Softhealer Technologies Apps 621 Apps found. author: Softhealer technologies × version: 11.0 ×

Do you want a custom checklist for your stock? The checklist used to give an important list of items, things to be done, or points to be considered, used as a reminder. This module helps to track the work of the checklist. Here you can know the detail of the checklist in percentage. This module helps to divide checklist items into different stages like Completed, Cancel & Delete. cheers! Stock Custom Checklist Odoo Make List Of Items Required, Reminder Checklist For Stock, Make Checklist For Stock Odoo, Stock Checklist With Status, Remember Of Important Things, Stock Checklist Odoo. Make Checklist App, Stock List Of Items Required, Reminder Checklist For Stock, Remember Of Important Things, Stock Checklist, Stock Checklist With Status Odoo. Stock Custom Checklist 库存自定义清单 Liste de contrôle personnalisée du stock Lager Benutzerdefinierte Checkliste Elenco di controllo personalizzato stock Lista de verificación personalizada de stock Lista de verificação personalizada de estoque

Stock Custom Checklist
Softhealer Technologies

This module used to write HTML notes into the warehousing operations.

Stock HTML Notes
Softhealer Technologies

Stock Multiple Images
Softhealer Technologies

If you want to append some information like delivery/picking operation details terms and conditions, services etc. So here we build a module that can be helps you to make and customize that template with given tools. You can easily append template and build it. No need any kind of other application to make and customize your template. Stock Report Section Odoo, Stock Analysis Report. Give Inventory System Terms And Condition Odoo,Warehouse Services Stock Report, Goods Delivery Report Module,Stock Picking Operation Details Report,Stock Picking Template With Terms And Condition,Stock Privacy And Policy Odoo. Inventory Terms And Condition,Warehouse Services Report App, Goods Delivery Report Module,Stock Picking Operation,Stock Picking Template Report, Stock Privacy And Policy Odoo. Stock Report Section 库存报告科 Section du rapport de stock Stock Report Abschnitt Sezione di rapporto di riserva Sección de informe de existencias Seção Relatório de Estoque

Stock Report Section
Softhealer Technologies

Provide Organization Survey Options Module, Add More Fields In Company Survey, Create Awesome Survey ,Company Survey ,Survey By Custom Field Odoo

Survey - Extra Fields Advance
Softhealer Technologies

Import Google Partner Export Google Customer Import Google Vendor OAuth Google Contact Synchronization oauth Google Contact Sync Google Contacts Sync Connect Google Contact With Odoo Google Contacts In Odoo Google Contact Integration Fetch Contact

Sync Google Contacts | Import Google Contacts | Export Google Contacts | Google Contacts 2Way Sync | Export Odoo Contact To Google
Softhealer Technologies

This module useful to a list of items required, things to be done, or points to be considered, used as a reminder. Task Checklist Odoo Reminder For List Of important things Odoo, Checklist for the task, Create Checklist For Any Task Module Odoo, Checklist for subtasks, create List For Remaining task Odoo. List Of work reminder app, SubTask checklist Module, List Of Incomplete work Odoo. Task Checklist 任务清单 Liste de contrôle des tâches Aufgaben-Checkliste Elenco di controllo delle attività Lista de verificación de tareas Lista de verificação de tarefas

Task Checklist
Softhealer Technologies

This module useful to create dynamic fields in the task without any technical knowledge. Easy to use. Specify basic things and fields added in the form view. Task Custom Fields Odoo, Task Dynamic Field Odoo. Add New Field In Task Form View Module, Create Dynamic Field In Task, Feature For Add Multiple Fields In Task Odoo. Add Task New Field Module, Make Task Dynamic Fields, Create Task New Field App, Assign Custom Fields Odoo. Edit/UpdateTask Custom Field Odoo. Task Custom Fields 任务自定义字段 Champs personnalisés des tâches Benutzerdefinierte Aufgabenfelder Campi personalizzati dell'attività Tarea Campos personalizados Campos personalizados da tarefa

Task Custom Fields
Softhealer Technologies

, Task Own Checklist Odoo Check Task From Task list, Reminder For List Of important things Odoo, Checklist for Complete task, Create Checklist For Any Task Module Odoo, Checklist for subtasks Odoo. work reminder app, List Of Incomplete work Odoo. Task Own Checklist 任务拥有清单 Liste de contrôle de la tâche Aufgabeneigene Checkliste Elenco di controllo proprio dell'attività Tarea propia lista de verificación Lista de verificação da própria tarefa

