Odoo Apps 16799 Apps found. version: 16.0 × price: Paid ×

POS Customer Display Screen

POS Customer Display
TL Technology
10 | 1

This module adds support of custom option for product in odoo website.

Website Custom Options
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.
30 | 1

Easy create excel report from python code, Dynamic Excel Report, ,Global XLS Report, Export Excel, Export XLS Data, Excel Custom Template, XLS Custom Template, Excel Export, Excel Output, XLS Export, Export XLS, XLSX Export, Export Special Fields Odoo

Dynamic Excel Generation
50 | 1

1. Module helps to connect Sale Documents | Purchase Documents | Picking Documents | Customer Documents | Vendor Documents | Project Documents | Task Documents | Manufacturing Documents | BOM Documents | Lead Documents | Invoice Documents | Bill Documents | Credit Note Documents | Refunds Documents | Product Documents . 2. User can set a common access right to all the related documents. 3. Restricted Users can only get the access to download the documents.

All in One Related Documents Management | Sale Documents | Purchase Documents | Picking Documents | Customer Documents | Vendor Documents | Project Documents | Task Documents | Manufacturing Documents | BOM Documents | Lead Documents | Invoice Documents | Bill Documents | Credit Note Documents | Refunds Documents | Product Documents
Odoo Sphere Solutions
1 | 1

Auto add all attachments to work orders from the MRP Order.

Auto Add Attachments
Harhu IT Solutions
3 | 1

This app manages inventory transfers within organizations, focusing on trading and manufacturing. It tracks product movement across locations and uses an approval process for transfers to specific users' assigned locations.

Inventory Transfer Approval Process , By User( For Specific Location )
TeamUp4Solutions , TaxDotCom
1 | 1

Manage POS product Package and their prices using pricelist. The POS user can create multiple product packages each with a different price and sell them in Odoo POS. Manage Packages|Packages|Custom Packages|Product Packages

POS Manage Packages with Pricelist
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.
34 | 1

Petty Cash, Petty Cash Management, Petty Cash Funds, Automated petty cash funds management, Miscellanies

Petty Cash Management
22 | 1

PhonePe module for Odoo facilitates integration with PhonePe as a payment provider, allowing users to make transactions seamlessly through the PhonePe platform. It enables customers to use PhonePe as a payment method for purchasing goods or services within the Odoo platform.

Payment Provider: PhonePe
Quixom Technology Pvt. Ltd.
2 | 1

Allows user to print X-Report, Z-Report, Sales Summary report, Product Summary Report,Order Summary Report and Payment Summary Report.

POS Reports (Community)
Acespritech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
141 | 1

Odoo Attribute Cancel or Hide enables you to disable the product combinations with zero quantity so that customers don't waste time and pick ones that are available in stock.

Odoo Attribute Cancel-Out/Hide
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.
6 | 1

HR Payroll Accounting Multi Currency

HR Payroll Accounting Multi Currency
CorTex IT Solutions Ltd.
30 | 1

All In One Barcode Scanner-Advance Barcode Scanner Package,Sales Barcode Scanner,Purchase Barcode Scanner Module,Account Barcode Scanner,Stock Barcode Scanner,BOM Barcode Scanner,Request For Quotation Barcode Scanner,Bill Barcode Scanner,PO Barcode Scanner,RFQ Barcode Scanner Add Product on Sales by barcode scanner all barcode sale barcode purchase barcode invoice barcode bom barcode inventory barcode Scan product by Barcode Scanner scan barcode on purchase scan barcode on invoice scan barcode on sale order barcode report All in one mobile barcode QR code scanner barcode and qr code scanner widget mobile barcode mobile qr code mobile qrcode barcode scanner qr code scanner mobile qrcode scanner mobile barcode scanner mobile qrcode scanner All In One Barcode Scanner Barcode Scanner Integration Advanced Barcode Scanning All-In-One Scanner Module Barcode Data Capture Barcode Scanner App Integration Real-Time Barcode Recognition Odoo

All In One Barcode Scanner-Advance| Sale Order Barcode Scanner | Purchase Order Barcode Scanner | Invoice Barcode Scanner | Inventory Barcode Scanner | Bill Of Material Barcode Scanner | Scrap Barcode Scanner | Warehouse Barcode Scanner
Softhealer Technologies
93 | 1

This module enable you to create and manage purchase order advance payment.

Purchase Order Advance Payment
CorTex IT Solutions Ltd.
4 | 1

Reset Move | Delete Move | Balance Inventory | Cancel Move | Cancel Inventory | Reset Stock Move | Delete Stock Move | Cancel Stock Move

Reset Stock Inventory Moves
45 | 1

mass confirm quotations Bulk confirm quotation Sales mass confirm Bunch Invoices confirm module Multiple quotation confirm odoo Mass confirm sale orders Bulk confirm sale orders Mass confirm So bulk confirm So confirm quotation to sale order confirm quotation to So Confirm quotation to delivery Create quotation to invoice Confirm quotation to payment cancel quotation Cancel mass quotation Multiple quotation cancel Cancel multiple sale orders Mass cancel sale orders Sale order to delivery done So to delivery done sale order to invoice create So to create invoice Sale order to validate invoice So to validate invoice Sale order to done payment So to done payment Sale order to send invoice So to send invoice quotation to send invoice Mass sale order confirm mass sales mass so confirm Bunch Inv confirm mass confirm orders mass sales order by email mass confirm sales order bulk sale order confirm mass confirm so by email send mass email mass confirmed mass confirm qut sales confirm mass multiple sales order confirmed Mass quotation confirm mass quotations confirm quotations quotation bulk quotation confirm mass confirmed quotation confirm Quotations Odoo

Sale Order Mass Processes | Sale Order Mass confirm
Softhealer Technologies
1 | 1

Geminate comes with an amazing feature of chatter mail / message history.

Chatter Mail History
Geminate Consultancy Services
5 | 1

To improve account security and prevent unauthorized access, Odoo is adding two-factor authentication (2FA). Keeping a secret inside an authenticator and exchanging a code with them while attempting to log in using a QR code is the strategy used in this manner. 2FA minimizes the dangers associated with hacked passwords. Odoo Enforce 2FA is a more secure solution because no two passcodes are ever the same. After entering the username and password, a pop-up window will appear requesting a 2FA PIN to activate 2FA on every page the user opens or reloads. This ensures the security and confidentiality of data.

Odoo Enforce 2FA
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.
2 | 1

whatsapp connector whatsapp integration odoo Whatsapp crm Whatsapp lead Whatsapp task Whatsapp sale order Whatsapp purchase order Whatsapp invoice Whatsapp payment reminder Whatsapp pos Whatsapp so Whatsapp point of sale whats app communication

Whatsapp For Lead Generation
Pragmatic TechSoft Pvt Ltd.
20 | 1

Automatic Backup with Automatic Action into S3, Dropbox, SFTP or ownCloud.

Automated data backup I Automated Backup I Backup and restore I Scheduled backup I Continuous backup I Incremental backup I Real-time backup I Cloud backup I File synchronization I Backup software I System backup I Automatic Backup and Restore
Axiom World
1 | 1