Customer productivity: improved!
Beautiful. Cheap. Stable.
Just Everywhere:
- All Tree/ListView
- One2Many Listview (Form)
- Many2One Search-Dialog List New!
- Reporting PivotView New!
- Vertical & Horizontal scroll
- Desktop & Mobile
- Enterprise & Community Edition
- You found not listed above? ask me!
Excellency Beautiful.
- Wouldn't mess your theme
Easy, seriously.
- Just install and Go!
No programming required. - Automagically applied
- But .., okay Admin
tuning can be done in "Settings / General Settings"
Production Quality
- Carefully handcrafted by 10+ years experienced designer
- Has been used (several years) in real projects, and still!
- Fullspeed loading at no wait New!
- Fullspeed running at no wait.
- Flicker free (smooth animation) New!
- Memory-leak free
- Unistallation with no problem

Sticky Table Header

Sticky, what?
With this module installed, our user will always can see the table header when they scroll down the long list-view data.
Well, that is not all about.
Pixel perfect
Such color and softness appearance of shadow is carefully designed to not distracting user activity,
while still easy to distinct between (floating) table's header and data.
Didn't you noticed ?
This improvement helps people to complete their work faster.
Win your customer!
This module absorbs a lot of unneeded repetitive experience: scrolling and looking for the table's header.
Even if you didn't care that every single click counts, our odoo's user did.
One2Many ListView's header will be sticky visible if there is at least one row
ListView in Modal / Dialog

Responsive Mobile/Smartphone Ready

Initial Appaearance

Long-data Scrolling

This sticky-header is just in correct position while we are scrolling horizontally and vertically.
Your brand. Your website.
Sure, I did tests before I made it published.
Let say with famous OCA Web-Responsive theme. (And some private themes too, of course)
But You know, occasionally those theme/modules is updated periodically
So, in case you have problem/conflict installing this with other modules (or other theme)..
Do not hesitate to ask me to make some few adjustment for free, just like other people (customers) did.
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this module + "stickify_pivot" = "stickify"
Hi dear all,
I have a good news: From now on this "sticky_th" module will be merged with my specialized pivot-header ("stikify_pivot" module).
The development been continuing by my sister (another odoo user/account), and still under my supervision.
Available for download :
Other version will follow soon.
Thanks You
x2nie, xitha