" of the corresponding product in your sale order line but only if you configured an Average CW Quantity in that product configuration. If you confirmed the sale order and validated the corresponding shipments, then the "CW Delivered" field will be updated based on the catch weight quantity you have done in the corresponding shipment. And if you created an invoice and confirmed it, then the "CW Invoiced" field will be updated based on the catch weight quantity you have invoiced.

Sales Price Based On Catch Weight

If you configured Sales Price based on CW-UOM in product form and you are going to create a sale order, then the Subtotal amount of each sale line will be calculated based on the CW-Qty.

Quotation/Order Report with Catch Weight

We can take Sales Quotation/Order reports with Catch Weight quantities along with normal quantities.

Catchweight in Purchase

If you are creating a Purchase order, by default Odoo provides a "Quantity" and a "UoM" field to mention the quantity and in which unit of measure you are going to purchase products. Apart from that, we provide some fields in Purchase Order Lines that "CW-Qty" and its corresponding unit of measure as "CW-UOM", "Received CW Qty", and "Billed CW Qty". Using these features, if you are going to create a purchase order for Apples, you can also mention the weight of Apples purchased with the corresponding count of Apples. And there is another feature that the CW-Qty will be automatically filled with the "Average CW Quantity" of the corresponding product in your purchase order line but only if you configured an Average CW Quantity in that product configuration. If you confirmed the purchase order and validated the corresponding Receipts, then the "Received CW Qty" field will be updated based on the catch weight quantity you have done in the corresponding Receipt. And if you created n Bill and confirmed it, then the "Billed CW Qty" field will be updated based on the catch weight quantity you have billed.

Purchase Price Based On Catch Weight

If you configured Purchase Price based on CW-UOM in product form and you are going to create a Purchase order, then the Subtotal amount of each purchase line will be calculated based on the CW-Qty.

RFQ/Order Report with Catch Weight

We can take RFQ/Order reports with Catch Weight quantities along with normal quantities.

Catchweight in Invoicing

There are two new fields in Invoicing, CW-Qty, and CW-UOM. If you are creating an Invoice, you can enter values into these fields and you can confirm the Invoice.

Creating Catch Weight Invoice from Sale Order

As we all know, you can create Invoices from the sale order. Here we can create Invoices from sale orders with Catch Weight quantities and their corresponding unit of measure.

Creating Catch Weight Bills from Purchase Order

As we all know, you can create Bills from the purchase order. Here we can create Bills from purchase orders with Catch Weight quantities and their corresponding unit of measure.

CatchWeight All Channels Sales Report

CatchWeight All Channels Sales Report

This module helps us to get the report of Sales By Channel with the Product CW Quantity(product catch weight quantity).

CatchWeight Sales Coupons & Promotions

CatchWeight Sales Coupons & Promotions

As a marketing tool to enhance the sales to increase revenue of business Odoo provides a special feature that Sale Promotion and Coupon Program. This feature can be used in different ways. Here we are explaining about working of Coupons based on Sales Quantities. By default in Odoo there a field "Quantity " in the Coupon configuration form. Here you can set the minimum required product quantity to get rewards. And here we are providing an extra feature that there is an option on the top of the Coupon configuration page "Based On Catch Weight ". If you enable this option, you can see a new field "CW Quantity ". Now you can set the minimum required product CW Quantity to get rewards.

CatchWeight MRP

CatchWeight MRP

Odoo Manufacturing module enables the end-users to create manufacturing orders of products and pass them into different stages in a production line and complete production. Here we added the Catch Weight features in all over the Manufacturing module. If you are going to manufacture a product, as we all know we need some components for that product. That component is called the Bill of Materials in Odoo.

Creating Bill of Materials(BOM) with Catch Weight

Goto Manuacturing module select Bill of Materials from Master Data menu. Then click on "Create " button and there will be open a form. Here you can see your complete products list. and products can be either Catch weight or Non-Catch Weight products. You can select one product from them to configure Bill of Materials. If you choose a Catch Weight product you can get a new field like CW Quantity. Now you can enter the Quantity, UOM, CW Quantity and the CW-UOM. Then below you can add the components of the selected product. The components can be either Catch Weight product or Non-Catch Weight product. If you choose a Catch Weight product as a component then you can see two new fields to add the CW Quantity and CW UOM. If you choose a Non-Catch Weight product as component then you can’t enter the CW Quantity and CW UOM for that product. This is how Bill of Material in Catch Weight works.

Manufacturing Order/Production with Catch Weight

Goto Manufactring module then click on Operation menu and select Manufacturing Orders.Now click on "create " button. Then first you have to choose a product, If you choose a Catch weight product then here you can see the Quantity to produce and the CW Quantity to produce and the corresponding components also will be listed in the Components tab. Here in the components lines you can see new fields "CW To Consume ", "CW Reserved ", "CW Consumed " and "CW UOM " for each Catch Weight components. Then the "Reserved " and "CW Reserved " quantity field will be updated based on the availability of the stock. Then you can update the "Consumed " and "CW Consumed " quantities. And finally you can "Mark As Done " the production after updating the Produced Quantity. After clicking "Mark As Done " the state of the manufacturing order will be changed to "Done ". From Odoo Version 14 onward you can mention the "Quanity To Produce " and "produced Quantity " specifiacally. But in the previous versions you can only mention the "Quantity to Produce ". And in older versions you can see the manufactured product with its Quantity and CW-Quantity in "Finished products " tab. From And you can see the manufactured product and the components moves with the "Quantity Done " and the "CW Quantity Done " fields by clicking "Product Moves " or "Inventory Moves " smart button. And you can also see the Traceability report with the Quantity and CW Quantity by clicking the Traceability smart button.

