Odoo Apps 138 Apps found. version: 13.0 ×

Allows to decide one time use product in sales order

Repair Service - Single Use Inventory Items
Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Allows to automatically create repair parts purchase order base of procurement rules

Repair Service - Spare Parts Purchase
Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Allows to user will create sub tickets for assigning ticket to other responsible person

Repair Service - Sub Tickets
Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Allows to create ticket automation action

Repair Service - Ticket Automation
Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Allows to escalate ticket and assing to parent team manager

Repair Service - Ticket Escalation
Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Allows to create new ticket from lead

Repair Service - Ticket From Lead
Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Allows to customer will confirm ticket details online

Repair Service - Ticket Intake Form
Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Allows to generate ticket, view ticket and track ticket

Repair Service - Ticket Management
Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Allows to merge merge ticket and it's documents base on criteria(ticket type and customer)

Repair Service - Ticket Merging
Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Allows to generate ticket sequence base on ticket type

Repair Service - Ticket Number Sequence
Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Allows to customer online confirm about ticket status and done ticket

Repair Service - Ticket Out-take Form
Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Allows to generate new rework ticket with rework description and link with old ticket

Repair Service - Ticket Rework
Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Allows to send sms to customer depends on SMS configuration on ticket stage

Repair Service - Ticket SMS
Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Allows to generate ticket, view ticket and track ticket

Repair Service - Ticket Unassigning
Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Allows to vendor can online confirm purchase order

Repair Service - Vendor Portal
Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Share and Publish Videos, Presentations and Documents

Repair Service - Website Slider(Videos, Presentations & Documents)
Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Allows to track product warranty details on sales order

Sales Warranty Management
Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Auto find nearest warehouse from customer zip.

Stock Nearest Warehouse
Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Stripe will allow you to charge payment fees to your customers whatever you can add fees in payment for calculate final amount. This way vendor can get net payment amount on his account. Calculate Stripe Charge. stripe payment gateway stripe charge stripe stripe payment gateway integration Payment gateway payment gateway integration ecommerce payment Inventory Account invoice taxes supplier customer journal entries currencies contact integration Import Export Payment followup followup payment reminder reminder payment collection collect payment Payment over due overdue payment over due payment customer customer payment customer payment overdue overdue customer payment customer overdue payment reminder customer overdue payment followup mail payment reminder mail due days payment due due payment scheduler analysis followup analysis Accounting & Auditing Terms accounting accounting concepts financial management marginal benefit letter of credit asset revenue buyer amount due due amount demand cash cash on delivery deferred payment period duration provision cash flow enterpreneur monitoring sale feedback requirement effectiveness following auditing audit management contract management payment payment term accounting connector product

Stripe Charge
Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Stripe eCommerce Recurring Order Payment Recurring Payments, also known as AutoPay, are automatic payments where customer authorize vendor to collect the total charges from his credit card or bank account every month. This amount is deducted on the due date of every billing cycle, so that you never have to worry about late fees. Backend stripe payment gateway integration Backend stripe stripe payment gateway stripe stripe payment gateway integration Payment gateway payment gateway integration ecommerce payment USA payment gateway stripe charge Stripe backend stripe charge Stripe ACH Payment Acquirer US payment gateway ACH Payment Stripe ACH Payment Automated clearing house sales order payment invoice payment with credit card Odoo stripe integration shop payment shop payment integration odoo integration Inventory Account invoice taxes supplier customer journal entries currencies contact integration Import Export Payment follow up follow up payment reminder reminder payment collection collect payment Payment overdue overdue payment overdue payment customer payment customer payment overdue overdue customer payment customer overdue payment reminder customer overdue payment follow up mail payment reminder mail due days payment due due payment scheduler analysis follow up analysis Accounting & Auditing Terms accounting accounting concepts financial management marginal benefit letter of credit asset revenue buyer amount due due amount demand cash cash on delivery deferred payment period duration provision cash flow entrepreneur monitoring sale feedback requirement effectiveness following auditing audit management contract management payment term connector product Sales Order Invoice & Sale Stripe ACH Payment Acquirer stripe payment stripe invoice stripe sale payment acquire USA payment credit card debit card ecommerce sales invoice payment payment token payment_stripe_recurring Invoice recurring recurring recurring invoice subscription subscription invoice sales sales invoice invoice sales recurring sales sales recurring recurring sale product business invoice payment payment invoice recurring business stripe recurring invoice stripe recurring payment recurring payment stripe subscription stripe subscription payment stripe subscription invoice stripe schedule subscription stripe subscription schedule Strip backend refund Payment refund refund refund in odoo payment refund sales order sales order refund sales order payment refund invoice refund invoice payment refund odoo backend refund stripe payment gateway refund stripe backend refund partial payment refund refund partial payment multi currency stripe payment refund Stripe Recurring Payment - Strong Customer Authentication Update stripe auto pay stripe autopay stripe odoo backend payment acquirer recurring invoice stripe payment recurring invoice autopay stripe Autopay stripe recurring invoice Autopay stripe recurring payment Backend Stripe Payment stripe recurring odoo backend stripe payment Stripe eCommerce Recurring Order

Stripe eCommerce Recurring Order
Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.