Odoo Apps 45939 Apps found.

Geminate comes with a feature to enable restriction on employees to join / work in a particular department when their age comes between certain age criteria.

HR Employee Age Restriction
Geminate Consultancy Services

Employee Award

HR Employee Award
Doyenhub Software Solution

This App has Extra Features in HR Employee Award employee award Employee Awards employee awards hr employee hr employee award hr employee awards gift appreciate employee award employee employee gift employee price

HR Employee Award
Craftsync Technologies

Enable in other menu in employee form a menu to take a photo

HR Employee Cam
8Bits Software

Employee can forward request for Business card, ID card and Access card. HR Officer can print the ID card. Basic Flow of this module like this: New -> Confirm(employee) -> In Progress(HR Officer) -> Done(HR Officer) -> Print Card(employee/ HR Officer) HR Employe card Employee card employee identity card employee visiting card visiting card employee request employee access card employee id card employee employee admin employee management human resource admin hr hr manager hr administration human resource admin administration admin manager Employee grade job position hrm grade payslip salary timesheet calendar Attendance Appraisal Employee Letter Passport Management Payroll assessments employees employees assessments designation key area strength review development evolution assessment monitor timeline employee expense expense reimbursement employee expense reimbursement employee travel bill reimbursement register employee expense employee expense on payslip Amount refunded for costs incurred payroll manager monthly salary Employee Expense Reimburse Expense Manager Post Journal Entries Payslip Calculation reimburse airfare reimbursement flight ticket flight ticket reimbursement airfare allowance

HR Employee Card
Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Create custom label template and print dynamic employee card.

HR Employee Card (Community)
Acespritech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Create custom label template and print dynamic employee card.

HR Employee Card (Enterprise)
Acespritech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Categorize your employee categories

HR Employee Category Parent
Therp BV , Odoo Community Association (OCA)

Employee Entry and Exit Checklist

HR Employee Checklist
Almighty Consulting Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

This App has Extra Features in HR Employee Complaints employee complaints Employee Complaint employee complaint hr employee hr employee complaint gift HR employee Problem HR employee Issues HR employee Requests HR employee Problems HR Employee Issue HR Employee Request complaint employee complaints employee hr employee Issue hr employee Request hr employee Problem hr employee Issues HR Employee Problem HR Employee Issues HR Employee Requests HR Employee Problems hr employee Requests hr employee Problems HR Employee Issue HR Employee Request HR Employee Problem HR Employee Issues HR Employee Requests HR Employee Problems HR employee Issue HR employee Request

HR Employee Complaints
Craftsync Technologies

HR Employee Documents Validation Data european (SP)

HR Employee Documents
ToDOO (www.todooweb.com)
HR Employee Emergency Contact
OpenSynergy Indonesia , Michael Telahun Makonnen ,

Employee Entry checklist

HR Employee Entry Checklist
Almighty Consulting Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Employee Exit checklist

HR Employee Exit Checklist
Almighty Consulting Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Human Resource Employee Expense Double Approval Request Employee Expense approval mail notification hr expense approval expense second approval employee expense approve expense triple approval hr expense approval process employee expense validation process

HR Employee Expense Double Approval in Odoo

Hr Employee Expense Double Approval Employee Expense Tripple Approval Request Employee Expense approval mail notification hr expense approval expense triple validation approval employee expense approve expense second approval hr expense multi approval

HR Employee Expense Triple Approval in Odoo

This module provides feature for adding more informations in employee records.

