Softhealer Technologies Apps 1276 Apps found. author: Softhealer technologies × version: 16.0 ×

Add Extra Fields Module, Employee Form Add Fields, Custom Fields In Employee Form, Extra Field In Employee Screen,Add Custom Fields,Dynamic Fields,Custom selection field,Additional field Odoo

Employee Extra Fields
Softhealer Technologies

bunch tags update employyes tag change Employee Mass Tags Update Mass Employee Update Employee Tags Multiple Employee Update odoo

Employee Mass Tags Update
Softhealer Technologies

Employee Sequence No Module, Employee Unique Number App, Employee Sequence Code, Manage Employees Sequence, Employee Sequence Number, Employee Unique No, Generate Employee Unique Code, Add Sequence On Employee Odoo

Employee Number Sequence
Softhealer Technologies

Employee Overtime Request Module Employee Over Time Employee Overtime Management Analyze Employee Working Hours Track Total Work Hours Manage HR Overtime Automatic Overtime Calculation Attendance Overtime HRMS Overtime Odoo HR Overtime Request Payroll with Overtime Worksheet Employee Overtime Request Employee Multiple Overtime Requests HR Employee Overtime Request with Payslip Overtime Request with Payroll Integration Employee Payslip Overtime Timesheet HR Overtime Timesheet Overtime based on Weekdays Overtime based on Weekends OT based on Week Days OT based on Week Ends Overtime based on Week Days Overtime based on Week Ends Employee OT Request Module Employee OT Management Analyse Employee Working Hours Track Overtime Approval Overtime Rejection Overtime Create Overtime Request Automatic OT Calculation Attendance OT HRMS OT Odoo HR OT Request Payroll with OT Worksheet Employee OT Request Employee Multiple OT Requests HR Employee OT Request with Payslip OT Request with Payroll Integration Employee Payslip OT Timesheet HR OT Timesheet OT Approval OT Rejection OT Request OT Create Manager Approval OT Manager Rejection OT Manager Approval Overtime Manager Rejects Overtime

Employee Overtime
Softhealer Technologies

See Own Record, Watch Own Data module, Find Own Data App, Employee Own Records, Get Own Records, See Own Information Odoo

Employee Own Record
Softhealer Technologies

Employee Payslip Portal Employees Payslip Portal Community Payroll Management Employee Payslip Portal module Payslip Management Software HR Solutions Payslip Employee Compensation Portal Payslips Portal Community Payslip Portals Payslip Portal User Employee Salary Portal Payslip List Payslip Management Portal Module Employee Payslips Portal Payslips Employee Payslip From Portal Download Payslips Download Employee Payslips Portal Employee Payslip Download Payslip Pdf Report Odoo

Employee Payslip Portal - Community Edition
Softhealer Technologies

Employee Payslip Portal Employees Payslip Portal Enterprise Payroll Management Employee Payslip Portal module Payslip Management Software HR Solutions Payslip Employee Compensation Portal Payslips Portal Enterprise Payslip Portals Payslip Portal User Employee Salary Portal Payslip List Payslip Management Portal Module Employee Payslips Portal Payslips Employee Payslip From Portal Download Payslips Download Employee Payslips Portal Employee Payslip Download Payslip Pdf Report Odoo

Employee Payslip Portal - Enterprise Edition
Softhealer Technologies

HR Employee Promotion,Employee Promotion Management,Employee Promotion History,Promotion Employee,Employee Evaluation Management,Promotion Workflow history,Print Employee Promotion Report,Employee Promotion PDF,employee promotion log history Odoo

Employee Promotion
Softhealer Technologies

Resignation Employee HR Resignation System Employee Separation Management Employee Gratuity Employee Notice Period Management Employee End of Service Employee EOS Management HRMS Resignation Track Employee Resignation Employee Exit Process Employee Exit Procedure Leaving Organization Process Leaving Organization Procedure Leave Organization Process Odoo Manage Employee Resignation Request Workflow Manger Resignation Approval Resignation Report Resignation Workflow Resignation Process By Employee Resignation Checklist Resignation Refuse Resignation Approve Odoo

