Preway IT Solutions Apps 215 Apps found. author: Preway it solutions × version: 14.0 ×

This apps helps you to set default uom on product for sales and purchase | Sales Default UoM | Sales Default Unit of Measure | Purchase Default UoM | Purchase Default Unit of Measure

Sales Default UoM | Purchase Default UoM | Sales and Purchase Default UoM | Default Unit of Measure
Preway IT Solutions

This module will help you to sales and invoice tax readonly for specific user. | Sale Tax Readonly | Invoice Tax Readonly | Disable sale tax | Disable Invoice Tax

Sales Tax Readonly | Sales and Invoice Tax Readonly | Readonly Taxes
Preway IT Solutions

This apps helps you to Search Customer Invoice, Vendor Bills, Credit Notes, Vendor Refunds by product | Search Vendor Bill by Product | Search Accounting Entry by Product

Search Invoice by Product
Preway IT Solutions

This module is help you to set done quantity on picking as reserved qty in single click | Set Done Qty from Reserved Qty | Set Done Quantity as reserved quantity | Set done quantity on picking | Set done qty on all moves

Set Done Quantity on Picking | Set Done Qty as Reserved Qty
Preway IT Solutions

This apps helps you to only show available lots/serial on delivery order | Hide zero lot on delivery | Hide zero serial on delivery | hide not available lot on picking

Show Available Lot on Delivery | Hide Unavailable Product Lot on Delivery
Preway IT Solutions

This module is allow you to show pos order user wise, user can see own pos orders only | POS Display Orders User wise

Show POS Orders User Wise
Preway IT Solutions

This apps helps you to skip invoice create wizard from sale | Skip create invoice wizard in quotations and sales orders | create invoice from sale order

Skip Invoice Create Wizard from Sale
Preway IT Solutions

This apps helps you to easy split manufacturing order by number of qty/split | Split MRP | Manufacturing Order Split | Production Order Split

Split Manufacturing Order
Preway IT Solutions

This module is allow you to Create multiple internal transfer at ones | Inter Warehouse Transfer | Multi Transfer | Create Multiple Transfer

Stock Multi Transfer | Create Multiple Internal Transfers
Preway IT Solutions

This module helps you to show total Demand qty, Reserved qty, Done qty and Remaining Done on Delivery and Incoming Shipment | Delivery Total Quantity | Receipt Total Quantity | GRN Total Quantity | Total Quantity Of Incoming Shipemnt Line | Total Quantity Of Delivery Order / Incoming Shipment Line

Stock Picking Total Quantity | Delivery Total Quantity
Preway IT Solutions

This apps helps you stop auto reservation stock on delivery order | Stop auto lot reservation on sale confirm | Stop auto lot allocation on delivery order/ Stop add auto lot | Stop auto reserve | Stop auto Allocation lot | Stop auto Allocation serial | Restrict Stock Auto Reservation | Restrict Automatic Reservation

Stop Auto Lot Allocation on Delivery | Stop Auto Reservation
Preway IT Solutions

This app helps you to show tax amount on invoice line, sale line and purchase line and print on reports | Tax Amount on Invoice line, Sale line and Purchase line and reports

Tax Amount on Invoice Line, Sale Line, Purchase Line and Reports
Preway IT Solutions

This module is allow you set restric to create product category for specific user | User restrict to create product product category| User restriction for creating product category

User Restrict to Create Product Category | Disable Quick Create Product Category
Preway IT Solutions

This module is allow to user restrict create product and partner | User restrict to create product | User restrict to create product | User Restrict Create Partner and product | User restriction for creating product and partner

User Restrict to Create Product and Partner | Disable Quick Create Product | Disable Quick Create Partner
Preway IT Solutions

This module is help user to see products of the vendor on vendor profile | Vendor Products | Supplier Products | Vendor wise products

Vendor Products
Preway IT Solutions