V3CodeStudio Apps 12 Apps found. author: V3codestudio × version: 15.0 ×

Attendance Message | Attendance | Check In Delay Message | Check In Late Message | Employee Late Mark | Employee Delay Mark | Delay Message | Delay Mark | Late Mark | Late Message | Check Out | Check Out Message | HR | Human Resource | Attendance Late Mark | Attendance Leave Early Mark | Early Mark | hr_attendance_message_odoo | attendance_message | attendance | Attendance Mark | Attendance Commant | Attendance Mobile App | V3CodeStudio | V3 Code Stuido.

Attendance Messages

Attendance with Geolocation through V3C Android Mobile Application | Geo Location Mobile App | Attendance with GeoLocation | Attendance Mobile Application | Mobile Application | Mobile App | GeoLocation | Location App | Location Mobile Application | Location Mobile Application | Attendance Mobile App | Attendance | Attendance Geolocation | Employee Geolocation | Employee Attendance Geolocation | Employee Attendance | Attendance Kiosk | V3CodeStudio | V3 Code Studio | Android | iOS.

Attendance Mobile App | Attendance with GeoLocation | Mobile App | Mobile Application

Attendance with Geolocation through the V3C Android Mobile Application. Authenticate using Fingerprint and Face ID | Finterprint Attendance | FaceID Attendance | Biometric Attendance | Authenticate | Fingerprint | Face ID | Fingerprint and Face ID | Authenticate using Fingerprint and Face ID | Geo Location Mobile App | Attendance with GeoLocation | Attendance Mobile Application | Mobile Application | Mobile App | GeoLocation | Location App | Location Mobile Application | Location Mobile Application | Attendance Mobile App | Attendance | Attendance Geolocation | Employee Geolocation | Employee Attendance Geolocation | Employee Attendance | Attendance Kiosk | V3CodeStudio | V3 Code Studio | Android | iOS.

Attendance | Fingerprint or FaceID | Geo Attendance | Biometric Attendance | FaceID Attendance | Finterprint Attendance | Attendance with GeoLocation | Mobile App | Mobile Application

CRM Dashboard provide CRM reports on Android TV Screen.

CRM Dashboard

Contact Management mobile application, It will allow to create contact via mobile application and save to odoo backend server. Contact management | Contact | CRM | Customer | Company

Contact Management

Employee Reports/Letters from Contract | Letters and Certificate | Employee Certificates | Employee Certificate | Employee Letters | HR Certificate | HR Reports | Letters and Certificates | Employee Letter modules provide Letters like Offer Letter, Appointment Letter and Experience Certificate Letter from Employee Contract | Offer Letter | Appointment Letter | Experience Certificate | V3CodeStudio | V3 Code Studio | Mobile App | Mobile Application | Mobile | Odoo | Custom Report | Employee Report.

Employee Letters and Certificate

Letters and Certificates | Certificates and Letters | Employee Letters and Certificates | Employee Certificates and Letters | Employee Certificates | Employee Letters | Dynamic Reports | Business Letter | Formal Letter | Best Employee Certificate | Informal Letter | Official Letter | Circular Letter | Employment Letter | Warning Letter | Create Offer Letter | Print Letters | Print Certificates | generate letter | generate Certificate | Create Certificate | HR Certificate | HR Create Letter | Employment Certificate | Custom Certificate | Custom Letter | Custom Certificate and Letter | Letter | Certificate | Letters and Certificates | Custom Letter and Certificate | V3 Code Studio | Mobile App

Employee Letters and Certificates

Event Manager | Event QR Code | Scan event code | Mobile Application | Evnet Mobile App | Event QR Code Scanner | Event Mobile App Scanner | Event Scanner | QR Code | BarCode | Scanner App | Mobile App | Mobile App Scanner.

Event QR Code Generator | Event Mobile App Scanner

Attendance with Face through V3C Android Mobile Application | Face Mobile App | Attendance with Face | Attendance Mobile Application | Attendance Mobile App | Mobile Application | Mobile App | Face Recognition | Face Recognition App | Attendance Mobile Application | Attendance | Attendance with Face Recognition | Employee Face Attendance | Employee Attendance Face | Employee Attendance | Attendance Kiosk | Face Detection HR Attendance | Attendance Message | Attendance | Mobile App | V3CodeStudio | V3 Code | Studio | Mobile | Odoo in mobile | Android Application.

Face Attendance Mobile App | Face Attendance | Mobile App | Mobile Application

Table Header Multiline | Multiline Header | TableView | ListView | Multiple Line Header | Multiple | Header | Advance Header | Tree View.

Multiline Header

Order Line Product Image | Product Image on Order Line | Order Line Image | Sales Order | Item line image.

Order Line Product Image

Sticky Header & Form Statusbar.

Sticky Header