eSign purchase digital signature on purchase order eSign invoice digital signature on invoice eSign bill digital signature on bill digital signature on PO digital signature on RFQ electronic signature on bill and invoice electronic signature on PO eSign
Notify internal users about relevant organization stuff
Asterisk plus Odoo
Impersonate another users.
Know who you are dealing with. Enhance Odoo partner data from
Custom Title and Favicon
Duplicating a product will duplicate the products BOM also
Odoo app will add Employee Number on Employee screen
The module used to download multiple record attachment easily
Auto generate Serial/lot from manufacturing order
Automate Product Tag Creation and Description Generation with My Module in Odoo Using OpenAI API
Enables Odoo to take payments using Direct Debit schemes such as Bacs, SEPA, ACH, BECS, and more via GoCardless.
HitPay Payment Gateway Plugin allows merchants to accept PayNow QR, Cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, WeChatPay, AliPay and GrabPay Payments.
Multiple product selection sales multi products selection purchase select multiple products on delivery order line add multiple products invoice line sales order add multi products purchase order multi product selection sales and purchase multiple products
Odoo Multi Vendor Marketplace, Odoo16, Multi Vendor
Employee Insurance Management for Open HRMS.
Automatically Creates Employee While Creating User
Allows You To Create Leave Request Automatically From Incoming Mails
Customer Feedback in PoS
Display full product name in the POS module.