v 7.0 v 8.0 v 9.0 v 10.0 v 11.0 v 12.0 Third Party 694
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Technical Name session_redis
Versions 9.0 7.0 10.0 8.0 11.0 12.0
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Sessions in Redis

This addon allows to store the web sessions in Redis.


The storage of sessions in Redis is activated using environment variables.

  • ODOO_SESSION_REDIS has to be 1 or true
  • ODOO_SESSION_REDIS_HOST is the redis hostname (default is localhost)
  • ODOO_SESSION_REDIS_PORT is the redis port (default is 6379)
  • ODOO_SESSION_REDIS_PASSWORD is the password for the AUTH command (optional)
  • ODOO_SESSION_REDIS_URL is an alternative way to define the Redis server address. It's the preferred way when you're using the rediss:// protocol.
  • ODOO_SESSION_REDIS_PREFIX is the prefix for the session keys (optional)
  • ODOO_SESSION_REDIS_EXPIRATION is the time in seconds before expiration of the sessions (default is 7 days)
  • ODOO_SESSION_REDIS_EXPIRATION_ANONYMOUS is the time in seconds before expiration of the anonymous sessions (default is 3 hours)

The keys are set to session:<session id>. When a prefix is defined, the keys are session:<prefix>:<session id>

This addon must be added in the server wide addons with (--load option):



  • The server has to be restarted in order for the sessions to be stored in Redis.
  • All the users will have to login again as their previous session will be dropped.
  • The addon monkey-patch openerp.http.Root.session_store with a custom method when the Redis mode is active, so incompatibilities with other addons is possible if they do the same.

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