Email Template Cron

v 8.0 Third Party 12
Download for v 8.0
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Social Network (mail)
Technical Name email_template_cron
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Email Template Cron

This module allows scheduling the sending of email templates.

When installing this module a cron job is created to process the email templates queue, it will send all those templates that have the check "Active [cron]" set and "Next execution date" is previous than the current. By default this cron is executed hourly.


In order to select which templates are going to be automatically and periodically sent, user must configure each template by filling some fields:

  • Active [cron] must be set True so the configurator in Advanced Settings tab.
  • Configurator has 4 fields:
    • Interval number
    • Interval type
    • Next execution date
    • Domain, this will be applied in order to make a selection to the applied model. Example: [('state','=','draft'),('min_date','<', ())] in a template applied to stock.picking model will send the email only in those pickings that are draft and scheduled date is previous than "now"

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Bugs are tracked on GitHub Issues. In case of trouble, please check there if your issue has already been reported. If you spotted it first, help us smash it by providing detailed and welcomed feedback.



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