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Importing from URL

v 18.0 Third Party 27
Download for v 18.0 Deploy on
Odoo Online
On Premise
Lines of code 77
Technical Name base_import_helper
Versions 17.0 18.0
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Importing from URL

Production License: LGPL-3 Get the app on Garazd Apps store

Helper to Import from URLs. Technical module to import data from URLs.

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  • Garazd Creation


This module is maintained by the Garazd Creation.

Garazd Creation

Our mission is to create convenient and effective business solutions based on the Odoo ERP system in the areas in which we have the maximum expertise, such as: eCommerce, marketing, SEO, integration with marketplaces and analytic systems, product label printing and designing.

To solve these tasks, we create modules that complement each other, extend the functionality of Odoo and improve the usability of the system. Our solutions come with detailed documentation and additional materials for easy use.

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Owen McIntosh
on 1/12/25, 11:45 PM

i am getting a erro when installing this app

Module loading base_import_helper failed: file /tmp/tmp4cruujwj/base_import_helper/security/ir.model.access.csv could not be processed: No matching record found for external id 'model_base_import_helper' in field 'Model' Missing required value for the field 'Model' (model_id)


on 1/13/25, 12:50 PM Author

Hi Owen,

Thank you for buying our Odoo solutions!

It seems that you used the Import Module feature to install our module. With this feature, the module installation is impossible. Instead of it, please upload the module to your server in the custom add-ons path and restart your Odoo service.

After that, install this module from the Apps menu. Please do not forget to update the app list with the Update Apps List menu.

Best regards, Yurii Razumovskyi.

Company Garazd CreationOdoo solutions for e-Commerce, SEO, Data Feeds, Website Tracking, Marketing, Analytics, and Marketplace integrations, Product Label designing and printing.