Allows to share user-defined defaults among several users.
Allows to share user-defined filters filters among several users.
Allows to consider demand estimates using MRP multi level.
Print Product Labels in a Stock Picking
This module adds the concept of equivalent category. A product can belong to a certain equivalent category and all products in that category will be considered equivalent.
Change the income and COGS accounts in intercompany transactions
This module makes the product supplier code visible in the stock moves of a picking.
Define quantities according to product packaging on purchase order lines
Adds the capability to show the value discrepancy of every line in an inventory and to block the inventory validation when the discrepancy is over a user defined threshold.
Allows to create demand estimates.
Introduces the concept of location template
Allows to create procurement orders in a different locationthe orderpoint
The pull list checks the stock situation and calculates needed quantities.