Auto Invoice WorkFlow | Auto Send Invoice to Customer | Auto Accounting Workflow |Auto Sale Workflow | Sale Order Automatic Workflow | Quotation Automatic Workflow



v 18.0 Third Party 2
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Invoicing (account)
Sales (sale_management)
Discuss (mail)
Inventory (stock)
Lines of code 440
Technical Name cr_auto_invoice_workflow
Versions 13.0 15.0 18.0 17.0 16.0 14.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Invoicing (account)
Sales (sale_management)
Discuss (mail)
Inventory (stock)
Lines of code 440
Technical Name cr_auto_invoice_workflow
Versions 13.0 15.0 18.0 17.0 16.0 14.0
Community Enterprise


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  • Suitable for Both Community and Enterprise Version
  • Goal is to Automatically Generate & Send Invoice to Customer.
  • Automate the Invoice Generation and Sending Invoice of sale order based on configuration selected from settings and cron action defined.

Automatically Generate & Send Invoice

  • Navigate to Settings >> Accounting.
  • Here user will find a configuration as Automatic Invoice Generation.
  • On checking the Boolean Box user will some other configuration and can select the configuration as per their needs and then Save it.
  • Configurations can be as exclude parameters like Exclude Customer Types, Exclude Sales Team, Exclude Payment Terms also other configurations like Invoice Policy and Gift Card Product.
  • With it user will also see the Cron Job/Schedule Action and on clicking it will redirect to Schedule Action created.
  • There are Schedule Action/Cron jobs created as Account: Automatic Invoice Generation with execution time of every 5 minutes when it is triggered it finds sales order with state draft then confirms it and set as Sale Order.
Your GIF

  • Similarly user will find a configuration as Automatic Invoice Generation in Settings >> Accounting.
  • On checking the Boolean Box user will some other configuration and can select the configuration as per their needs and then Save it.
  • Configurations can be as exclude parameters like Exclude Customer Types, Exclude Sales Team, Exclude Payment Terms also other configurations like Invoice Mail Template.
  • There are Schedule Action/Cron jobs created as Account: Automatic Invoice Generation with execution time of every 5 minutes when it is triggered it finds sales order with state draft then confirms it and set as Sale Order.
Your GIF

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  • If you want to start a discussion with the author or have a question related to your purchase, please use the support page.