Task Own Checklist
Softhealer Technologies

This module useful to send task email and attachment to users easily. task email task attachments task notification by email task information Task Send By Email Odoo, Send Task On Email Odoo. Direct Task Send By Mail, Send Email Of Task Detail To User Module, Direct Attach Task Document In Mail, Send Email For Particular Task,Project Task Send By Email, Send Mail When Create Task Odoo. Task Send By Mail, Send Email Task Detail Module, Email Attach Task Document,Particular Task Send Email,Project Task Send By Email, Create Task Send Mail Odoo. Task Send By Email 任务通过电子邮件发送 Tâche Envoyer par e-mail Aufgabe Per E-Mail senden Attività Invia tramite e-mail Tarea Enviar por correo electrónico Tarefa Enviar por email

Task Send By Email
Softhealer Technologies

This module allow user to start/stop time of task. Easy to calculate duration of time taken for task. Task Timer Odoo, Task Time Management Odoo. Task Timer Module, Awesome Timer For Task, Task Countdown timer, Feature Of Calculate Start And Stop Time Of Task, Calculate Work Time Duration , Time Report Timer Odoo. Task Timer, Manage Task Time App, Countdown Timer Module, Calculate Task Start Time, Calculate Work Stop Time, Manage Work Time Duration, Time Report Timer Odoo. Task Timer 任务计时器 Minuterie de tâche Task-Timer Timer attività Temporizador de tareas Temporizador de tarefas

Task Timer
Softhealer Technologies

Time Tracker Module, Track Employee With Map, Track Project Task,Track Team Location App, Find Tracking History, Employee Live Location, Find Employee Current Location Odoo

Task Tracker
Softhealer Technologies

This module has been created to manage the project from the sale order to the last task of the project. Project management can be defined as a process in which, a particular task is being subdivided into various activities, and every single activity is being assigned for particular intentions so that every activity needs to be finished. So you need a sign, which indicates whether the activity is completed or canceled. Tasklist Auto Assignment Odoo, Set Automatic Task Odoo, Auto Task Allocation Odoo Task Custom Checklist Module, Make Automatic Task, Create Sale Order Auto Make Tasklist, Generate Tasklist, Auto Assign Task, Create So Auto Make Task, Create Quotation Make Tasklist, Auto Task Schedule Odoo. Task Custom Checklist, Make Automatic Task, Sale Order Auto Make Tasklist, Generate Tasklist, Auto Assign Task App, Create So Auto Make Task, Create Quotation Make Tasklist, Auto Task Schedule Module, Generate Auto Tasklist, Make Task From Quote, Auto Allocate Task Odoo. Tasklist Auto Assignment 任务列表自动分配 Affectation automatique de la liste des tâches Tasklist Auto Assignment Elenco attività Assegnazione automatica Asignación automática de lista de tareas Atribuição automática de lista de tarefas

Tasklist Auto Assignment
Softhealer Technologies

If you want to display a tax amount field in the sale order/purchase order/invoice and Vendor bills lines and PDF report. You can do that thing using this module. Here it is a module that helps to set tax amount field in sale order/purchase order/invoice and vendor bills lines and PDF report. This module provides a boolean field 'Show in Report' in sale order/purchase order/invoices and Vendor bills form view so it will easy to hide and show tax amount field in PDF report. Tax Information On Lines - Sales, Purchase, Invoice Odoo Display Tax Information On Lines In Sales Order, Show Tax Amount On Lines In Purchase Order, View Tax Detail On Lines In Invoice, See Tax Amount On Lines In Vendor Bills Odoo. Display Sale Order Tax Line App, Show Purchase Order Tax Line, View Invoice Tax Line Module, See Vendor Bills Tax Lines Odoo. Tax information on lines Sales, Purchases, Accounting 行销售,采购,会计中的税务信息 Informations fiscales sur les lignes Ventes, Achats, Comptabilité Steuerinformationen zu den Zeilen Verkauf, Einkauf, Buchhaltung Informazioni fiscali su linee Vendite, Acquisti, Contabilità Información fiscal sobre líneas Ventas, Compras, Contabilidad Informações fiscais nas linhas Vendas, Compras, Contabilidade

