This Module will allow to hide the Manage Database and Powered By options from the Odoo Login page.
Click on the image to enlarge the preview
Apps helps to import employee from excel import employee from csv, import multiple employee, import bulk employee import from excel
This app will manufacturing category.
Mass Editing
App Create Meeting from Task Create Meeting from Task and navigate to meeting and meeting to task from meeting task schedule meeting from task create task from meeting quickly meeting from issue task to meeting for task convert meeting from task meeting
Base module add a field call client_secret for other module which need that field to expand and some other ultilities.
Odoo - Microsoft Clarity: is a free, easy-to-use tool that captures how real people actually use your site. Setup is easy and you'll start getting data in minutes.
Assigning Attendance for the Employees with Onsight Jobs
Manages Employee's Entry & Exit Process
Manage Admissions
add POS bag Charges on POS order POS Bag Charges pos charges on Bag pos packing charges extra bag charges on pos bag charge POS carry bag charges POS bag amount point of sale bag charges point of sale extra bag charges on pos extra charges on point of sale
POS Price per unit of measure
Partner Incoming Outgoing Emails. Easy to check incoming and outgoing emails in customers, vendors or any other contacts.
This module adds password protection to PDF reports.
Allows to Directly Transfer the Stock From the Current POS Session.
Pos Product Limit Odoo 15
User can print profit report for each product
Option to create deposit from purchase order