Calculates the driving distance between the company and a customer based on Google Maps APIBased on the distance you can quick add shipping costs in one click from the quotation/order.
Default customer in point of sale(pos).
Set list (tree) as a default view for customer in the Sale module
Print customer loyalty cards directly for businesses
Append html notes to customers page
Customer sale advanced payment in sale order
This apps helps to make multi approval workflow process on customer,Vendor.
Give Offers to your customer on his / her birthday
When the dealer ordered a specific product quantity and if it's above the company's pre-defined criteria then A company can allow some special price to the dealer.
Fetch order lines from previous sale orders
This module create the approval request for creating a Customer. | Customer Approval | Approval Request | Customer Request | Approval | Customer | Request | Customer Approve | Approve Request | Partner Approval | Vendor Approval
Account Statement
Customer/Supplier Approval.
Module to allow approval of partners