Sales Contract Subscription, Recurring Invoice in odoo, Subscription management in odoo
by Axis Technolabs
$ 96.00
Availability |
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies |
Invoicing (account)
• Sales (sale_management) • Discuss (mail) |
Lines of code | 12084 |
Technical Name |
sales_contract_subscription_and_recurring_invoice_axis |
License | AGPL-3 |
Website | |
Versions | 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 |
Availability |
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies |
Invoicing (account)
• Sales (sale_management) • Discuss (mail) |
Lines of code | 12084 |
Technical Name |
sales_contract_subscription_and_recurring_invoice_axis |
License | AGPL-3 |
Website | |
Versions | 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 |
Subscription Management and Recurring Invoice in odoo
Sales Contract or Subscription Management in odoo
Sales Contract Subscription and Recurring Invoice in odoo
, Sales Contract Subscription in odoo and Recurring Invoice in odoo,Subscription management in odoo
, Subscription Management in odoo, this module enables the functionality while Create products for warranty or maintenance or subscription, Sales contract or Subscription manage based on product Sales order line and that will create sales contract for customer automatically on confirmation of sales order in odoo. That is also allow you to create recurring invoice from contract based on period configured on contract. This module also support in future if you sell some more services on same contract then you can select contract on quote/sales order and it will include that line on contract.Key Features for Sales Contract Subscription
- Sales Subscription/Contract Dashboard display count of contracts with its status new, running, expiry-soon, expired and locked. In dashboard displays the total contract/warranty product, total customer contract, total invoice. Graphs/Charts display data for weekly contracts, monthly contracts.
- Analytic account list view displays all contract data with its stages and stage filtration option available in analytic account(contract) view.
- You can create a products for subscription/contract from odoo backend
- Set product subscription period, This module will automatically create contract or subscription when sales order of particular product is confirmed.
- Details of Sales order and Sales order lines will be available on Subscription/Contract form.
- Sales team, Accounting team or admin can
create Subscription/Contract from Sales order
. - You can see Subscription lines available on Subscription form which are created from Sales order.
- Generate customers invoice from Subscription form.
- Allow you to set up Frequent periods on Subscription and invoice based on that.
- You can also manage and generate Invoice directly from Contract menu and Generate Invoice Button.
- Subscription/Contract report available in PDF format for print.
- Added subscription/contract on Sales order then this module will extended new subscription lines in running stage subscription/contract, no need to create again that particular subscription/contract.
- Stage process implementation for create NEW subscription/contract, RUNNING subscription/contract, EXPIRED subscription/contract for customers.
- Previously subscribed customer can also take re-subscription and that will manage in RUNNING subscription/contract.
- Subscription/Contract views in list view and form view.
- Cron Jobs for create automatic invoice gererate and manage subscription expire date.
- We have also implemented bulk customer invoice generation for subscription/contract.
- Generate Recurring Customer Invoices wizard in single click for manually.
- Send an email to customers for subscription/contract registered in system.
- Filter option in odoo backend for view customer invoice and number of subscription/contract
- Roles and Rights - set roles and rights to employee for work in subscription management in odoo contract management in odoo.
Sales Contract Subscription and Recurring Invoice Supported Multiple languages with (English, Arabic, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, Danish-dansk, Dutch-Nederlands, Spanish - Español, French-français,Russia-Russian,German - Deutsch) in odoo.
Menu Available:
- Sales
- Analytic account
- Invoicing
- Dashboard for contract
- Contract list
Subscription/contract management Dashboard in odoo. [Screenshots and Flow]
Contract/Account Dashboard

General Configuration

Product Configuration
Create product as Contract/Warranty product and set Recurring Period.

Contract/warrnaty Product Filteration

Create a quotation template using contract/warranty products which allow you to auto set contract/warranty line while creating sale order

Create a quotation using quotation template which auto set contract/warranty product in sale order lines along with selling product lines.
We have to add recurring period on sale order that will be used during the creation of recurring invoice from contract.

Sale order Confirmation
If there is no analytic account on sale order then it will create new analytic account with particular customer.

Analytic Account
We have separated Contract/warranty lines and Sellable Product lines.
You can find new fields on contract/analytic account as below which will allow you to manage customer contract and recurrning invoice.
Stage: Contract Status (New->Running->Expires Soon->Expired->Locked)
According to stages If Contract create for the frst time it will automatic set as a New and if existing contract the set as a running.
Contract Expiration Days: Set contract stage to "Expires Soon" before end date.

Recurring Invoice Generate
Create a recurring invoice from Genrate Invoice button on Contract form.
You can find that invoice generate with contract/warranty lines.

Analytic Account View

Stage Filteration On Analytic contract View

Generate Contract Report

Customized contract report with full details.

Update Existing Analytic Contract
If analytic contract has been created then it will append new Contract/warranty line and sellable product line into existing contract.
Existing Contract With updated new contract/warranty line and sellable product lines set as a running stage in contract form.
If contract in new or running stage you can lock and unlock the particular contract by lock and unlock button in contract form.

Automatic Create Customer Invoice using Cron Job

Manual Process For Generate Recuring Invoice From Wizard.

Send Contract Report to Customer by Email.

Bulk customer invoice generation

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For Technical Help and Support
At Axistechnolabs we offer end to end solution for all Odoo services which includes custom development, integration, migration, analysis & consultation.
Incase of any question regarding this module feel free to email us on

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