Employee Resignation Management | End of Service Management
Softhealer Technologies

Manage Employee Document, Employee Passport Management Module, Manage Employee Visa App, Employee Visa Expired Notification, Employee Passport Detail, Employee Additional Information Odoo

Employee Visa/Passport Management
Softhealer Technologies

Event Barcode Scanner,Maintain Attendees Barcode, Generate Event Attendee Barcode, Reduce Fake Attendance App, Manage Event Ticket Barcode module, Scan Attendees event Barcode, Event Ticket Barcode Scanner, Event Badge Barcode Scanner Odoo

Event Barcode Scanner
Softhealer Technologies

Event Dynamic Snippets Dynamic snippets for event management Event snippets module Event content dynamic snippets Dynamic event snippets software Event management dynamic snippets tool Dynamic snippets for event websites Event page dynamic content snippets Event details dynamic snippets module Odoo

Event Dynamic Snippets
Softhealer Technologies

Event Multiple Branches Event Locations Vehicle Multi Branch Multiple Stores Multiple Chain Multiple Branch Management Event Branch Multiple Unit multiple Operating unit branch Report Customer Branch Management Events Branch Events Multi Branch Odoo

Event Multi Branch | Event Multiple Branch
Softhealer Technologies

Dynamic Excel Report Global XLS Report Export Excel Data Excel Custom Template In XLS Export XLSX Export XLSX Dynamic Export Excel Reports Excel Reports Export excel Odoo

Excel Dynamic Global Export
Softhealer Technologies

Wallet For Employee,Employee Wallet,Customer Wallet,Employee Expense Wallet,Wallet Management,Customer Expense Wallet,User Wallet,E-commerce Wallet,Ecommerce Wallet,E commerce Wallet,Advance Payment By Wallet,Expense Request,Expense Limit Odoo

Expense Wallet | Employee Expense Management
Softhealer Technologies

Export Bulk of eCommerce Images In zip, Export Mass Images Zip Shop Module, eCommerece Product Icons In Zip App,Export Several Pic In Zip, eCommerce Export Bulk Photograph In Zip, Export Picture In Zip Odoo

Export Product Images To Zip For E-Commerce
Softhealer Technologies

Export Bulk of eCommerce QR Code In zip Export Mass QR Code Zip Shop eCommerce Product Icons In Zip Export Several QR Code In Zip eCommerce Export Bulk QR Code In Zip Export QR Code In Zip Export Product QRCode To Zip For ECommerce Odoo

Export Product QRCode To Zip For E-Commerce
Softhealer Technologies

Export Product Stock To Google Sheet Module, Export Warehouse App, Export Products To Google Sheet, Export Product Details, Export Mass Product Stock, Export Bulk Stock, Export Stock To Google Sheet, Export All Stock Details Product Stock Export Google Sheets Integration Stock Data Export Inventory Export to Sheets Product Stock Spreadsheet Export Inventory to Google Sheet Stock Information Export Google Sheets Stock Update Inventory Management Export Stock Data Transfer to Sheets Export Product Stock Google Sheets Product Stock Export to Google Sheet Odoo

Export Stock To Google Sheet
Softhealer Technologies

Export Survey Answer In XLS Export Survey Answer In XLS Report Export Survey In XLS Export Completed Survey Answers Export Group Surveys Export Survey In Excel Export Survey In XLSX Export Survey XLSX Survey Export Survey Excel Odoo

Export Survey XLS Report
Softhealer Technologies

split purchase order lines, extract po module, extract rfq app, split purchase order app, extract request for quotation, split request for quotation odoo

Extract Purchase Order| Extract Request For Quotation | Split Purchase Order| Split Request For Quotation
Softhealer Technologies