HR Employee Extension
Anicet Eric Kouame

This App has Extra Features in HR

HR Employee Extra Features
Craftsync Technologies

This App has Extra Features in HR Employee Extra Detail employee extra detail Employee passport employee Passport hr langauge Hr Language skype whatsapp twitter facebook instagram employees skype employees whatsapp employees twitter employees facebook employees instagram employees social media complaints employees employees country employees work country employees work location employees nationality employees previous nationality employees passport expiry employees passport expiry date employees job joining date employees joining date employees marriage date employees birthday date employees birthdate employees dob employees date of birth employee age employees pf employees part time employees is part time employees pf account employees know languages employees languages known employees know language employees language known employees height employees weight employees religion employees blood group employees passport country employee's skype employee's whatsapp employee's twitter employee's facebook employee's instagram employee's social media complaints employee's employee's country employee's work country employee's work location employee's nationality employee's previous nationality employee's passport expiry employee's passport expiry date employee's job joining date employee's joining date employee's marriage date employee's birthday date employee's birthdate employee's dob employee's date of birth employee age employee's pf employee's part time employee's is part time employee's pf account employee's know languages employee's languages known employee's know language employee's language known employee's height employee's weight employee's religion employee's blood group employee's passport country hr employee skype hr employee whatsapp hr employee twitter hr employee facebook hr employee instagram hr employee social media complaints hr employee hr employee country hr employee work country hr employee work location hr employee nationality hr employee previous nationality hr employee passport expiry hr employee passport expiry date hr employee job joining date hr employee joining date hr employee marriage date hr employee birthday date hr employee birthdate hr employee dob hr employee date of birth employee age hr employee pf hr employee part time hr employee is part time hr employee pf account hr employee know languages hr employee languages known hr employee know language hr employee language known hr employee height hr employee weight hr employee religion hr employee blood group hr employee passport country hr employee skype hr employee whatsapp hr employee twitter hr employee facebook hr employee instagram hr employee social media complaints hr employee hr employee country hr employee work country hr employee work location hr employee nationality hr employee previous nationality hr employee passport expiry hr employee passport expiry date hr employee job joining date hr employee joining date hr employee marriage date hr employee birthday date hr employee birthdate hr employee dob hr employee date of birth hr employee age hr employee pf hr employee part time hr employee is part time hr employee pf account hr employee know languages hr employee languages known hr employee know language hr employee language known hr employee height hr employee weight hr employee religion hr employee blood group hr employee passport country HR employee skype HR employee whatsapp HR employee twitter HR employee facebook HR employee instagram HR employee social media complaints HR employee HR employee country HR employee work country HR employee work location HR employee nationality HR employee previous nationality HR employee passport expiry HR employee passport expiry date HR employee job joining date HR employee joining date HR employee marriage date HR employee birthday date HR employee birthdate HR employee dob HR employee date of birth HR employee age HR employee pf HR employee part time HR employee is part time HR employee pf account HR employee know languages HR employee languages known HR employee know language HR employee language known HR employee height HR employee weight HR employee religion HR employee blood group HR employee passport country HR Employee skype HR Employee whatsapp HR Employee twitter HR Employee facebook HR Employee instagram HR Employee social media complaints HR Employee HR Employee country HR Employee work country HR Employee work location HR Employee nationality HR Employee previous nationality HR Employee passport expiry HR Employee passport expiry date HR Employee job joining date HR Employee joining date HR Employee marriage date HR Employee birthday date HR Employee birthdate HR Employee dob HR Employee date of birth HR Employee age HR Employee pf HR Employee part time HR Employee is part time HR Employee pf account HR Employee know languages HR Employee languages known HR Employee know language HR Employee language known HR Employee height HR Employee weight HR Employee religion HR Employee blood group HR Employee passport country HR EMPLOYEE skype HR EMPLOYEE whatsapp HR EMPLOYEE twitter HR EMPLOYEE facebook HR EMPLOYEE instagram HR EMPLOYEE social media complaints HR EMPLOYEE HR EMPLOYEE country HR EMPLOYEE work country HR EMPLOYEE work location HR EMPLOYEE nationality HR EMPLOYEE previous nationality HR EMPLOYEE passport expiry HR EMPLOYEE passport expiry date HR EMPLOYEE job joining date HR EMPLOYEE joining date HR EMPLOYEE marriage date HR EMPLOYEE birthday date HR EMPLOYEE birthdate HR EMPLOYEE dob HR EMPLOYEE date of birth HR EMPLOYEE age HR EMPLOYEE pf HR EMPLOYEE part time HR EMPLOYEE is part time HR EMPLOYEE pf account HR EMPLOYEE know languages HR EMPLOYEE languages known HR EMPLOYEE know language HR EMPLOYEE language known HR EMPLOYEE height HR EMPLOYEE weight HR EMPLOYEE religion HR EMPLOYEE blood group HR EMPLOYEE passport country HR Employee's skype HR Employee's whatsapp HR Employee's twitter HR Employee's facebook HR Employee's instagram HR Employee's social media complaints HR Employee's HR Employee's country HR Employee's work country HR Employee's work location HR Employee's nationality HR Employee's previous nationality HR Employee's passport expiry HR Employee's passport expiry date HR Employee's job joining date HR Employee's joining date HR Employee's marriage date HR Employee's birthday date HR Employee's birthdate HR Employee's dob HR Employee's date of birth HR Employee's age HR Employee's pf HR Employee's part time HR Employee's is part time HR Employee's pf account HR Employee's know languages HR Employee's languages known HR Employee's know language HR Employee's language known HR Employee's height HR Employee's weight HR Employee's religion HR Employee's blood group HR Employee's passport country HR Employee skype HR Employee whatsapp HR Employee twitter HR Employee facebook HR Employee instagram HR Employee social media complaints HR Employee HR Employee country HR Employee work country HR Employee work location HR Employee nationality employees facilities employee's facilities HR Employee previous nationality HR Employee passport expiry HR Employee passport expiry date HR Employee job joining date HR Employee joining date HR Employee marriage date HR Employee birthday date HR Employee birthdate HR Employee dob HR Employee date of birth HR Employee age HR Employee pf HR Employee part time HR Employee is part time HR Employee pf account HR Employee know languages HR Employee languages known HR Employee know language HR Employee language known HR Employee height HR Employee weight HR Employee religion HR Employee blood group HR Employee passport country employee skype employee whatsapp employee twitter employee facebook employee instagram employee social media complaints employee employee country employee work country employee work location employee nationality employee previous nationality employee passport expiry employee passport expiry date employee job joining date employee joining date employee marriage date employee birthday date employee birthdate employee dob employee date of birth employee age employee pf employee part time employee is part time employee pf account employee know languages employee languages known employee know language employee language known employee height employee weight employee religion employee blood group employee passport country reffered by refrence by hr employee Problem hr employee Issues hr employee Requests hr employee Problems HR Employee Issue HR Employee Request HR Employee Problem HR Employee Issues HR Employee Requests HR Employee Problems HR employee Issue HR employee Request HR employee Problem HR employee Issues HR employee Requests HR employee Problems HR Employee Issue HR Employee Request HR Employee Problem HR Employee Issues HR Employee Requests HR Employee Problems

HR Employee Extra Features
Craftsync Technologies
HR Employee Extra Fields
8Bits Software