Odoo Apps 18224 Apps found. version: 13.0 ×

Integrates Odoo attendance with ZKTeco attendance machines

ZKTeco Attendance machine integration

This module will help to handle magento data in odoo and vice-versa

Odoo Magento 2 Connector

Configurable Workflow Engine, Workflow, Workflow Engine, Approval, Approval Engine, Approval Process, Escalation, Multi Level Approval

Workflow Engine Base

This module allows to make custom POS Receipt.

POS Receipt Design
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

The tool to generate and periodically send reports and reminders

Periodic Reporting and Reminders

Send SMS to customers. Send SMS notifications on Customer mobile with the module. Integrate SMS gateways with Odoo.

SMS Notification
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

invoice mobile qrcode scanner, bom mobile barcode scanner app, stock adjustment qrcode scan, request for quotation mobile barcode scanner, product mobile barcode scanner, warehouse mobile qrcode, account mobile qrcode scanner, purchase barcode Odoo

All in One Mobile Barcode/QRCode Scanner|Sale Order Mobile Barcode Scanner|Purchase Order Mobile Barcode Scanner|Invoice Mobile Barcode Scanner|Inventory Mobile Barcode Scanner|Bill Of Material Mobile Barcode Scanner
Softhealer Technologies

Odoo Backend Integration with Authorize.Net Payment Gateway Backend Payment Acquirer: Authorize.net Authorized.net integration backend payment United States payment gateway integration Canada payment gateway integration Authorized.net accept payment api integration united states UK payment gateway integration Europe payment gateway integration Australia payment gateway integration visa solution odoo authorize Inventory Account invoice taxes supplier customer journal entries currencies contact integration Import Export Payment followup followup payment reminder reminder payment collection collect payment Payment over due overdue payment over due payment customer customer payment customer payment overdue overdue customer payment customer overdue payment reminder customer overdue payment followup mail payment reminder mail due days payment due due payment scheduler analysis followup analysis Accounting & Auditing Terms accounting accounting concepts financial management marginal benefit letter of credit asset revenue buyer amount due due amount demand cash cash on delivery deferred payment period duration provision cash flow enterpreneur monitoring sale feedback requirement effectiveness following auditing audit management contract management payment payment term accounting connector product

Backend Payment Acquirer: Authorize.net
Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Manage freight forwarding shipping activities in Air Ocean and Land

Freight Management

POS combo POS combine product pos product combo pos pizza modifier pos product modifier pos pizza combo meal pos combo meal pos meal modifier pos meal product pos make own pizza pos combo maker pos combo modifier pos customize pizza pos customise combo

POS Pizza Combo Maker/Modifier

Sale product Dimensions purchase product Dimensions Manufacturing product Dimensions height and width on product height on product width on product height attribute product Width attribute Product Dimension on orders Product Dimension on sale Dimension

Product Dimensions(Height/Width) on Sales, Purchase, Invoice and Manufacturing in odoo
5 91

The tool to combine users in roles and to simplify security group assigning

Security User Roles

1ST Solution of Point Of Sale , Supported Enterprise and Community , Included 300+ features of POS...

POS All-In-One (PRO Version)
TL Technology
34 295

Display Stock Quantity on POS screen stock Product stock in POS product stock orders POS Order stock POS Mobile POS Inventory Management pos stocks pos item stock point of sale stock point of sale product stock pos product qty pos product stock Quantity

POS Stock in Odoo
16 573

A user-defined HTTP callbacks. Webhooks(A user-defined HTTP callbacks) are a useful tool for apps that want to execute code after a specific event happens on an Odoo, for example, after a warehouse manager creates a new product, updates a stock quantity for existing products or sales manager confirm the quotation etc. Instead of telling your app to make an API call every X number of minutes to check if a specific event has occured on an Odoo, you can register webhooks, which send an HTTP request from the Odoo telling your app that the event has occurred. This uses many less API requests overall, allowing you to build more robust apps, and update your app instantly after a webhook is received. Webhook event data can be stored as JSON or XML, and is commonly used when: =========================================================================== - Placing an order - Changing a product's price - Collecting data for data-warehousing - Integrating your accounting software - Filtering the order items and informing various shippers about the order - Another, less-obvious, case for using webhooks is when you're dealing with data that isn't easily searchable through the Odoo API. For example, re-requesting an entire product catalog or order history would benefit from using webhooks since it requires a lot of API requests and takes a lot of time. Think of it this way, if you would otherwise have to poll for a substantial amount of data, you should be using webhooks. The Odoo Webhook endpoints can be used for a variety of purposes such as: ========================================================================= - Get a Webhook list - Get a Webhook counts - Create a new Webhook - Update an existing Webhook - Delete a Webhook from the database Check out our online docs http://odoo-webhook.readthedocs.io for a quick reference guide to use the odoo webhooks. webhook rest api restapi restful api restfulapi HTTP GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE methods JSON input and output format JSON input & output format OAuth1 and OAuth2 OAuth1 & OAuth2 OAuth1 OAuth2 endpoints Calling Methods Check Access Rights List Records count Records Inspection and Introspection Inspection Introspection Activate Developer Mode configuration Workflow Manipulations ir.model ir.model.fields Report Printing Print Single Report Print List Reports connection odoo server OAuth applications Consumer Key and Secret Consumer Key & Secret Request Headers Credential Request HTTP callbacks HTTP POST JSON XML Webhook Authentication Webhook Endpoints OAuth1 Authentication OAuth2 Authentication Receive a webhook webhook URL XML/JSON data Webhook Configuration timeout period Dependencies

Odoo Webhook
Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Integrate Walmart marketplace with Odoo. Configure you Walmart store with Odoo. Manage orders, products, etc at Odoo’s end. Walmart integration Walmart Connector Walmart Odoo Bridge Connect Walmart Walmart bridge Walmart to Odoo Manage orders Manage products Import products Import customers Import orders

Walmart Connector Using Multi Channel Sale
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

Google Analytics 4 for eCommerce | GA4 Retail and Ecommerce Events

Odoo Google Analytics 4 eCommerce Tracking
Garazd Creation
Droggol Theme Common

Odoo import Data Import All in one import Invoice import Sales import Inventory import Purchase import stock inventory import Picking import Product image import Customer import serial import lot import bank statement import journal entry import payment

Odoo all import for Sales, Purchase, Invoice, Inventory, Pricelist, BOM, Payment, Bank Statement, Journal Entry, Picking, Product, Customer.
19 497

Change Effective Date in Stock Picking

Change Effective Date
Altela Software