clean data smart data clean,智能数据清理
Button extension, Click the button in the form view, and the next record will be opened automatically after executing the button method, 表单视图中,可以执行完按钮后自动打开下一条记录
Allow you to easily manage button permissions in Odoo,让您轻松管理odoo中的按钮权限
"Costing Method:Specific identification 成本核算方式,批次计价、个别计价, 批次价格,
Reportbro WYSIWYG report designer
Special editing groups can be set on the field, and others can read only the field,字段设置编辑权限组,其他人只读
The form view can be set to allow modification based on the conditional expression of the fields value,表单视图,可根据字段的条件表达式设置是否允许编辑修改
WYSIWYG report design tool,所见即所得的web报表设计工具
baidu map,百度地图
pinyin search,拼音简码搜索-产品、合作伙伴
product_category_code, categqory sequece, auto generate product default code, 产品分类编码,自动根据上级分类生成完整编码, 产品根据分类序列,自动生成内部编码
purchase enhance采购增强
Purchase Picking Create By Manual 采购手动创建入库单
sale_team_access, 销售团队权限,普通销售员查看自己的订单和客户, 团队管理元查看团队的订单和客户, 销售经理查看所有的订单和客户
sale_portal_product_image, Display Product Image for portal sale order, 门户销售订单显示产品图片