Softhealer Technologies Apps 201 Apps found. author: Softhealer technologies × version: 9.0 ×

This module is useful to import data from CSV/excel file. All In One Import - Sales, Purchase, Account, Inventory, BOM, CRM Odoo Import Partner From Csv, Import Partner From Excel, Import Partner From XLS, Import Partner From XLSX, Import Product From Csv, Import Product From Excel, Import Product From XLS, Import Product From XLSX, Import Sales From Csv, Import Sale Order From Excel, Import Quotation From XLS, Import so From XLSX, Import Purchase From Csv, Import Purchase Order From Excel, Import Request For Quotation From XLS, Import RFQ From XLSX, Import Account From Csv, Import Invoice From Excel, Import Invoice From XLS, Import Account From XLSX, Import Inventory From Csv, Import Stock From Excel, Import Inventory From XLS, Import Stock From XLSX, Import BOM From Csv, Import Bill Of Material From Excel, Import BOM From XLS, Import Bill Of Material From XLSX, Import CRM From Csv, Import CRM From Excel, Import Lead From XLS, Import Lead From XLSX, Import Bill Of Material From XLSX, Import CRM From Csv, Import CRM From Excel, Import Lead From XLS, Import Lead From XLSX, Import Project From XLSX, Import Project From Csv, Import Task From Excel, Import Reordering Rules From XLS, Import Lead From XLSX Odoo. Import Partner From Csv, Import Product From Excel, Import Sale Order From Csv ,Import Purchase Order From Excel Module,Import Account From Csv, Import Invoice From Excel,Import Inventory From Xls, Import Stock From Xlsx, Import Bill Of Material From CSV, Import CRM From Csv, Import Lead From XLS,Import Project From XLSX, Import Task From Excel, Import Reordering Rules From XLS Odoo. Import Customers/Suppliers Import Product Template Import Product Variant Import Product Image Import Sale Order Import Sale Order Lines Import Stock Inventory Import Stock Inventory With Lot/Serial Number Import Reordering Rules Import Purchase Order Import Purchase Order Lines Import Vendor Details in Product Import Invoice Import Invoice/Bill Lines Import bank statement lines Import Bill of Materials Import Task Import Lead Import Employee Image Import Employee Timesheet Import Internal Transfer Import Customer Image

All In One Import - Partner, Product, Sales, Purchase, Accounts, Inventory, BOM, CRM, Project
Softhealer Technologies
5 261

Default Make QR Module,New Product QR Generate App,Existing Product QR Generate Application, Existing Multi Product QR Create, Custom Product QR Generator,Product QRCode Generator,QRCode Product Odoo

Product QR Code Generator
Softhealer Technologies

This module very useful to give email update to user regarding low stock of product. List of product appear in email with current stock evaluations. Easily define low stock level global for all products or individual product low stock level (qty). On basis of type of mode it will generate email if any product low stock.

Product Low Stock Notification
Softhealer Technologies

Barcode Scanner Package,Sales Barcode Scanner,Purchase Barcode Scanner Module,Account Barcode Scanner,Stock Barcode Scanner,BOM Barcode Scanner,Request For Quotation Barcode Scanner,Bill Barcode Scanner,PO Barcode Scanner,RFQ Barcode Scanner Odoo

All In One Barcode Scanner-Basic | Sale Order Barcode Scanner | Purchase Order Barcode Scanner | Invoice Barcode Scanner | Inventory Barcode Scanner | Bill Of Material Barcode Scanner | Scrap Barcode Scanner | Warehouse Barcode Scanner
Softhealer Technologies

This module useful to make your webpage beutiful with content box snippets.

