Odoo Apps 14846 Apps found. version: 17.0 ×

HR Applications Applicants Import - Import Applications From Excel File

HR Applications Import from Excel
Probuse Consulting Service Pvt. Ltd.

This module enables the Odoo HR manager to view the daily attendance absence report.

HR Attendance Absence Report | Absence Report | HR Absence Report

This module assists the Odoo HR Manager in setting up Dates for HR Attendance Permit for Employees rapidly so that Odoo will restrict and check the date range while the employees are making their check-in and check-out attendance.

HR Attendance Allow Dates | Dates for HR Attendance Permit | HR Attendance Permit Deadlines | Date range for the HR Attendance Permit

The Odoo users can pause and resume HR attendances on check-in/check-out and kiosk with this module.

HR Attendance Break | Attendance Pause | HR Attendance Lunch Time | Attendance Lunch Break

This module allows the odoo Hr Attendance Manager / Administrators to define a virtual geographic boundary for attendance locations, and employees can only check in and out within one of these Geofence areas. Additionally, the module will record employee geolocation, geofence, photo, IP address, and check in/out reasons.

HR Attendance Control | Check In / Check Out Control | HR Attendance Professional Policy | Attendance Geospatial Control (Using Google Map API)

This module allows the odoo Hr Attendance Manager / Administrators to define a virtual geographic boundary for attendance locations, and employees can only check in and out within one of these Geofence areas. Additionally, the module will record employee geolocation, geofence, face rRecognition with photo, IP address, and check in/out reasons.

HR Attendance Control | HR Attendance Face recognition | HR Attendance Geospatial Control | HR Attendance Photo | HR Attendance Reason | HR Attendance Geolocation | HR Attendance Geofence | HR Attendance IP Address | Geolocation | Geofence | Face Recognition | IP Address | Reason

HR Attendance Import - Different CSV Format Per Biometric Devices

HR Attendance Import
Probuse Consulting Service Pvt. Ltd.
HR Attendance Late Check In
Tech Ops PH , EL Abquina
HR Attendance Late Check In - Payroll Enterprise
Tech Ops PH , EL Abquina

Module allows to print report from Hr Attendance.

HR Attendance Report (Community)
Acespritech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Apps for Human Resource Company Visitors Pass entry pass for visitor entry pass for company visitor company guest pass visitors access card guest access card gate pass for visitor company Visitor Management front desk visitors pass HR visitors access card

HR Company Visitors Pass front office desk

Add HR configuration in Company form

HR Config
Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd

HR Detailed Dashboard App Information Dashboard Of Employee Detail Dashboard Of HR Human Resource Smart Dashboard Module Modify HR Dashboard Manage HR Dashboard Set HR Dashboard Odoo Enhance Employee Performance Visualize Employee Ratio Well Organized Dashboard Manager Dashboard Employee Dashboard Employees Dashboard Manage Employees Attendance Manage Employees Leaves Manage Employees Contracts Manage Employees Expense Manage Employee Attendance Manage Employee Leaves Manage Employee Contracts Manage Employee Expense

HR Dashboard
Softhealer Technologies

Human Resource Dashboard for HR dashboard expense dashboard employee dashboard payslip dashboard leave dashboard contract Dashboard recruitment dashboard attendance Dashboard Attractive HR Dashboard all in one hr dashboard payroll dashboard

HR Dashboard - Enterprise Edition
Edge Technologies

Human Resource Dashboard for HR dashboard expense dashboard employee dashboard payslip dashboard leave dashboard contract Dashboard recruitment dashboard attendance Dashboard Attractive HR Dashboard all in one hr dashboard payroll dashboard

HR Dashboard -Community
Edge Technologies

employee advance salary employee, advance salary mail notification, Integrated with accounting for payment, employee advance salary Integrated with payroll, deducts salary in payslip, hr payroll, manager approval mail notification, hr advance salary

HR Employee Advance Salary, Advance Employee Salary
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

This App has Extra Features in HR Employee Award employee award Employee Awards employee awards hr employee hr employee award hr employee awards gift appreciate employee award employee employee gift employee price

HR Employee Award
Craftsync Technologies

HR Complain Management Employee Complains Management for Employee Complain resolution employee complain tracking for employee manage complain for employee HR complains management human resource complain management manage complains for HR employee complain

HR Employee Complain Management App
Edge Technologies

This App has Extra Features in HR Employee Complaints employee complaints Employee Complaint employee complaint hr employee hr employee complaint gift HR employee Problem HR employee Issues HR employee Requests HR employee Problems HR Employee Issue HR Employee Request complaint employee complaints employee hr employee Issue hr employee Request hr employee Problem hr employee Issues HR Employee Problem HR Employee Issues HR Employee Requests HR Employee Problems hr employee Requests hr employee Problems HR Employee Issue HR Employee Request HR Employee Problem HR Employee Issues HR Employee Requests HR Employee Problems HR employee Issue HR employee Request

HR Employee Complaints
Craftsync Technologies

HR Employee Document Reports HR Document Reports employee document analysis report employee documentation employee contract report

HR Employee Document Report
Edge Technologies