Odoo Apps 23555 Apps found. version: 16.0 ×

POS Product Switch View,Point Of Sale Switch Product View,POS Switch Product View,POS Product View Switch,Point Of Sale Product View Switch,POS Change Product View,POS Change View,list view,grid view,POS Switch View,switch product screen Odoo

Point Of Sale Product Switch View | Point Of Sale Product List View | Point Of Sale Product Grid View | POS Product List View | POS product Grid View
Softhealer Technologies

This module allow you to create Task from CRM Opportunity/Lead.

Project Task from CRM Opportunity/Lead
Probuse Consulting Service Pvt. Ltd.

Dynamic Purchase Order Approval Dynamic Purchase Approval Purchase Multi Approval Purchase Order Multiple Approval Purchase Order Double Approval Dynamic PO Approval PO Multi Approval PO Multiple Approval PO Double Approval Dynamic RFQ Approval RFQ Multi Approval RFQ Multiple Approval RFQ Double Approval Dynamic Request For Quotation Approval Request For Quotation Multi Approval Request For Quotation Multiple Approval Request For Quotation Double Approval Purchase Approval Line User Approval Group Approval Dynamic Approval Flexible Approval Process Purchase Order Two Level Approval Purchase Order Two Approval Dynamic Purchase Order Approval Workflow Multi Level Purchase Order Approval Workflow Purchase Order Approval Purchase Approval Line User Approval Group Approval Dynamic Approval Flexible Approval Process Dynamic Dynamic Purchase Order Approval Purchase Order Multi Approval Purchase Order Multiple Approval Purchase Order Double Approval User Wise Purchase Order Approval Group Wise Purchase Order Approval Odoo PO Two Level Approval PO Two Approval Dynamic PO Approval Workflow Multi Level PO Approval Workflow PO Approval PO Line User Approval Dynamic PO Approval PO Multi Approval PO Multiple Approval PO Double Approval User Wise PO Approval Group Wise PO Approval Odoo RFQ Two Level Approval RFQ Two Approval Dynamic RFQ Approval Workflow Multi Level RFQ Approval Workflow RFQ Approval RFQ Line User Approval Dynamic RFQ Approval RFQ Multi Approval RFQ Multiple Approval RFQ Double Approval User Wise RFQ Approval Group Wise RFQ Approval Odoo Request For Quotation Two Level Approval Request For Quotation Two Approval Dynamic Request For Quotation Approval Workflow Multi Level Request For Quotation Approval Workflow Request For Quotation Approval Request For Quotation Line User Approval Dynamic Request For Quotation Approval Request For Quotation Multi Approval Request For Quotation Multiple Approval Request For Quotation Double Approval User Wise Request For Quotation Approval Group Wise Request For Quotation Approval Odoo Reject Approval Request

Purchase Dynamic Approval | Purchase Order Dynamic Approval | Request For Quotation Dynamic Approval | Dynamic Purchase Approval | Purchase Approval Process | Purchase Order Approval Process
Softhealer Technologies

Website Category Description Backend Website Backend Description Add Web Details Module, Edit Customized Web Decryption Odoo quick change product description in backend

Website Description In Backend
Softhealer Technologies

Website Multiples Product Quantity, Multiple Quantity, Multiples qty on shop, multi product qty website, Ajax Shop Cart, Add Product To Cart, Cart Without Page Reload, Add To Cart Window In Shop, Ajax Website Cart Odoo

Add To Cart Ajax & Multiples Quantity Option At Shop Product List
Softhealer Technologies

Advanced Chatter, All in one chatter, Chatter FormView, Chatter Form View, Chatter in Form, FormView Chatter, Form View Chatter, Chatter History Visibility, Chatter Log Visibility, Chatter Logs Visibility, Chatter Note Visibility, Chatter Notes Visibility, Chatter Message Visibility, Chatter Messages Visibility, Chatter Activities Visibility, Chatter Activity Visibility, Chatter Toolbar, Web Backend Chatter, Web Responsive Chatter, Mail Message in Chatter, Mail Messages in Chatter, Chatter Panel, ChatterPanel, Edit/Delete Messages, Edit/Delete Notes, Edit/Delete Activities, Edit Messages, Edit Notes, Edit Activities, Chat Panel, SidePanel Chatter, Show/Hide Messages, Show/Hide Notes, Show/Hide Activities, Delete Messages, Delete Notes, Delete Activities, ChatPanel, Side Panel, Live Chat, Live Chatter Preview, Accidental Live Chat, Accidental Chatter Preview, Preview Message History, Chatter Timeline, Side Chatter, Schedule Activities, Activity Planning, Log note, Log a note, Send message, Editable message, Chatter position right, Email Message, EMail Management, Mail message management, note management, activity management, Chatter position right, Chatter sided, Sidebar Chatter, Chatter right, Chatter sticky position right, Chatter fixed position right, Chatter freeze position right, Chatter frozen position right, Show/Hide Chatter, Show Chatter, Hide Chatter, Toggle Chatter, Toggle Message, Toggle Note, Toggle Activity, Toggle Activities,SideChatter, Show/Hide Notification, Show/Hide Notifications, Show Notification, Show Note, Show Message, Show Activity, Mail Attachment Preview, Chatter Notification Visibility, Edit/Delete Notification, Edit Notification, Delete Notification, Preview Notification History, Chatter Notifications Visibility, Edit/Delete Notifications, Edit Notifications, Delete Notifications, Preview Notifications History, Preview Note History, Preview Activity History, Preview Messages History, Preview Notes History, Preview Activities History

