L10n FR Fix Thousands Separator

v 8.0 Third Party 99
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Technical Name l10n_fr_fix_thousands_sep
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L10n FR Fix Thousands Separator

Make sure that the language fr_FR is installed before installing this module.

By default, the French language (fr_FR) has space as Thousands Separator and the Separator Format is not set. If you manually set a good value for Separator Format ([3,0]) and you keep space as Thousands Separator, you will get the following problem: when you display a float with a value over one thousand and there isn't enough horizontal space in the tree or form view, the number will be displayed over 2 lines (or more). This often happens in Accounting > Journal Entries > Journal Items for users that don't have super-wide screens. And it is a cause of headache for accountants ! :)

When you install this module:

  • on language with code fr_FR, the Thousands Separator* will be set to the unicode caracter U+202F NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE (http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/202f/index.htm) and the Separator Format will be set to [3,0].
  • on language with code en_US (installed by default), the Separator Format will be set to [3,0].

This module has been written by Alexis de Lattre from Akretion <alexis.delattre@akretion.com>.

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