Tax information on lines Sales, Purchases, Accounting
Softhealer Technologies

This module useful to replace Taxes to VAT in sales, purchases, invoices and bills form view and print reports. Taxes to Vat in Sales, Purchase, Invoice, Bills Odoo Replace Tax To Vat Field In Sales Order Module, Change Tax To Vat Field In Purchase Order, Set Tax To Vat Field In Invoice, Update Tax To Vat Field In Vendor Bills Odoo. Sale Order Tax To Vat App, Purchase Order Set Tax To Vat, Invoice Change Tax To Vat Module, Vendor Bills Tax To Vat Odoo. Taxes to Vat in Sales, Purchase, Invoice, Bills Reports and View 销售,购买,发票,账单报告和视图中的增值税税 Taxes à TVA dans les rapports de vente, d'achat, de facturation, de factures et d'affichage Mehrwertsteuer in Umsatz, Einkauf, Rechnung, Rechnungsberichten und Ansicht Tasse da IVA in Vendite, Acquisto, Fattura, Rapporti fatture e Visualizzazione Impuestos a IVA en ventas, compras, facturas, informes de facturas y vista Impostos para o IVA nas vendas, compra, fatura, relatórios de contas e exibição

Taxes to Vat in Sales, Purchase, Invoice, Bills Reports and View
Softhealer Technologies

Do you want to show a beautiful effect on-page? So you are the right place. This module useful to make your webpage beautiful with different Team snippets. you can use this snippet without any technical skill. you can easily add links to change images. if you want to see how it will work then please check out this video. Team Snippets, Team Snippet,Team Block,Team Blocks,Website Snippet, Team Snipet, Team Box, Team Content Box. Team Snippets 团队摘要 Extraits d'équipe Team-Schnipsel Frammenti di squadra Fragmentos de equipo Snippets da equipe

Team Snippets
Softhealer Technologies

Do you want to manage timesheet by calendar? This module is useful to manage timesheet by weekly, monthly & daily. You can schedule timesheet activity by project, task, duration, employee, description, amount, date, time & unit of measure. Currently, in timesheet you can't add date and time, you can easily add from date & time to date & time and it will auto calculate total duration from that date and time. Hurray! Timesheet Calendar Odoo, Timesheet Management Odoo Manage Timesheet By Day Module, Schedule Timesheet, Manage Project Activity By Calendar, Manage Timesheet By Week, Manage Timesheet By Month, Manage Timesheet With Calendar Odoo Manage Day Timesheet Module, Schedule Timesheet, Manage Activity By Calendar, Timesheet By Week, Timesheet By Month, Timesheet With Calendar, Timesheet Calendar, Calendar Timesheet Odoo Timesheet Calendar 时间表日历 Calendrier des feuilles de temps Arbeitszeittabellenkalender Calendario delle schede attività Calendario de partes de horas Calendário do quadro de horários

Timesheet Calendar
Softhealer Technologies

Do you want a custom checklist for your timesheet? The checklist used to give an important list of items, things to be done, or points to be considered, used as a reminder. This module helps to track the work of the checklist. Here you can know the detail of the checklist in percentage. When timesheet create that will put it in the 'Draft' state by default and then after the manager can move in approve or reject state. You can calculate the checklist is completed or not using " ✔" (Approve) & "✘"(Reject) button. Hurray! Timesheet Checklist Odoo, Timesheet Management Odoo Timesheet Manager Approve Timesheets Module, Timesheet Rejection By Timesheet Manager, Bulk Timesheet Reject, All Timesheet Reject In Single Click Odoo. Timesheet Manager Approve Timesheets Module, Timesheet Rejection By Timesheet Manager, Bulk Timesheet Reject, All Timesheet Reject In Single Click Odoo. Timesheet Checklist 时间表清单 Liste de contrôle de la feuille de temps Arbeitszeittabelle Checkliste Elenco di controllo della scheda attività Lista de verificación de la hoja de tiempo Lista de verificação do quadro de horários

Timesheet Checklist
Softhealer Technologies

best compare customers app, top customers analysis module, high rated clients,Identify New Or Lost Buyer, Feature Of Find Top Customer Odoo, Compare Top Clients Odoo

Top Customers
Softhealer Technologies

best Purchase products app, top products analysis module,Top Purchase Product Analysis, Highest Purchasing Products App, Compare Top Product, HighPurchase Product By Date, Best Product Based On Time, Top Purchase Product By Quantity Odoo

Top Purchasing Product
Softhealer Technologies