Advanced Odoo Chatter

Replace Customer In Sale Order Replace Customer In Quotation Update Customer In Validated Sale Order Update Customer In Validated Quotation Replace Customer In Validated Sale Order Change Customer In Sale Order Odoo

Change Customer In Validated Sale Order
Softhealer Technologies

Legal Case Management, Law Firm ERP, Legal & Law Practice Management, Law ERP Module, Manage Law Cases App, Law Matter Management System, Track Law Cases With Full Step, Handle Law Acts, Law Articles Management Odoo

Law Management System
Softhealer Technologies

This module allows us to Create invoice of delivery Order(picking). In standard odoo, you cannot create an invoice of the Delivery Order(picking), You just have to select the Delivery Order related to the Customer and you will get all information of Move lines(Inventory) in the invoice line.

Manual Invoice from Picking
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

Odoo Integration with Microsoft Teams (Meeting & Events) help out synchronization all meeting & events with CronJob settings.

Odoo Microsoft Teams Integration

Show POS Cashier and salesperson separately.

POS Cashier and Salesperson
Technaureus Info Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Scan POS Product Mobile Barcode Module, Scan POS Product Mobile QRCode, Point Of Sale Mobile QRCode Scanner App, Point Of Sale Product QR Scanner Odoo

POS Mobile Barcode Scanner | POS Mobile QRCode Scanner | Point Of Sale Mobile Barcode Scanner | Point Of Sale Mobile QRCode Scanner
Softhealer Technologies

Sales Commission By Margin Sales Commission By Product Category Sales Commission By Fix Price Sales Commission By Sale Order Sales Commission By Invoice Sale Commission for sales order invoice based commission payment based commission Odoo Sale Commission For Sale Order Margin Based Commission For Sale Person Commission For Partner Standard Commission Partner Based Commission Product Based Commission Product Category Based Commission Manage Commission Manage Sales Commission Manage Sale Commission Management

Sales Commission
Softhealer Technologies

All in one mobile barcode QR code scanner barcode and qr code scanner widget mobile barcode mobile qr code mobile qrcode barcode scanner qr code scanner mobile qrcode scanner mobile barcode scanner mobile qrcode scanner

Scan barcode and QR code using mobile camera and webcam | Barcode and QR code scanner widget for many2one and character field | Search any document by barcode and QR code globally using search view
Relief Technologies

Stop showing popup window chat or you can specify the tab will show popup chat.

Stop Showing Popup Window Chat.
Sonny Huynh

This module allows a customer to request a quotation. In standard odoo, users can only add the product to a cart but our module allows you to add product from either to the cart or to the quote.

Website Quote and Cart (Exclusive)
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

KSA VAT Return form module is for Odoo users in Saudi Arabia for submitting VAT details in ZATCA portal .| Saudi VAT Return | It is a module which lookups on the invoices that is validated and posted. This brings you to identify the total consolidated VAT amount which is posted on Odoo.

Loyal IT Solutions Pvt Ltd

POS hide Features POS Access rights pos Disable Payment disable Qty pos Discount pos disable price pos restric pos Limitations pos Disable pos enabled POS deny pos hide features pos permissions pos user pos extra

Allow/Disable POS Features Point of Sales Access rights POS Restrict User staff permissions

New Product Taxes Specific for POS, Odoo POS Product Taxes, Odoo Product Taxes, Odoo POS Customer Taxes, Odoo Customer Taxes, Odoo POS Supplier Taxes, Odoo Supplier Tax, Odoo POS Vendor Taxes, Odoo Vendor Taxes, Odoo POS Alternate Taxes, Odoo POS Product Alternate Taxes, Odoo Alternate Taxes

POS Product Taxes

Global Search in Odoo offers a dynamic approach to record retrieval, allowing users to search across models, filter by specific fields, and customize result displays. Take command of your data with precision and flexibility.

Odoo Global Search | Easy Search
WebRulers Infotech