Softhealer Technologies Apps 1148 Apps found. author: Softhealer technologies × version: 13.0 ×

Website Back To Top,Shop Back To Top,Scroll To Top Button,Scroll Up Button,Bottom To Top,Shop Quick Top,Website bottom to top without scrolling,Website Scroll Back To Top,Shop Scroll To Top Odoo

Website Scroll Back To Top
Softhealer Technologies

Restrict Out Product Point Of Sales,Check Product Quantity,Product On Hand Quantity,Low Stock Alert,Search Product Quantity,POS Restrict Out Stock,Product Out Of Stock Warning Odoo

Point Of Sales Restrict Out Stock Product | POS Restrict Out Of Stock Products
Softhealer Technologies

Backmate configuration base comes in Backmate Backend Theme Basics depends only.

Backmate Configuration Base
Softhealer Technologies
5 283

Set Minimum Product Price Set Maximum Product Price Manage Product Pricelist Management Min Product Price Max Product Price POS Product Min Price POS Product Max Price Point Of Sale Product Min Price Point Of Sale Product Max Price Odoo

Minimum and Maximum Product Price Base | Set Product Minimum Price | Set Product Maximum Price
Softhealer Technologies

create Success, warnings, alert message box wizard,success popup message app, alert popup module, email popup module odoo

Popup Message
Softhealer Technologies

Material Backend Theme Responsive Backend Theme Backmate Backend Theme Fully Functional Backend Theme Flexible Backend Theme Fast Backend Theme Lightweight Backend Theme Animated Backend Theme Modern Backend Theme Multipurpose Backend Theme Odoo Theme

Backend Base
Softhealer Technologies

Website Bunch Products, All In One Products App, Website Product Package, Product Combo Module, Particular Product Bundle, Product Pack On Shop, Mass Products On Shop, Multiple Products On Shop, Multiple Products In Pack Odoo

All in One Product Bundle Base
Softhealer Technologies

Sale Dynamic Approval Sale Order Dynamic Approval Expense Dynamic Approval Account Dynamic Approval Invoice Dynamic Approval Bill Dynamic Approval Invoice Approval Process Bill Approval Payslip Dynamic Approval Purchase Dynamic Approval Odoo

Base Dynamic Approval
Softhealer Technologies

Documents Management Account Document Management Customer Document Management Sales Document Management Purchase Document Management Employee Document Management Contact Document Management Project Document Management Task Document Management Odoo

Base Document Management
Softhealer Technologies

Activity Management Odoo, Activity Scheduler Odoo, Manage Project Activity, Manage Employee Activity Module, Manage Supervisor Activity, Filter Completed Activity,filter planned Activity Odoo

Activity Management Base
Softhealer Technologies

Import By Scheduler Import Using Scheduler Import Records Scheduler Import Records Run Scheduler Scheduled Import Schedule Importing Force Import Records Force Import Odoo

Schedule Import | Import Base
Softhealer Technologies

Electronic invoice KSA Saudi Electronic invoice Receipt Saudi VAT E-Invoice Saudi VAT E-Invoice for POS Electronic Invoice with QR code arabic translations ZATCA QR Code Invoice Arabic header arabic name Saudi VAT Invoice Saudi E-Invoice Odoo

Electronic invoice KSA - Invoice, Credit Note, Bill, Refund | Saudi Invoice QR Code | Invoice based on TLV Base64 string QR Code | Saudi Electronic Invoice with Base64 TLV QRCode
Softhealer Technologies

Employee Promotion,Employee Overtime,Employee Medical,Attendance Chatter,Employee Leave,Employee Expense,Employee Idea,Employee Checklist,Employee Complain,Update Employee,Employee Document,Employee Extra Fields,Visa,Passport,Dashboard odoo

All In One HRMS - Enterprise Edition | Human Resource Management System | Friendly HRMS System | HR Management System | HRMS Dashboard
Softhealer Technologies

Export BOM Structure & Cost Report Export BOM Structure Report Export Cost Report Bill Of Material Structure Report Bill Of Material Cost Report Bill Of Materials Structure Report Bill Of Materials Cost Report In XLS BOM Structure Report In XLS Odoo

BOM Structure & Cost Report in Excel | BOM Structure Report In Excel | BOM Cost Report In Excel
Softhealer Technologies

Restrict Access Point Of Sale,POS Disable Customer Button,POS Deny Numpad, POS Restrict Plus-Minus Buttons, POS Disable Quantity Button,POS Discount Disable,POS Payment Button Disable,POS Disable Price,Access Rights For Cashier Odoo

Point Of Sale Access Rights - Change Cashier Supported | Point Of Sale Access Rights | Different Access Rights For Employee | Access Rights For Cashier
Softhealer Technologies

Merge Excel Report Of Point Of Sales Order Generate Point Of Sale Order Excel Report Mass Excel Report Bulk Point Of Sale Excel Report POS Excel Report Print Excel Report Point Of Sale XLS Report POS XLS Report Point Of Sale Order XLS Odoo

Point Of Sale Excel Reports | Point Of Sale Detail XLS Report | Point Of Sale Order Excel Reports | POS Excel Reports | POS Order Excel Report
Softhealer Technologies

POS Theme,pos screen beautiful,Responsive POS Screen,POS Theme,POS Responsive Theme,pos mobile, mobile POS, POS mobile theme, point of sale Theme, point of sale responsive theme, point of sale mobile, mobile point of sale Odoo

Responsive POS Theme
Softhealer Technologies

Manage Fiscal Year, Account Fiscal Year App, Close Fiscal Year, Cancel Closing Entry,Accounting Fiscal Period Module, Fiscal Year Opening Entry, Fiscal Year Closing Entry, Generate Fiscal Year Periods, Close Fiscal Year Period Odoo

Accounting Fiscal Year
Softhealer Technologies

Import Partner From Csv App,Import Product From Excel,Import Sale Order From CSV,Import Purchase Order From Excel,Import Account From Csv,Import Invoice From XLS,Import Account From XLSX,Import Inventory From Csv Module,Import Stock From Excel Odoo

All In One Basic Import - Partner, Product, Sales, Purchase, Accounts, Inventory
Softhealer Technologies

Sale Order Cancel, Cancel Quotation, Purchase Order Cancel, Request For Quotation Cancel, Cancel RFQ, Cancel PO,Delete Invoice, Cancel Payment, Cancel Stock Adjustment, Cancel Stock Picking,Cancel Pickings,Delete Inventory Odoo

All In One Cancel - Basic | Cancel Sale Orders | Cancel Purchase Ordrs | Cancel Invoices | Cancel Invenory | Delete Sale Order | Delete Purchase Order | Delete Invoices, Delete Inventory
Softhealer Technologies