Timeline Snippets
Softhealer Technologies

Purchase Order Product Filter App, PO Product Search Module, Request For Qotation Product Select, Request For Qotation Product Search, Request For Qotation Product Find,Manage RFQ Products, Purchase Autoparts selection,Purchase Order Auto Parts Odoo

Advance Product Search and Selection in purchase order
Softhealer Technologies

make checklist app, reminder for project checklist, find sub task checklist, remember of important things, project own checklist odoo, project checklist module odoo

Project Own Checklist
Softhealer Technologies

Sale Multi Discount,Accounting Multi Discount,Purchase Multi Discount,Request For Quotation Multi Discount Module, All In One Discount, RFQ Discount, SO Multi Discount, PO Discount Odoo

All in One Multi Discount - Sale, Accounting, Purchase|Sale Order Multiple Discount|Purchase Order Multiple Discount|Invoice Order Multiple Discount
Softhealer Technologies

Import Quotation Lines From CSV Module, Import Quotation Lines From Excel App, Import SO Lines From CSV, import SO Lines From XLS, import sale order line from XLSX Odoo

Import Sale Order Lines from CSV/Excel file
Softhealer Technologies

Currently in odoo all customers are visible to salesperson, For this our module will help to show only specific customers to salesperson.

Salesperson Own Customers
Softhealer Technologies

This module useful to create dynamic fields in purchase orders without any technical knowledge. Easy to use. Specify basic things and fields added in the form view. Purchase Order Custom Fields Odoo, PO Dynamic Field Odoo. Add New Field In RFQ Form View Module, Create Dynamic Field In Request For Quotation, Feature For Add Multiple Fields In PO Odoo. Add PO New Field Module, Make RFQ Dynamic Fields, Create Purchase Order New Field App, Assign Custom Fields Odoo. Edit/Update Request For Quotation Custom Field Odoo.

Purchase Order Custom Fields
Softhealer Technologies

Merchants occasionally have products and services where prices should be hidden for many reasons. These items might free, out of stock or their prices change frequently and need to be verified by phone, email and etc. The product prices will become a consensus between merchants and their customer. Call For Price is a tool with flexible option, you can effectively manage all the product price status by decide which are display, which must be contact to know price. Product that enable call for price will be hide the price and “Add to cart” button, then add a button “Request for quote”. Customer click the button to send price request to merchant.

Request for quotation
Softhealer Technologies

This module useful to create dynamic fields in sales order without any technical knowledge. Easy to use. Specify basic things and fields added in the form view. Sale Order Custom Fields Odoo, SO Dynamic Field Odoo. Add New Field In Quotation Form View Module, Create Dynamic Field In SO, Feature For Add Multiple Fields In Sale Order Odoo. Add Quotation New Field Module, Make SO Dynamic Fields, Create Sale Order New Field App, Assign Custom Fields Odoo. Edit/Update SO Custom Field Odoo.

Sale Order Custom Fields
Softhealer Technologies

Animated Snippets, Animated Snippet, Animated Snipet, Animated Content Box, Animated Box, Animated Blocks, Animated Block, Website Snippet, Animate snippet, Animation Snippet

Animated Snippets
Softhealer Technologies

Counter Snippets, Counter Snippet, Counter Snipet,Counter Blocks,Counter Block,Website Snippet, Counter Box, Counter Content Box.

Counter Snippets
Softhealer Technologies

hover effects Snippets, hover effects Snippet,hover effect Block,hover effects Blocks,Website Snippet, hover effects Snipet, hover effects Box, hover effects Content Box.

hover effects Snippets
Softhealer Technologies

Are you running the store with a large catalog of products? Wanna bring store usability to a new high level? This module is useful to show the category page for the shop. It provides easy catalog images to make the display of categories list more presentable. Grab user's attention on your store page, providing them with the immediate loadable categories listing. The default odoo category bar in the shop doesn't provide a user-friendly way to browse catalogs. Our extension allows you to use better navigation displaying all categories list on the category page. Our module is also useful to show the category name heading on the category page. Easy for customer to navigate different category. Shop Category page, Category page, E-commerce Category page, Odoo Category Page, Website Category page, Shop Catalog page, Catalog page, E-commerce Catalog page, Odoo Catalog Page, Website Catalog page

Website Category Page
Softhealer Technologies

Hide Menu, Disable Menu Item,Invisible Menu, Remove Menu, Delete Menu Odoo, Hide Menu Items,Invisible Root Menu ,Company show hide menu, user hide menu, user limited menu access Odoo

Hide Any Menu
Softhealer Technologies

This module useful to show sale order lines products and other information related to it.

Sale Order To Task
Softhealer Technologies

search exact pattern pos, find exact product name,pos exact product search,pos specific product barcode, search perfect pos screen, point of sale exact product, point of sale same product app

POS Exact Search
Softhealer Technologies