Odoo Apps 22806 Apps found. version: 15.0 ×

odoo Apps will help you to automate Sale/Purchase order into done status if its delivery/shipment in done & invoice is paid,Sale/Purchase done Status,sale summary,sale status, purchase status, sale summary, purchase summary, sale rfq status

Sale/Purchase done Status
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Apps Sale order Line Description in picking purchase order Line Description in picking Sale Line Description in picking purchase Line Description in picking Sale order Line Description in delivery purchase order Line Description in receipt line description

Sale/Purchase order Line Description to Pickings(Shipment/Delivery)

odoo App will add Printed option on Sale/Purchase/Invoice & it will mark when Sale/Purchase/Invoice Report Printed by users, report printed, printed watemark, sale report printed, Purchase report printed, invoice report printed, printed, print watermark, report watermark

Sale/Purchase/Invoice Report Printed
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Confirm, Cancel, Set to Quotation, and Create Invoice your Sale/Quotation from list views

Sale/Quotation Confirm, Cancel, Set to Quotation, and Create Invoice from List View.
Naing Lynn Htun

-Dynamic field mapping from SaleOrder to Project task in Odoo involves automatically transferring data from the saleorder model (sale.order) to the Project task model (project.task). -ensuring that specific fields in the sales model are automatically updated or transferred to corresponding fields in the project task model. -This setup will dynamically map custom fields from saleorder to project task in Odoo, ensuring seamless data synchronization and enhanced workflow automation. -This can be particularly useful when integrating Odoo with other systems or when working with custom modules that require specific field mappings that can change over time.Custom Field Mapping,Dynamic Data Mapping,Dynamic Model Mapping,Model Field Mapping,Dynamic Attribute Mapping,Flexible Field Mapping,Customizable Data Mapping,helpdesk ticket field mapping,ticket to project task field mapping,sale to project task field mapping

SaleOrder to Project Task Dynamic field mapping
Vraja Technologies

-Dynamic field mapping from SaleOrder to purchaseorder in Odoo involves automatically transferring data from the saleorder model (sale.order) to the PurchaseOrder model (purchase.order). -ensuring that specific fields in the sales model are automatically updated or transferred to corresponding fields in the purchase order model. -This setup will dynamically map custom fields from saleorder to purchase order in Odoo, ensuring seamless data synchronization and enhanced workflow automation. -This can be particularly useful when integrating Odoo with other systems or when working with custom modules that require specific field mappings that can change over time.Custom Field Mapping,Dynamic Data Mapping,Dynamic Model Mapping,Model Field Mapping,Dynamic Attribute Mapping,Flexible Field Mapping,Customizable Data Mapping,helpdesk ticket field mapping,ticket to project task field mapping,sale to project task field mapping,dropshipping,sales to purchase

SaleOrder to PurchaseOrder(Dropshipping) Dynamic field mapping
Vraja Technologies

Allows to show delivery order status in sale order.

Saleorder Delivery Status
ErpMstar Solutions

Add delivery status to the list, partial delivery, full delivery

Saleorder Status

Sale Report By Product Category,Point Of Sale Order Report Based On Product Category,Point Of Sale Order From Product Categories,Point Of Sale Order Reports Based On Product Category,POS Report By Product Category Report Odoo

Sales & POS By Category Report | Sales By Product Category Report | Point Of Sale By Category Report
Softhealer Technologies

Sale Invoice Summary Excel,Quotation Summary Report,Point Of Sales Report,Customer Invoice Summary Report,Invoice Analysis Report,Payment Summary Report,Manage Customer Invoice,Sale Receipt Report,POS Order Invoice Summary Odoo

Sales & POS Invoice Summary | Sales Invoice Summary Report | Point Of Sale Invoice Summary
Softhealer Technologies

sales order report app, so analysis, Point Of Sale Analysis, Point Of Sale report, POS Report, Sales Report, quotation information module ,Sales Details Report Odoo

Sales & POS Order Details Report
Softhealer Technologies

sales details by salesperson, Point Of Sale By Salesperson,customer sales report app, sales report by sales amount, due amount sales report, POS Report By User module, sales report by time odoo

Sales & POS Order Report By Salesperson
Softhealer Technologies

Point Of Sale Payment Report, POS payment Wise report app,Sales Order Payment Report, filter different payment type, salesperson amount report, invoice report module,Quotation Payment Report, Point Of Sale Report odoo

Sales & POS Payment Report
Softhealer Technologies

Sales Product Indent Report,Point Of Sale Product Indent Report,POS Indent Report,Point Of Sales Indent Report,Product Sale Indent Report,Sales and POS Product Indent,POS Order Indent,Sale Indent Report Odoo

Sales & POS Product Indent Report | Product Sales Indent Report | Point Of Sale Product Indent Report
Softhealer Technologies

Sale Profit Report,Sale Order Profit Report,SO Profit Report,Product Profitability Analysis Report,Product Profit Analysis,Customer Profit Report,Print POS Profit,Print Point Of Sale Order Profit,POS Order Profit Report Odoo

Sales & POS Product Profit Report | Sales Product Profit Report | Point Of Sale Product Profit Report
Softhealer Technologies

best compare customers app,Point Of Sale Compare Customer,Sale top customers analysis module, high rated clients,Identify New Or Lost Buyer, Feature Of Find Top Customer Odoo, Compare Top Clients Odoo

Sales & POS Top Customers
Softhealer Technologies

best sell products app, Point Of Sale top product, Sale top products analysis,POS Top Sell Product Analysis, Highest Selling Products App, Compare Top Product, Top Selling Product By Date Odoo

Sales & POS Top Selling Product
Softhealer Technologies

Integrate Product Collection and Sales

Sales & Product Collection
T.V.T Marine Automation (aka TVTMA) , Viindoo

Customization of Inventory by Mordent Business Solutions

Sales & Product Scan by Barcode
Mordant Business Solutions

Integrate Sales application with Sales Teams Advanced

Sales - Sales Teams Advanced
T.V.T Marine Automation (aka TVTMA) , Viindoo