Manufacturing Byproducts with Catch Weight

Goto Inventory Master Data select Products menu and choose a product and goto Bill of Materials configuration page. While manufacturing the Product there is any byproducts getting produced, then we can add the product by choosing the Byproduct tab from the BOM configuration page. There you can add the Quantity and CW Quantity of the byproduct which being produced while manufacturing the main product. Now you can create a manufacturing order for that product. While creating the manufactuirng order the Byproducts will be listed in the Byproducts tab. After manufacturing the Order and marked as done, the "Done " quantity and "CW Done " quantity of the Byproducts will be updated automatically. But in Odoo Version 13 and other previous versions, the Byproducts will be listed along with the Finished Products. And you can also see the "Product moves " or "Inventory Moves " with the "Quantity Done " and CW-Quantity Done " fields. This is how Byproducts works in Catch Weight Manufacturing module.

Manufacturing Order Reporting with Catch Weight

Here we providing the Manufacturing order reports with Catch Weight Quantity.

CatchWeight Subcontracting

CatchWeight Subcontracting

As all we know, Subcontracting is the process of contracting a part of the process to an outsider. Odoo allows you to manage services by outsourcing through subcontracting feature. Here we are succeeded this feature with Catch Weight. Goto Manufacturing Module >> Configurations >> Settings >> Enable Subcontracting Next goto Manufacturing >> Products >> Bills of Materials and choose BoM Type as Subcontracting and also choose the subcontractor(s) from the list. Then you need to make a Purchase order for this main product and in the Purchase order lines we can mention the Quantity and the CW Quantity as you required. After confirming the purchase order, you can see that there will be created a Delivery Order. And if you open that Delievry order, you can see the delivery address will be the subcontractor which is configured in the BOM. And the corresponing components will be listed in Operations tab (Product lines) with corresponding Demand quantity and Demand CW quantity. After validating the delievry order the Done quantities and the CW Done quantities will be updated and also there will be created a new Receipt for the Main product with the demanded Quantity and CW quantity.

CatchWeight Purchase & MRP Management

Purchase Product Kit with CatchWeight

Goto Inventory >> Master Data >> Bill of Materials Choose a product(example: Wooden Furniture) from here. Then you can change the BoM Type to "Kit " after this you need to go to Purchase module and create RFQ for your Wooden Furniture product and enter the Quantity and if it is a Catch weight product then you need to enter the CW Quantity and save it. If you confirmed the purchase order then you can see a Receipt has been created for the components of your Wooden Furniture and its Initial Demand quantity will be automatically updated and if the components are Catch Weight product then also the CW Demand quantity will be updated automatically. After Validating that Receipt the Done quantity and CW Done quantity will be updated and the state of the Receipt will be changed to "Done ". This is how Sales Kit product works in Catch Weight.

CatchWeight Sale & Mrp Management

Sale Product Kit with CatchWeight

Goto Inventory >> Master Data >> Bill of Materials Choose a product(example: Wooden Furniture) from here. Then you can change the BoM Type to "Kit " after this you need to go to Sale module and create a Sale Order for your Wooden Furniture product and eneter the Quantity and if it is a Catch weight product then you need to enter the CW Quantity and save it. If you confirmed the sale order then you can see a Delievery order has been created for the components of your Wooden Furniture and its Initial Demand quantity will be auotmatically updated and if the components are Catch Weight product then also the CW Demand quantity will be updated auotmatically. After Validating that Delivery Order, the Done quantity and CW Done quantity will be updated and the state of the Receipt will be changed to "Done ". This is how Purchase Kit product works in Catch Weight.

CatchWeight Batch Picking

CatchWeight Batch Picking

This module helps to get report of Stock Batch Pickings and you can see the Catch Weight Quantity along with the normal Quantity of each picking.

CatchWeight-Indian Accounting

CatchWeight-Indian Accounting

This module helps you to manage Indian Accounting with Catchweight. And we can use this module only in Indian Database.

Catch Weight Addons

Catch Weight Core
Product Average Quantity
Sale Coupon
Procurement, Replenish
Demo Products
MRP Subcontracting
Purchase & MRP Management
Sale & MRP Management
Indian - Accounting
All Channels Sales Report
Backend Theme
Catchweight POS
Catchweight Barcode


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Yes, our app works with Odoo Enterprise as well as Community.

Do you provide any free support ?

Yes, we do provide free support for 90 days for any queries or any bug/issue fixing.

Is version 1.0 users can upgrade to version 2.0?

Yes, You can purchase the version 2.0 and upgrade the features.

Is there any user license required?

No. Unlimited user support.

Is additional customization possible?

Yes, We will provide additional customization as per your request.

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Odoo Proprietary License v1.0

This software and associated files (the "Software") may only be used (executed,
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You may develop Odoo modules that use the Software as a library (typically
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