Import Multiple Product Images From URL



v 8.0 v 9.0 v 10.0 v 11.0 Third Party 4
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Inventory Management (stock)
eCommerce (website_sale)
Sales Management (sale)
Website Builder (website)
Invoicing (account)
Community Apps Dependencies
Technical Name multiple_product_images_from_url
Versions 10.0 11.0 9.0 8.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Inventory Management (stock)
eCommerce (website_sale)
Sales Management (sale)
Website Builder (website)
Invoicing (account)
Community Apps Dependencies
Technical Name multiple_product_images_from_url
Versions 10.0 11.0 9.0 8.0

Import Multiple Product Images From URL

download and import product images from url

Many times you will want to import products from other systems using the odoo import feature. Odoo however does not offer an out-of-the-box feature to import the product images for each product. Using this module you can import the both the main image of a product as well as the multiple website images of your products and then download them in batch.. This assumes that you have a multi-image module installed in your database. Simply

  1. Add 'Image URL' column in your csv/excel import file (To hold the URL of the main product image)
  2. Add 'images/image_url' columns in your csv/excel import file (To hold the website images)
  3. Import your products using the import file
  4. Go to the "Products" menu and select list view
  5. Select all products in products
  6. Click on More>Download Images

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Fabio Tielen
on 10/26/17, 7:15 AM

Compatible with Odoo 11.0?